2011 New York Jets Season Thread ( 8-8 ) SHOTTY STEPS DOWN , PLAYERS BASH SANCHEZ ....

This team isn't last year teams though...We are extremely lucky we are not 1-3 right now.  Our run game isn't what it was last year and Sanchez is being totally exposed now.

Y'all called me negative and said I was a hater...Nah, I just keep it real (it happens when your team's are the Mets, Jets and Knicks
This team isn't last year teams though...We are extremely lucky we are not 1-3 right now.  Our run game isn't what it was last year and Sanchez is being totally exposed now.

Y'all called me negative and said I was a hater...Nah, I just keep it real (it happens when your team's are the Mets, Jets and Knicks
Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

how Tannebaum couldnt get ONE veteran back  up o lineman this whole offseason is a joke, starting to lose a lot of confidence in Mark, cant really defend dude ne more

it's real tough to defend him after this game.  only thing i'll say is this  he needs to get it together and get it together quick.   this is his 3rd season and some of the mistakes and bad play is just flatout inexcusable at this point.   im not going to panic over this game but it left a bad taste in my mouth.    this crappy game happened against the ravens defense and they've made better qb's in the league look bad as well.    like i said earlier i just hope they can show me something next week, the patriots defense is crap so i wanna see sanchez playing decent. win or lose  i just wanna see them play a decent ballgame next week.  i've never been one to panic about a team playing crappy early in the year but alot needs to be fixed and hopefully it starts asap.
Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

how Tannebaum couldnt get ONE veteran back  up o lineman this whole offseason is a joke, starting to lose a lot of confidence in Mark, cant really defend dude ne more

it's real tough to defend him after this game.  only thing i'll say is this  he needs to get it together and get it together quick.   this is his 3rd season and some of the mistakes and bad play is just flatout inexcusable at this point.   im not going to panic over this game but it left a bad taste in my mouth.    this crappy game happened against the ravens defense and they've made better qb's in the league look bad as well.    like i said earlier i just hope they can show me something next week, the patriots defense is crap so i wanna see sanchez playing decent. win or lose  i just wanna see them play a decent ballgame next week.  i've never been one to panic about a team playing crappy early in the year but alot needs to be fixed and hopefully it starts asap.
Carson Palmer...(I got heat for this in the Ravens vs Jets Thread, I don't know why)
He would come in here and get 25 + TD's easily, spread our offense, and make us a more dynamic team. We gave Sanchez the reigns to this team way to early, obviously he hasn't showed much maturation throughout his time. He's frigid and timid, we have got to do something. The Jets defense will not last forever, we have good WR's and RB's but we lack the most important component of the game...a good quarterback. Honestly am I bugging?
Carson Palmer...(I got heat for this in the Ravens vs Jets Thread, I don't know why)
He would come in here and get 25 + TD's easily, spread our offense, and make us a more dynamic team. We gave Sanchez the reigns to this team way to early, obviously he hasn't showed much maturation throughout his time. He's frigid and timid, we have got to do something. The Jets defense will not last forever, we have good WR's and RB's but we lack the most important component of the game...a good quarterback. Honestly am I bugging?
I just feel like we Mangold back, a better presence on the D line.. which I think Wilkerson can be... And rethink our RB position.. don't think Greene is still the answer.. only so much LT can do.. and he has been good.
I just feel like we Mangold back, a better presence on the D line.. which I think Wilkerson can be... And rethink our RB position.. don't think Greene is still the answer.. only so much LT can do.. and he has been good.
I'm prepared for 4 straight losses. That O-Line is horrible. Sanchez has a nack for panicking when things don't go his way. After peeping last nights game I hope the season continues to get worse for Sanchez sake. He needs to be put on his %$*. He has the tools he just doesn't have the grit yet. Our defense was AWESOME.
I'm prepared for 4 straight losses. That O-Line is horrible. Sanchez has a nack for panicking when things don't go his way. After peeping last nights game I hope the season continues to get worse for Sanchez sake. He needs to be put on his %$*. He has the tools he just doesn't have the grit yet. Our defense was AWESOME.
4 games in and I am not jumping anyway.

