[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

wow this sucks

if he leaves, we gotta go after Grant Hill, Matrix, or Artest

Trev is good, but not 8 mill good.

times like these make me mad that we threw so much bread at Sasha and Luke instead of Ronny and Trevor
Matrix would be a horrible fit in L.A., dude is straight buns.

Artest I cant see as a good fit either, unless he changes up the shot selection. Also, he is slowing down with age, I'd take Battier over Artest right nowif he was a FA.

Grant Hill I can see as a fit, sign a 1 year deal for cheap and resign Odom.

But honestly... if it isnt broke, dont fix it. Never understood why an athelete leaves a team right after they win the Championship, knowing they could win 2or 3 more.

Damn it Trev
Sorry folks but there's no way LA can keep Odom and Ariza plus give KB and extension this yr or next...they have the 2nd highest payroll right now, withboth of those guys being FAs! Ariza definitely is going after $ now but I don't see him getting an 7-8 mil contract. He's not worth it. Odom will wanthis share of $ too. LA spent too much on Bynum IMO...they shouldve waited it out before giving him that much...
I don't understand, Cavs only want to give him the same amount as the Lakers, why would he even think of going there?

If he wants to leave because of money then leave to another team, taking the same money yet leaving to the Cavs will end up biting him in the !##, I guaranteeit.

SMH if he goes to Portland as well.

I'm fine with Trevor leaving. If he doesn't care about winning another title and just wants the money, let this dude walk. As long as he doesn't goto a good team, but makes alot of money i'll be fine with that.

Lakers better try and get someone decent in his place though if they expect to repeat.
I know this has been discussed but it wasnt quite clear if it was possible or not.

If Kobe takes a paycut, cant the Lakers keep both Odom and Ariza?
^ I don't think so. If Phil doesn't stay, they'd be saving a couple of Mil as well, but according to Mitch that has nothing to do with the amountof money they could offer Ariza/Odom.

I'm fine with phil staying, and i'm fine with Kobe not taking a pay cut, there's no way people can pin this on Kobe.

If Lakers REALLY wanted to offer this dude that much they would.

Let us not forget Odom stating he'd take a pay cut as well. Didn't he make 14 million this past season? I heard they could only offer him somewherearound 8 max next season?
Well then lets look at the bigger picture then....

Keep Phil, Kobe and Odom or ditch one of them and keep Ariza?

Im sorry but if Ariza wants to leave....then *$$* 'em.

I wonder if we could get Marvin Williams for the MLE?
I think the Lakers are fine without Ariza asuming Bynum lasts the whole season and improves (Could be wrong smh)

Farmar needs to start somewhat to develop even further and we don't have to worry about Kobe or Gasol as far as getting the job done.

Lakers just need to pick someone decent up in Trevors place.

I want him to stay, but if he leave for the wrong reasons then !$@@ him.

Lakers are going to try to repeat one way or another.
Originally Posted by dirtyxcanto

According to a Twitter post by Yahoo's Adrian Wojnarowski, Trevor Ariza will become a very rich man at the hands of the team that loses out on Hedo Turkoglu.
League executives believe Portland or Toronto, whichever team does not sign Turkoglu, will offer Ariza between $32 million and $40 million deal.



