2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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Like I said, The Thunder have the edge because they have the two best players in the series, however because of their lack of overall talent, it puts an immense amount of pressure on KD and Russ to be exceptional in all aspects. Scoring and playmaking. If either of them isn't doing one of those things in an efficient manner, OKC is in trouble due to their lack of overall depth and creativity from a talent perspective.
OKC just doesn't get enough easy shots. Frustrating to watch.

They try but if guys miss a few times in a row it turns back into Russ/KD iso hero ball. I still would like to see one of the young bucks out there get a look at guarding Reddick.
Song sucks.

At no point have I felt that the Thunder had a chance of winning this game tonight. This is sad
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