2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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Man.. I really like PG24's game, man.

DC really needs something like that to be a real contender

Beal? :nerd:
pg is taking over. this is cleveland lebron vs pistons. defining moment in his career
You skipped the part when I said I don't think that's the case. Guard shutting him down was your argument. If Paul can do it so can Wall and every other player who defends on CPs level. How can you defend a MVP with 9 inch hight advantage getting shut down in a playoff game? I'm not giving KD a pass by blaming his coach for that. I guess since Paul can shut him down and Brooks is so bad KD is done for this series right?
My argument was pretty simple. I didn't defend anything nor am I giving anyone a pass. KD and the coach deserve blame. I'm not understanding how you don't understand what I said. Again KD and the coach deserve blame. Your saying asinine stuff like if Chris Paul can shut KD down then so can Wall. Wall is nowhere near the player of defender that Paul is. How many other PG's defend at Paul's level? How many other PG's compete as hard as Paul? Maybe 1 or 2 and Wall is not one of them.
Curious George looking like he was at the start of the season when dudes starting saying he was the second best player in the league.
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