Peace out Trev...good luck wherever you end up.
Man I love Ariza as a player. My second fave on the Lakers actually, but he can be replaced. Average, albeit athletic defender, but can't create his ownshot for %#*%. Much rather grab both G. Hill and Anthony Parker/Marquise Daniels for probably less than what Ariza will get. Ariza greatly benefited fromplaying with Kobe/Pau/Odom. That said, I would still love it if comes back.
^Um, no. Maybe, average to good? His man to man defense is not that great. Just because he gets a lot of steals does not make him a great defender. Heespecially has trouble against the bigger small forwards, as he doesn't have the strength to match up with them. And he's also not very good at stayingin front of the faster guys. IMO very good off the ball D, and average on the ball.
okay i confess that i havent studied him as in depth as you have, but why does he guard the best perimeter player on the other team even with kobe on thefloor? is this just because kobe gets too tired??
Yeah, that is the main reason why, but if the game is close late you'll often see Kobe guarding the likes of Melo, Lebron, Pierce. Main thing thatseparates Kobe and Trev is Kobe's superior footwork. IMO Kobe can be a lockdown defender when he wants to be. However, he tends to help off and leavelesser players open. More so due to a lackadaisical attitude. When he is matched up against another star (Melo, Lebron) he tends to play pretty damn gooddefense. And it's not like I'm trying to rag on Ariza, but in reality his man to man defense isn't that good. Then again, not many swingmen aregreat on ball defenders. A few that I can think of off the top are Artest, Battier, Bowen, etc. Once again, I would LOVE to have Trevor back, but others canreplace what he does.
he won his ring, the main goal of a nba player, now it is time to get paid, cant be mad at him... would YOU take 5 years/30 mil.. or pottentially 5 years/40-50mil... could you give up 10-20 mil that easily? especially after you accomplished the main goal of getting a nba championship?
Man.. Im hearing so much, this is crazy.. Jerry Buss and Big Dog Mitch better figure things out, I never understood why they let good players go. Take therisk, your gonna see you money come back to ya'll. Re-signing them guarantees us a spot in the western conference finals, if not the Finals. Once they makeit that far, they should have gotten their money back from advancing in the playoffs. They need to stop being cheap and take some risk. And they needed toknow, if somehow we dont sign Odom or Ariza and dont pick-up Artest or that sign&trade for Nate Boogie, then your def. gonna be hearing Kobe say he wantsto be trade or something, your gonna hear his mouth, one way or another... so just please the man and keep it moving..

And during the whole playoffs, all you heard is how bad ODOM and Ariza wanted to stay and play in LA. And how if it came down to it, they were BOTH willing totake pay-cuts (esp. ODOM). So..what's the problem? What's wrong now? Don't go back on your word now. And Ariza was talking how much he wanna stayin LA, its his home town and how much he likes KObe and Learns so much from him, etc.
Take them pays cuts!!! I don't understand why players/coaches, owners, ect like to mess up championship caliber teams.. why? why mess up the formula? thatsnuts in my eyes.

I think they should give MBenga's money to both Odom and Ariza (split It) and have him pay the Lakers for even playing on the team!!! LOL nah.

They should have never give all these dudes these major signing bonuses, the ydef. better learn from there mistakes... thanks lukey and Sasha. Some Dudes needto get their contact reconstructed!!! word to L. Sprewell!

But otherwise... I want Both Of them to stay, I dont want one to leave, then we can get Artest, Nate Boogie or anybody Nice... I def. dont want us gettingGrant Hill, he is too old, he was almost in his prime when was in the 4th-5th.....im 20!! He needs to retire gracefully, he's a good player and somehowstill has decent seasons, but he can not replace a Odom or Ariza, if we take the risk, he might pull a Mutumbo on us....minus the finger.
I don't see Ariza leaving.. If he does it's time for Bynum to start earning that new contract of his.
It's time to come to a realization that Trevor is going to leave.

Yes, we all love the dude (pause) but he is replacable.

It's harder to let go of a homegrown talent like him, but let the man get paid.

& I will also add to lessen the blow: just put it in your heads that he's bout to have what 4 teams in 6 years, it was his contract year and he showedup.

Trevor is an average shooter and an average defender. He got away from his slashing style that we admired from him and became mostly a jumpshooter.

He was always in the right place in the right time due to his gambling defense.

He's gone, dude bout to get paper
Originally Posted by bright nikes

It's time to come to a realization that Trevor is going to leave.

Yes, we all love the dude (pause) but he is replacable.

It's harder to let go of a homegrown talent like him, but let the man get paid.

& I will also add to lessen the blow: just put it in your heads that he's bout to have what 4 teams in 6 years, it was his contract year and he showed up.

Trevor is an average shooter and an average defender. He got away from his slashing style that we admired from him and became mostly a jumpshooter.

He was always in the right place in the right time due to his gambling defense.

He's gone, dude bout to get paper

he really isn't ... lakers need to offer him more he's earned it
What are you talking about he isn't?

The only way he gets offered any deal is if we get rid of Sasha.

Ariza will get paid, and it's not by Buss.
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