'12 Bulls

Played like %#*$ and still got the win.
D. Rose & Lu coming through in the clutch.
Boozer looked competent today and he even made a defensive adjustment today. I almost shed a tear.

Where the boards at though? We can't get dominated on the boards by Troy Murphy and McBob.

Entire Basement Went Nuts When That Floater Went Through The Rim.

I was geeked when I saw him size Fisher up... I Yelled "KILL HIS
" and sure enough
Good teams find ways to win. I'll be honest, early in the 4th i thought it was over.......but i love it when these boys prove me wrong.
I will sleep well tonight! Another comeback win from da Bulls...Deng's play was beyond words tonight. ALthough Rose dropped the GW, I gotta give MVP to Deng tonight, at least a 50/50 split between the two.

Did yall check the title? I told ya so
Ill be honest..when we were down by 8, I thought the lead was going to grow for the Lakers
 I kept getting up from the dinner table at my grandma's house to catch the game.

D.Rose is clutch! That last shot with 4 seconds to go literally had me like
 D. Rose with that shot was nearly the same caliber and equally as devestating as Jordan shooting that jumper over Ehlo

Great win for the Bulls. We could have played much better, but we got it done. Time to do work on the Warriors
Best part of the game,,, rose being efficent only taking 13 shots, while making 9 shots...

i felt like if he wanted to he could take over the game at any time

The season is a hectic season, so if he could limit taking all the shots, he will be good when we have back to back games
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Entire Basement Went Nuts When That Floater Went Through The Rim.

I was geeked when I saw him size Fisher up... I Yelled "KILL HIS
" and sure enough

the roof came off my cousins apartment!! Game 1 out of 66 and i almost had a heart attack. but dammit it was 
Only 2 preseason games and 1st game of the regular season, so some playing slopy is kind of expected, Loul Deng is that dude, I've always liked him. Boozer had a soild effort tonight. Ronnie Brewer might have became my fav bench mob. I expect Rip to play better, but those fouls tonight took him out of rhytm. DRose is a true MVP pure $$$, he should have looked to take more shots tonight. Korver is a straight bum, he needs to go, whats the point of him being there, if he cant knock down the open 3. But 1-0 baby
Deng shot like @%%+ I will not let him off the hook.
Noah too 3-12? Who gave him the green light.
Rose should have shot more.
Can't kill korver and give rip a pass I'm just saying.

But team D is the real winner today
Deng's defense was killer today. Makes up for whatever he didn't do on offense. Plus he got the steal that led to the winning shot, and the block that sealed it. He also was perfect from the line after Boozer bricked 3 of 4 late in the game.

Rip was taken out of rhythm by the early foul trouble, and even later, he got a couple ticky-tack fouls that were pretty weak. He'll be fine.

Boozer will be fine too. The Fisher block was when he had the ball low and was bringing it up. Don't know why ya'll trippin' about that.

In the end, in the 3rd to late 4th quarter, the Bulls played about as poorly as an NBA team can, and still came out on top. I know it wasn't pretty, but they did it. Can't imagine they show up with many more performances like that this year.
Actually I liked were the offense was. That second quarter execution was simply breathtaking. We became a jump shooting team in the second half, and it hurt. They were playing great D the entire second half though. Even with a difference of 10 we had only allowed 30 second half points. And allowed 36 in total

Its clear that Rose is going to shoot the same amount of 3's as last year, that's going to be good early, cause he has his legs. Im curious as to what happens when they lose a bit of bounce like they did late last season.
I feel like the Bulls and Tom is thinking that if I play Rose 33 minutes a game, spare him heavy minutes on back to backs, and Watson plays well. Then we will survive. A part of me thought that Tibbs was going to let the game slide just cause they didn't want to end up exhausted at the end of this 5 in 8 stretch. But after Watson and Brewer ( who has a lot more confidence in his jumper than I have ever seen) missed a couple they went and won the game.
Its a short trip, and that was the reason for the early sub of Rose back into the game.

