12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

kind of marked when john cenDEEK won 
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

JDCurt hits a kneeling headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
headbutt to JNSQ's groin.

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

JDCurt hits a kneeling headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
headbutt to JNSQ's groin.



Gerald Walters - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, NT RAW!!!

[NT RAW come to the ring. ]

Gerald Walters - and their opponents, the team of NT DOWN.

[NT DOWN walk to the ring. Harold Flipper is the referee for this match. Peep_Game gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from TennHouse.
Harold Flipper checks Peep_Game's boots and knee pads.
(ding, ding, ding) TennHouse puts Peep_Game in an arm grapevine submission.
Peep_Game gets back to his feet.
Peep_Game rakes his fingers across TennHouse's back.

Mark Wong - Peep_Game with a back rake.

[TennHouse makes the tag to TheDeek.
TheDeek executes a huge gutbuster on Peep_Game.
Peep_Game stands up.
HombreLobo tagged in by TheDeek.
Toine puts Peep_Game in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker.

Mark Wong - Come on ref! Do something!! Peep_Game is being double teamed!

[Toine hits Peep_Game with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
YardFather tagged in by Peep_Game.
YardFather gets hit with a diving elbow smash from HombreLobo.
HombreLobo tags TennHouse.
YardFather punches TennHouse repeatedly.

Gerald Walters - YardFather with a weak move.

[TennHouse makes the tag to HombreLobo.
YardFather hits HombreLobo with a heart punch.
YardFather makes the tag to Peep_Game.
ImThatOne grabs HombreLobo and applies an arm wrench.

Mark Wong - HombreLobo is being double teamed!

[They lockup. HombreLobo sends ImThatOne to the corner of the ring.
HombreLobo brings in TheDeek for NT RAW.
They lockup. Peep_Game sends TheDeek to the corner of the ring.
TheDeek chops Peep_Game.

Gerald Walters - Peep_Game takes a chop.

[TheDeek neck snaps Peep_Game.
Peep_Game brings in ImThatOne for NT DOWN.
YardFather hits TheDeek with an earringer.

Mark Wong - Come on ref! Do something!! TheDeek is being double teamed!

[TheDeek uses a snap mare takeover on YardFather.
ImThatOne makes the tag to BKMac.
Peep_Game pins TheDeek against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep_Game lifts TheDeek into the air and delivers a spine buster.
YardFather punches TheDeek repeatedly.

Gerald Walters - Come on ref! Do something!! TheDeek is being double teamed!

[TheDeek punches YardFather repeatedly.
BKMac makes the tag to VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete is up again.
VeintiSiete does a cartwheel and kicks TheDeek in the face.
HombreLobo tagged in by TheDeek.
VeintiSiete shoulder tackles HombreLobo.
VeintiSiete stands up.
VeintiSiete knifehand chops HombreLobo.
HombreLobo get nailed with a double axhandle chop from VeintiSiete.

Mark Wong - VeintiSiete with a double axhandle chop.

[VeintiSiete kicks HombreLobo on the mat.

Gerald Walters - VeintiSiete with a stomp.

[VeintiSiete brings in YardFather for NT DOWN.
YardFather hits HombreLobo with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
YardFather is back on his feet.
HombreLobo places YardFather on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.

Mark Wong - That belly-to-back superplex was very good.

[HombreLobo gets up.

Mark Wong - Is this a great match or not?

Gerald Walters - Oh yeah!

[YardFather executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming HombreLobo's face to the mat.
YardFather is up again.
HombreLobo gets back to his feet.
YardFather apllies the camel clutch on HombreLobo.
Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... HombreLobo is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... YardFather tightens the hold. HombreLobo escapes.
YardFather drags HombreLobo to the floor.

Mark Wong - My God! HombreLobo could be killed! They've moved to ringside, there's weapons there!!

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)

Gerald Walters - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[HombreLobo gets snap suplexed by YardFather.

Mark Wong - Nice snap suplex by YardFather.

