2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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There's like 7 specific NTers who just **** their pants and pissed down their leg at the mere sight of this
 Good stuff. I just find it crazy how Sacramento's trash (Patterson, Vasquez, and Salmons) have made the Raptors such a deep team. Then again, I'm sure those guys just needed a new system to thrive.

I'm guessing you don't share the same sentiment for Johnny Salmons tho. 
I know the Kings took a lot of heat for the Gay trade but before this season I never would have guessed Patterson, Vasquez, Salmons, and Hayes would have been enough to get Rudy Gay either, so its a little give and take, especially with Gay actually playing pretty well for the Kings.

Its just unfortunate that the wins haven't come for us yet, and for Toronto as soon as they got rid of Gay they blew up like gangbusters 
 and I feel like people look at the comparison in wins-losses since the trade and automatically deem the Kings losers in the deal when really the trade has been pretty solid for us.
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