Player grades:
Rose A- Look it would be an A+ but when a guy avoids driving the majority of the game thats bound to be a long term issue if it continues.

Rip C+ Overall solid debut but 2 things became clear. Luol is always going to take the tougher matchup, and against the Heat were more vulnerable to Wade than we were last year. If Rip is going to score then it makes them a better team, but this is still a process for integrating Rip.

Luol: A+ Shot selection wasn't great, but Luol's shot selection is never great. More or less this is his role, 18-22 points, great crunch time D,
and stay healthy playing the most minutes. Any time Luol does that its an A+ game for him.

Boozer: B+ All things considered this was a pretty darn good game for him. He isnt going to shoot as much nor as well against teams that defend him with 7 footers. We @%%@% about his slipping of screens, but that late game slip was poetry in motion, and his ability to finish on the move with the left or right is what makes him special off screens. He wasn't a black hole, and his passing is inspired, if not always functional. At times last season they didn't run enough plays for him, but with the shooting today it might have been a good idea.
Liked the hustle for the block on that great McRoberts cut. His rip through is still too slow, and he leaves himself vulnerable to guys coming in for the strip, and those turnovers are an issue.

Joakim: C+ energy was there, the length of Gasol, and to a lesser extent MCRoberts bothered him on the boards. Cant say the activity level wasn't good though. Game said more about the Lakers bigs than it said about Noah imo
Watson: B+ Still too many jumpers, and defensive mistakes. But this guy has a lot to like in a backup pg. I think his role off the bench will change as the season goes on. I think he is going to get the green light more.

Brewer: B More jumpshots than wanted, but if teams arent going to respect him when he takes 7 of em at a respectable percentage he isn't going to get to the hole off the dribble. I'm hoping that he shoots them with the same confidence, cause the truth is that Brewer will see a lot of minutes on nights where Rip struggles on D. This guy just fits though, and its his versatility that makes him the ultimate bench guy when he is playing well. Brewer could average 20 if he could shoot, I'm just hoping with extended bench minutes he gets to 10 with his 3 position D.

Asik: C+ He doesn't look healthy or in shape, but this kid is tough. I guess his grade is incomplete in reality, but I'm only judging what I saw.
Its going to be a month or so before he gets in shape and confident with his leg, and against bigger teams, its going to need to be more of him and Noah.

Gibson: D I don't know what it is about him, but I hate his offensive game. He shoots too many jumpers, doesn't get on the post against guys who at worse are as strong as he is. Its a rarity to see him pass the ball in a shot creating manner, and they put him in a position to have to score. If your going to give him as many touches has they do, he has to get on the post. But maybe I'm too harsh on a guy who I never saw as a legitimate replacement for Tyrus. Bad turnovers shot selection and excellent future pick and all this team - Korver, and Gibson + late first rounder is better cause Tyrus is only playing 25 minutes anyway.

Korver: Obsolete. He is pointless in a 15 minute role, but isn't worthy of more. Running plays for him is pointless, although its the way he scores best. I would have preferred to pay Tyrus his money, and not have him but I cant deny his 20+ points in a couple games is going to win us those games.
I was on the road last night so couldn't catch any of the game. But my sports app was updating me and it said Rip had 22 while Rose only had 6
2011-2012 NBA Christmas Day Season Opener
Chicago Bulls @ Los Angeles Lakers /// December 25th, 2011 /// Photos



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celebrities in attendance

Lil Wayne

Kanye West
great comeback ...

too early in the season to start gravedigging ... kept telling kids how valuable deng is to the team ...


RIP needs to do his thing ...

still early ... just happy to get the W

if rose is gonna shoot like that ... then i'll be extremely happy
I think it's been overlooked how much Tom Thibodeau has grown. Down 1, got the ball back, time for 1 good possession... I'm almost sure he would've called time out last year to draw a play...but instead he trusts his players to get into their O themselves.

If Thibs had called the time out I'm sure they would've put Kobe on Rose or something like that.
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