YardFather hits HombreLobo with an elbowdrop.
YardFather is up again.
HombreLobo climbs to his feet.
YardFather uses a lariat on HombreLobo.
Now HombreLobo standing.
YardFather takes HombreLobo into the ring.
YardFather with an Aztecan suplex on HombreLobo sends him to the mat.
YardFather moves back to his feet.
HombreLobo gets up.
HombreLobo gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

Gerald Walters - YardFather with a corkscrew armdrag.

[YardFather covers HombreLobo.
Referee Harold Flipper makes the count.
...1 ...2
HombreLobo kicks out.

Mark Wong - YardFather should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[HombreLobo gets up.
HombreLobo hits YardFather with the crotch slam.

Gerald Walters - That crotch slam was very good.

[HombreLobo drags YardFather to the floor.

Mark Wong - YardFather will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
HombreLobo throws a chair at YardFather.
HombreLobo gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by YardFather.
HombreLobo gets up.
HombreLobo slaps YardFather.

Gerald Walters - YardFather takes a slap.

YardFather jabs HombreLobo.
YardFather takes HombreLobo into the ring.
YardFather drives a forearm into HombreLobo.

Mark Wong - YardFather with a forearm smash.

[YardFather tags in ImThatOne.
HombreLobo hits ImThatOne with the belly-to-belly suplex.
ImThatOne gets hit with the shooting star press from HombreLobo.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
ImThatOne kicks out.

Gerald Walters - HombreLobo almost won the match!

[ImThatOne moves back to his feet.
HombreLobo executes the sleeperhold on ImThatOne.
Referee Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... HombreLobo tightens the hold. ... ImThatOne trys to escape. ... HombreLobo tightens the hold. ImThatOne escapes.

Mark Wong - HombreLobo was so close!!

[HombreLobo drags ImThatOne to the floor.
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
HombreLobo hits ImThatOne with the back of his elbow.
ImThatOne does a cartwheel and kicks HombreLobo in the face.
HombreLobo stands up.
HombreLobo executes a swinging bulldog on ImThatOne driving ImThatOne's face into the floor.
HombreLobo moves back to his feet.
HombreLobo takes ImThatOne into the ring.
HombreLobo measures ImThatOne up and drops a closed fist.
HombreLobo gets up.
HombreLobo knees ImThatOne and rolls back to his feet.
ImThatOne gets up.
TheDeek tagged in by HombreLobo.
TheDeek piledrives ImThatOne.

Gerald Walters - Come on ref! Do something!! ImThatOne is being double teamed!

[Now TheDeek standing.
TheDeek hits a spinning leg lariat on ImThatOne sending him to the mat.
ImThatOne makes the tag to YardFather.
YardFather bites TheDeek's arm out of desparation.
TheDeek brings in Toine for NT RAW.
YardFather hits Toine with a heart punch.
Toine tags in TennHouse.
YardFather pokes TennHouse in the eyes.
TennHouse gets thrown into the turnbuckle. YardFather comes over and smashes TennHouse's head into it.

Gerald Walters - YardFather with a headsmash into turnbuckle.

[YardFather tags BKMac.
TennHouse gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
TennHouse goes for a gut-wrench powerbomb but BKMac dodges the attack.
TennHouse drags BKMac to the floor.

Mark Wong - TennHouse can't get a pin at ringside.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
TennHouse rakes his fingers across BKMac's back.
TennHouse uses a snap mare takeover on BKMac.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
BKMac hits a spinning leg lariat on TennHouse sending him to the floor.
BKMac and TennHouse move back into the ring.
BKMac puts TennHouse in an arm grapevine submission.
BKMac fist drops TennHouse on the mat.
TennHouse gets hit with a diving elbow smash from BKMac.
BKMac moves back to his feet.
Peep_Game tagged in by BKMac.
TennHouse sets Peep_Game up DDTs him into the mat.
TennHouse chants start.
Peep_Game stands up.
Peep_Game runs and tackles TennHouse. Peep_Game punches him in the head.
TennHouse gets up.
VeintiSiete tagged in by Peep_Game.
TennHouse executes a headlock takedown.
TennHouse fist drops VeintiSiete on the mat.

Gerald Walters - TennHouse executes a fist drop.