But this team has many issues that I do not think can be saved for this season.

O-Line is just Horrible. Even with Mangold and Brick, The rest of the line has been a penalty nightmare and gaping hole nightmare. (I expected it from Slauson and Hunter, but motherfing Brandon Moore???!!!!)That just leads to the Running Game being non existent. It is not Greene or LT even (Who lets be honest, has become a screen back for short passes out of the backfield at this point) that are not running, Its our line not protecting to let them run.

And sadly Mark Sanchez is on the Chad Pennington leash. I like Mark a lot. Even got an authentic this year. But he will never be allowed to air the ball out especially with the receivers we have (Who btw, are WR that go DEEP).

I think compared to last week, Bryan Thomas was a HUGE loss in the game last night and I think the only bright side to it was Aaron Maybin played in one night better than Vernon Gholston ever did for the Jets. This Jets team just does not have the backups (both offensively and Defensively) that are needed to keep a team going. I think we will be 2-3 coming home to Miami but I am not writing the season off yet. I think this team can get 10 wins out of some where even with the issues they have currently. But It is not looking good right now
4 games in and I am not jumping anyway.

But this team has many issues that I do not think can be saved for this season.

O-Line is just Horrible. Even with Mangold and Brick, The rest of the line has been a penalty nightmare and gaping hole nightmare. (I expected it from Slauson and Hunter, but motherfing Brandon Moore???!!!!)That just leads to the Running Game being non existent. It is not Greene or LT even (Who lets be honest, has become a screen back for short passes out of the backfield at this point) that are not running, Its our line not protecting to let them run.

And sadly Mark Sanchez is on the Chad Pennington leash. I like Mark a lot. Even got an authentic this year. But he will never be allowed to air the ball out especially with the receivers we have (Who btw, are WR that go DEEP).

I think compared to last week, Bryan Thomas was a HUGE loss in the game last night and I think the only bright side to it was Aaron Maybin played in one night better than Vernon Gholston ever did for the Jets. This Jets team just does not have the backups (both offensively and Defensively) that are needed to keep a team going. I think we will be 2-3 coming home to Miami but I am not writing the season off yet. I think this team can get 10 wins out of some where even with the issues they have currently. But It is not looking good right now
offensive line lost this game last night.

not being able to contain the rush, pick up the blitz , thats what killed us. sanchez was rushed into everything. ravens just plain and simple threw a beatin on us .....

running game gotta get moving already ......
offensive line lost this game last night.

not being able to contain the rush, pick up the blitz , thats what killed us. sanchez was rushed into everything. ravens just plain and simple threw a beatin on us .....

running game gotta get moving already ......
so many words to describe how bad last night was

sunday is a big game and we have to come back strong!!

Hope Sanchez and the Jets are ready because if not it could more bad then last night
so many words to describe how bad last night was

sunday is a big game and we have to come back strong!!

Hope Sanchez and the Jets are ready because if not it could more bad then last night
With our horrendous o-line and playing Wilkfork & company if sanchez is not dead I will be surprised.

I now understand the our o-line the last 2 year was the main reason we won

We need Manigold very bad. Baxter seems like he can only protect for 1 quarter. Hunter I had no idea he would be this bad

I wonder when will Holmes get open
With our horrendous o-line and playing Wilkfork & company if sanchez is not dead I will be surprised.

I now understand the our o-line the last 2 year was the main reason we won

We need Manigold very bad. Baxter seems like he can only protect for 1 quarter. Hunter I had no idea he would be this bad

I wonder when will Holmes get open
Originally Posted by LA KB24

so many words to describe how bad last night was

sunday is a big game and we have to come back strong!!

Hope Sanchez and the Jets are ready because if not it could more bad then last night

i feel alot better about them going against new england then i did baltimore to be honest with you.    im not saying the ravens are a better team then the patriots  but matchup wise baltimore gives the jets nightmares.  i'm confident sanchez will look better in new england then he did last night especially if mangolds back.  the patriots defense is mediocre and it will show on sunday. that said the way the jets defense has been looking brady is going to do work.  either way though  im not going to panic this early in the season. 
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