12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

C'mon, we need to end the debate.
D-Bag of the Ring, Club vs im that one in a Lion's Den Match!!!

that'll be the main event of our next show while you're assigned to jerking the curtain against Mason.Support



dragging me into this 

This was a fun event even though the venue seemed really small.

@ Punk arguing with a fan after the cameras were off.
The site that used to carry a boat load of wrestling footage. Current dating all the way back to the 80's.

Its banned from saying here apparently
This world I tell you.
Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

when i was reading that hymen was going for a ssp i was thinking this in my mind  

ppv imo, I didn't really have high expectations though.

I bet Vince uses Cena not being on the card as the reason for low buy rates.
Just finished watching the replay & I was not impressed with the card.

The Ziggler & Punk match were the only ones I enjoyed.

I just got home from work to see the travesty that happened at NTWE

but its ok because we all know its an honor to walk in to the Rumble #1 and TennHouse2 will be the first ever to walk in Number 1 and be the last man standing in the ring
PPV prediction contest results will be posted tonight. I just need to rewatch the TLC match to get who used the ladder as a weapon first.
The TLC match went longer than the HHH match by 12 seconds.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by im that one


revamped. u might be up there with veintisiete and noble as the top heel in this company
come on ghims, stop looking at your IC title. you aren't thinking clearly.

noble is a hack who goes for shock value only. the most value NTWEF gets from him is setting up the ring apron. He FINALLY gets a win with the help of someone else, a team. A team is for someone who individually can't hold his own. So big shock he's in a tag team. Only thing i know about is Team Me.

and as for club 76087890.453.... he is old. everytime i hear "Club is back" i think to myself just how long will it take for a ACL tear or a Shoulder separation. Guy is the Kevin Nash of NTWEF. Lets not forget how much of a choke artist he is.
at the end of the day, i main evented back-to-back PPV events. Only one other can say that.

you main evented this one simply because I allowed you to.

Dont you ever forget that.

Club on some Kevin Spacey Se7en +%++..

"You're only alive because I didn't kill you"

"Remember that detective, each time you look the mirror for the rest of your life.. or should I say for the rest of the life i've allowed you to have"
Missed the PPV last night due to a hangover. Doesnt seem as though I missed much outside of saving $50.

Hopefully the Ziggler loss pushes him into the Main Event picture and away from this useless feuds
Ziggler deserves to be in the main event. I feel like the WWE did it right with his feud with Ryder.
Is there a GIF of Ricardo going through the table? I can't seem to find one and trying to find the actual video is even harder. Would like to see that. Saw this YouTube video of HHH/Nash match live though.... Nash looked like he could barely move on those Pedigrees. (Don't know how to embed)

Mark Henry may have a torn groin.

And thankfully, last night was considered to be Kevin Nash's retirement match.
Batista. "The Animal" wrote the following on his Twitter last night: "excuse me! did i hear that right? Daniel Bryan World Heavyweight Champ. ummmmmmm.....ok."

Batista later clarified his remarks, writing, "so to clear up any misunderstanding about me hating on Daniel Bryan...actually i've been a supporter of his for years,unlike most of you Johnny come lately smart mark supporters. we actually had a hell of a match together that was originally supposed to be a squash match until this old broken down ex bodybuilder who never deserved to be champion and only had it handed to me because HHH was my boy...refused to job the kid out because i knew how good he was and wanted to have a f--king match with him before i left the company. and a hell of a match we had considering where our respective places in the company were at the time. so yes im aware of all of his accomplishments and hard work through out the years and i'm thrilled to death for him....but still...World Heavyweight champ???ummmmmmm...ok. opinions are like *%*%%%*@. my Twitter account,my opinion. and to all the b---h %#% haters who just dogged me out and b---hed about how horrible i was.....i've worked with HHH, the Undertaker,Rey Mysterio,Randy Orton Stone Cold,Edge,John Cena,Chris Benoit,Ric f--king Flair!!etc.etc.. and they all respected me and my work. Eddie Guerrero respected my work. so don't expect your little bulls--t remarks to actually carry any weight. in your b---h %#% faces!!"

HBK: "Obviously a big congratulations is due to Daniel Bryan. I couldn't be happier for him. Awesome young man whose bright future has started!!"

Regal:"I'm very happy for Daniel Bryan.Well deserved.A truly world class Pro Wrestler and now World Champion."

ROH also chimed in with the following: "We at Ring of Honor Wrestling congratulate Bryan Danielson on winning the World Heavyweight title. #watchroh

john Cena has continued to tweet on WWE's new Anti-Cena t-shirts.
"They have wanted too since 2008. I told them no. Finally I just said I dont care. Im fine with the way things are. Some like me. Some don't."

When Cena was asked by a fan if he felt disrespected by the new t-shirts, he replied:

"Agreed. But +$!. Ignore it no longer. Its out there so those that wanna be like that should be able to voice their opinion. Like I said doesn't change me one bit. Stay true..always have.. always will"

John Cena was backstage at the WWE TLC PPV last night. The decision to not use him was creative related, and he was not injured. The company wanted to use the time to focus on other talents and Cena's storyline with Kane will continue on RAW. As noted earlier, Kane is backstage at RAW and will appear tonight to further the current storyline.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

And thankfully, last night was considered to be Kevin Nash's retirement match.

And the angels rejoice.


He landed HARD


I keep watching this expecting Triple to do the successful Pedigree but Nash keeps flopping 


Ziggler has been taking sells advice from HBK.
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