[TennHouse stands up.
Peep_Game tagged in by VeintiSiete.
Peep_Game superkicks TennHouse.
BKMac executes a split legged moonsault on to TennHouse.
TennHouse hits the mat.

Mark Wong - TennHouse is being double teamed!

[BKMac bites TennHouse's arm out of desparation.
TennHouse tackles BKMac and pummels his head.
TennHouse makes the tag to HombreLobo.
4Wrestling piledrives Peep_Game.

Gerald Walters - Come on ref! Do something!! Peep_Game is being double teamed!

[They lockup. Peep_Game sends 4Wrestling to the corner of the ring.

Mark Wong - 4Wrestling takes a weak move.

[4Wrestling chops Peep_Game.
4Wrestling nails Peep_Game with a belly-to-back suplex.
4Wrestling stands up.
Peep_Game pins 4Wrestling against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep_Game hits 4Wrestling with an earringer.
VeintiSiete tagged in by Peep_Game.
HombreLobo executes a corkscrew legdrop on VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete tags in Peep_Game.
HombreLobo uses a snap mare takeover on Peep_Game.
HombreLobo tags TennHouse.
TennHouse puts Peep_Game in an arm grapevine submission.
TennHouse goes for a pin.
Harold Flipper counts.
...1 ...2
Peep_Game kicks out.

Mark Wong - TennHouse should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Peep_Game is back on his feet.
TennHouse executes a jawbreakeron Peep_Game.

Gerald Walters - jawbreaker!

[Peep_Game gets up.
Peep_Game spinebuster bombs TennHouse onto the mat.
BKMac tagged in by Peep_Game.
TennHouse clotheslines BKMac.
BKMac tags Peep_Game.
TennHouse short lariats Peep_Game.
TennHouse hits a dragon suplex on Peep_Game.
TennHouse chants start.
TennHouse chokes Peep_Game with his boot.

Mark Wong - If TennHouse keeps using moves like that choke he could win the match!

[Peep_Game climbs to his feet.
TennHouse grabs Peep_Game's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar.
The referee is checking the situation.
... Peep_Game is fighting the hold. ... Peep_Game is fighting the hold. ... TennHouse breaks the hold.
Peep_Game does a handspring and hits TennHouse with a bodyblock, what a move!
Peep_Game is up again.
Peep_Game with a falling splash on TennHouse.
Peep_Game chants start.
Peep_Game is back on his feet.
TennHouse hits Peep_Game with the back of his elbow.
Peep_Game tags in VeintiSiete.
Now VeintiSiete standing.
VeintiSiete spins aroround TennHouse's back and DDT's him into the mat.
Now VeintiSiete standing.
VeintiSiete and TennHouse go to the floor
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
VeintiSiete climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on TennHouse.
VeintiSiete kicks TennHouse on the floor.
VeintiSiete with a headscissors takeover on TennHouse.
TennHouse moves back to his feet.
VeintiSiete takes TennHouse into the ring.
VeintiSiete hits him with a back fist.
VeintiSiete uses a belly-to-belly suplex. TennHouse is down.
TennHouse gets knock to the ground while VeintiSiete locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission.
Referee Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... TennHouse is fighting the hold. ... TennHouse trys to escape. ... TennHouse trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... VeintiSiete tightens the hold. ... TennHouse trys to escape. ... TennHouse is fighting the hold. ... VeintiSiete tightens the hold. ... TennHouse is fighting the hold. ... TennHouse taps out.
TennHouse was elimintated by VeintiSiete. ]

Mark Wong - TennHouse is out of here!!

[VeintiSiete with an exploder suplex on 4Wrestling.

Gerald Walters - Good exploder suplex by VeintiSiete.

[VeintiSiete stands up.
Kneelock submission applied by VeintiSiete.
Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... ... 4Wrestling trys to escape. VeintiSiete breaks the hold.
4Wrestling is up again.
4Wrestling takes VeintiSiete down with a knee.
VeintiSiete brings in BKMac for NT DOWN.
BKMac hits 4Wrestling with a headbutt to the mid-section.
BKMac tags in YardFather.
BKMac picks 4Wrestling up and executes a stomachbreaker.
They lockup. ImThatOne sends 4Wrestling to the corner of the ring.
Peep_Game with a headscissors takeover on 4Wrestling.

