I don't have time to hate on a player, I appreciate greatness while it's in front of me cause when it's gone I don't want to regret not appreciating that. It's more so the vast majority of the not knowledgeable fan base that's overrun here in South FLA, that feels the need to defend everything these dudes do like they never do anything wrong or face criticism. Not just with LBJ, Wade especially is Teflon even though he's a scumbag that's literally milking LBJ for everything he has and takes half the season off cause he can now.
Even at the height of his CLE popularity, I don't remember the batsignal going out everytime here and Belle, AnimalThug, or SenatorJeff coming out to defend the guy (maybe OC though...RIP). I don't think anyone here is on Bron's payroll.
But when digs are taken at other great superstars in their own right, ie KD, and someone brings up hey Dirk has given it to the best of the best before on a much bigger stage...somehow it's a problem...ok.
Ya boy UnchartedKing said he didn't guard him, clearly he did even if it wasn't the main guy. I won't even bring up JET punking LBJ cause it's not relevant to the discussion, wait I just did.