2009 NBA Hall of Fame Ceremony post.

What a shock Adrian Wojnarowski wrote that
...he's the ultimate hater...just read some of his past stuff
Really liked David Robinson's speech. I liked when he praised Tim as the answer to his prayers. I can see that there's a deep genuine friendshipbetween them. I also loved how he and Stockton listed the best things about their kids - really encouraging and loving. I thought I learned something Ididn't know about DRob and Stock who I watched all their careers. Great speeches from these two - very sincere and gracious.
Stockton and the Admiral had great speeches. Sloan's gave you a sense of how he became the coach he did.
good speech ... def had me
... dude just wanted to win so bad ... that fire coupled w/ that talent ... damn i wish more players had his heart
congrats to everyone who made...mike especially one of the greatest to play
...you took basketball to another level

stock and d.rob i hated you guys but you guys deserve it...you guys are class acts...i never knew stockton was funny
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

why the +!@+ was isiah thomas there... with that smug on his face.

he was there because john stockton chose him as his sponsor....why? i don;t know... i think it had to do with the fact that they were both point guards thatplayed with intensity..... he did say during his speech that he and isiah don't know much about each other but he knew isiah was a great PG so that'sprob why he picked him BTW...did anybody catch that moment during stockton's speech when he said something about a mentor telling him that now thathe's in the NB/A, there'd be the distraction of women, and the camera got a shot of isiah with his smerk.... oh yeah, nobody mentioned about the womensbasketball coach that also got inducted, i thought her speech was the best of the night....
Anybody see this article? http://sports.yahoo.com/n...;prov=yhoo&type=lgns
It talks about how petty and vengeful jordan was during his speech. How he 'picked on' van guny, isiah and byron russell and that he was just remindingpeople how good he was. I thought he gave enough praise to people and he was the witty and charismatic jordan but this writer sounds tight.
I took Jordans Speech as an explanation of how he became who he was, and why he always had the will to win and get better. I saw nothing wrong with it. Ithinks its important that we know how the greatest of all time was so good. How he won so much. Now we know why. It was because of the Pat Rileys, IsiahThomas's, Magic Johnsons, Byron Russells, Jeff Van Gundy's, and Dean Smith's that we ( who were fortunate enough to watch him play ) were able tosee the most mind shattering plays ever. Why We were able to have so many awesome memories, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It was because of those people(that some on here think Michael called out), that Michael became who he was. It was great to hear all those feelings from Michael. It was awesome to know whyhe was so competitive. I didnt see those comments as insults, but as a Thank You.

This guy is the greatest basketball player of all time. As Charles Barkley said, Basketball became big because of Michael. He deserved to let these feelingsout and The Hall of Fame was the place to do it.

And btw, I had tears in my eyes watching his tribute video. Brought back so many memories. This coming from a huge Rockets fan, whose favorite player all timeis Hakeem Olajuwon.
jordan is kind of a prick. I thought some parts were pretty disrespectful. He's still the greatest ever though
Originally Posted by Backirvine

I liked the part of the speech that went something like this:

"Tex was always a perfectionist. There was one game when we were down by about 5 points in the 4th quarter. I took over and scored about 25 points and we won the game. Afterwards Tex said to me 'Michael there's no I in team'. I turned to him and said 'But Tex, there is an I in win.'"
i enjoyed every minute of michael's speech. thank you again for the memories!
MJ's speech was awesome. Basically i'm that dude, i know this,you know this, and those that didn't i made sure they did, and those that doubted i made sure they regretted it.
" i scored something like the last 20 points to win the game and tex winters comes over to me to say there's no i in team......and i responded thereis an i in win" - mj

he said that when initially being inducted. that is mj in a nutshell.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

MJ's speech was awesome. Basically i'm that dude, i know this, you know this, and those that didn't i made sure they did, and those that doubted i made sure they regretted it.

I took Jordans Speech as an explanation of how he became who he was, and why he always had the will to win and get better. I saw nothing wrong with it. I thinks its important that we know how the greatest of all time was so good. How he won so much. Now we know why. It was because of the Pat Rileys, Isiah Thomas's, Magic Johnsons, Byron Russells, Jeff Van Gundy's, and Dean Smith's that we ( who were fortunate enough to watch him play ) were able to see the most mind shattering plays ever. Why We were able to have so many awesome memories, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It was because of those people (that some on here think Michael called out), that Michael became who he was. It was great to hear all those feelings from Michael. It was awesome to know why he was so competitive. I didnt see those comments as insults, but as a Thank You.

This guy is the greatest basketball player of all time. As Charles Barkley said, Basketball became big because of Michael. He deserved to let these feelings out and The Hall of Fame was the place to do it.

And btw, I had tears in my eyes watching his tribute video. Brought back so many memories. This coming from a huge Rockets fan, whose favorite player all time is Hakeem Olajuwon.

^^^^ON POINT!!!!^^^^
Jordan spent more time pointlessly admonishing Van Gundy and Russell for crossing him with taunts a dozen years ago than he did singling out his three children. When he finally acknowledged his family, Jordan blurted, in part, to them, "I wouldn't want to be you guys."

Well, um, thanks Dad. He meant it, too. If not the NBA, he should've thought of his children before he started spraying fire at everyone.

this is why i respect stockton and d.rob more, even though i enjoyed watching jordan more during my childhood years. stockton and robinson are sohumble and down to earth and not the ingrate that jordan is.
Well to be fair, most Jordan fans already know almost everything about him. Just go watch the Ultimate Michael Jordan dvds. He stated that in the beginning ofhis speech, what do we not know about the guy? We already know how much his parents meant to him and etc... I personally felt it was interesting to hear himtalk about all those stories that might be offensive to some. I would sit for hours just to hear Jordan talk about his battles. Do we really want to hear himtalk about being cut in HS?
Worst of all, he flew his old high school teammate, Leroy Smith, to Springfield for the induction. Remember, Smith was the upperclassman his coach, Pop Herring, kept on varsity over him as a high school sophomore. He waggled to the old coach, "I wanted to make sure you understood: You made a mistake, dude."
He flew dude out just to clown him!!!!!

See this is the Michael I know.... Cocky, arrogant, poppin mad %#%!, and ego-maniac (Loved every bit of it) and everyone else loved Michael.....


Let Kobe sneeze while taking the ball out of bounds, and he is classless and a fake wanna be MJ..

people are funny

anyway MJ you the best man! Long Live The King!!!!!
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Jordan spent more time pointlessly admonishing Van Gundy and Russell for crossing him with taunts a dozen years ago than he did singling out his three children. When he finally acknowledged his family, Jordan blurted, in part, to them, "I wouldn't want to be you guys."

Well, um, thanks Dad. He meant it, too. If not the NBA, he should've thought of his children before he started spraying fire at everyone.
this is why i respect stockton and d.rob more, even though i enjoyed watching jordan more during my childhood years. stockton and robinson are so humble and down to earth and not the ingrate that jordan is.

The thing is everybody knows Jordan's life, we all know how much his parents meant to him, brothers, family etc. Its good to hear somethingnew, people would've been hella bored if he told the same story again. People are so sensitive, money is getting inducted into the hall of fame he can saywhatever he wants. People will remember when he did on the court & now his funny speech.
so nobody thought jordan came off as a prick? Nobody thought he was disrespectful? And you guys have the balls to hate on lebron and kobe!? Just becausehe's the greatest ever, doesn't mean he should act like a giant piece of crap.

The reason he's so mad about van gundy's "con man" comment is because he knew van gundy was partially correct. That's why it hurt him somuch.
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