Mark Wong - 4Wrestling is being double teamed!

[Peep_Game gets thrown into the turnbuckle. 4Wrestling comes over and smashes Peep_Game's head into it.
4Wrestling tags HombreLobo.
HombreLobo rakes the face of YardFather in attempt to make a come back.

Gerald Walters - HombreLobo executes a face rake.

[HombreLobo brings in 4Wrestling for NT RAW.
YardFather uses a lariat on 4Wrestling.
4Wrestling springboard DDT's YardFather onto the mat!
4Wrestling gets back to his feet.
4Wrestling picks YardFather up and executes a stomachbreaker.
4Wrestling chants start.
4Wrestling drags YardFather to the floor.
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
4Wrestling short lariats YardFather.

Mark Wong - short lariat!

4Wrestling gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
4Wrestling moves back to his feet.
4Wrestling hits YardFather with the back of his elbow.
They fight into the aisle.
YardFather and 4Wrestling move back to ringside.
YardFather and 4Wrestling move back into the ring.
YardFather tackles 4Wrestling to the mat.
YardFather gets up.
4Wrestling gets back to his feet.
YardFather executes the front-layout suplex on 4Wrestling.
YardFather moves back to his feet.

Gerald Walters - What an outstanding match!

[ImThatOne tagged in by YardFather.
4Wrestling punches ImThatOne repeatedly.
TheDeek tagged in by 4Wrestling.
TheDeek pokes ImThatOne in the eyes.

Mark Wong - ImThatOne takes a eye poke.

[TheDeek bounces ImThatOne off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
TheDeek is up again.
ImThatOne tags in VeintiSiete.
TheDeek punches VeintiSiete repeatedly.
TheDeek executes a ropeflip hiptoss on VeintiSiete.
Now VeintiSiete standing.
TheDeek gives VeintiSiete the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat.
VeintiSiete climbs to his feet.
Kneelock submission applied by TheDeek.
Referee Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... VeintiSiete is fighting the hold. ... VeintiSiete escapes.

Gerald Walters - TheDeek's momma would be proud!

[TheDeek with a headscissors takeover on VeintiSiete.
TheDeek stands up.
VeintiSiete gets hit with the shooting star press from TheDeek.
Harold Flipper counts.
...1 ...2
VeintiSiete kicks out.

Mark Wong - TheDeek was so close!!

[VeintiSiete climbs to his feet.
TheDeek and VeintiSiete go to the floor
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
TheDeek kicks VeintiSiete in the groin.
VeintiSiete hiptosses TheDeek.
TheDeek takes VeintiSiete off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
They head back into the ring.
TheDeek punches VeintiSiete repeatedly.
VeintiSiete brings in ImThatOne for NT DOWN.
TheDeek punches ImThatOne repeatedly.

Mark Wong - ImThatOne takes a weak move.

[TheDeek makes the tag to 4Wrestling.
ImThatOne executes a springboard bulldog, slamming 4Wrestling's head onto the mat.
ImThatOne is back on his feet.
4Wrestling climbs to his feet.
ImThatOne sends 4Wrestling to ringside.
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)

Mark Wong - This is quality sports entertainment!

ImThatOne legsweeps 4Wrestling.
ImThatOne applies an arm wrench to 4Wrestling.

Gerald Walters - ImThatOne with a arm wrench.

ImThatOne gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
4Wrestling takes ImThatOne into the ring.
4Wrestling measures ImThatOne up and drops a closed fist.
4Wrestling stands up.
ImThatOne gets up.
ImThatOne brings in Peep_Game for NT DOWN.
4Wrestling rakes the face of Peep_Game in attempt to make a come back.
HombreLobo tagged in by 4Wrestling.
Peep_Game with an Aztecan suplex on HombreLobo sends him to the mat.
HombreLobo gets hit with the shooting star press from Peep_Game.
The ref starts the count.
HombreLobo kicks out.

Mark Wong - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Peep_Game nails HombreLobo with a huge slingshot sommersault splash.
Peep_Game chants start.
Peep_Game is back on his feet.
Peep_Game puts HombreLobo in the hangman submission.
Harold Flipper asks HombreLobo if he quits.
... ... HombreLobo trys to escape. ... Peep_Game breaks the hold.
Peep_Game drags HombreLobo to the floor.
Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
Peep_Game clotheslines HombreLobo.
Peep_Game drives a forearm into the head of HombreLobo.
HombreLobo with an Aztecan suplex on Peep_Game sends him to the floor.
HombreLobo stands up.
They head back into the ring.
Peep_Game gets hit with a diving elbow smash from HombreLobo.

Mark Wong - diving elbow smash!

[Peep_Game brings in BKMac for NT DOWN.
BKMac kicks HombreLobo in the stomach.
HombreLobo makes the tag to 4Wrestling.
HombreLobo punches BKMac repeatedly.
4Wrestling knocks BKMac out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam.

Gerald Walters - BKMac is being double teamed!

[BKMac with a headbutt on 4Wrestling.

Mark Wong - BKMac executes a headbutt.

[YardFather tagged in by BKMac.
YardFather kicks 4Wrestling in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
YardFather and 4Wrestling go to the floor

Gerald Walters - 4Wrestling is much safer at ringside. YardFather can't get a pin there.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
YardFather hits 4Wrestling with an elbowdrop.
YardFather sucks chants start in the crowd.
YardFather moves back to his feet.
YardFather leg drops the throat of 4Wrestling.
They head back into the ring.
4Wrestling grabs a chair and hits YardFather in the head. ring, ring, ring! Harold Flipper calls for the bell. 4Wrestling was disqualified. 4Wrestling was elimintated by YardFather. ]

Mark Wong - 4Wrestling has been eliminated!!

[YardFather knee drops HombreLobo.

Gerald Walters - HombreLobo takes a knee drop.

[YardFather gets up.
YardFather tags Peep_Game.
HombreLobo executes the guillotine choke on Peep_Game.
Peep_Game gets hit with the shooting star press from HombreLobo.
The ref starts the count.
Peep_Game escapes.

Mark Wong - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Peep_Game.

[Peep_Game gets up.
HombreLobo tackles Peep_Game.
Peep_Game makes the tag to VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete lifts HombreLobo up and drops him on the mat.
HombreLobo get nailed with a double axhandle chop from VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete shoulder tackles HombreLobo.

Gerald Walters - HombreLobo is being double teamed!

[HombreLobo delivers a spinning backbreak to VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete tags in Peep_Game.
Peep_Game pokes HombreLobo in the eyes.
Peep_Game rakes his fingers across HombreLobo's back.
HombreLobo hits him with a back fist.
Peep_Game hits a koppo kick on HombreLobo.
HombreLobo tags TheDeek.
TheDeek hits Peep_Game with the back of his elbow.

Mark Wong - Peep_Game takes a back elbow.

[TheDeek makes the tag to Toine.
Peep_Game clotheslines Toine.
TheDeek tagged in by Toine.
HombreLobo piledrives Peep_Game.

Gerald Walters - This is just awefull! Peep_Game is being double teamed!

[HombreLobo gets up.
Peep_Game places HombreLobo on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
Peep_Game chants start.

Mark Wong - That belly-to-back superplex was very good.

[They lockup. Peep_Game sends HombreLobo to the corner of the ring.
Peep_Game kicks HombreLobo in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Peep_Game chants start.
HombreLobo shoves Harold Flipper. ring, ring, ring! Harold Flipper calls for the bell. HombreLobo was disqualified. HombreLobo was elimintated by Peep_Game. ]

Gerald Walters - HombreLobo is out of here!!

[Peep_Game grabs TheDeek's head and DDT's him on the mat.
Peep_Game gets back to his feet.
Peep_Game puts TheDeek in the hangman submission.
Harold Flipper asks TheDeek if he quits.
... (AHHHH!) ... Peep_Game tightens the hold. ... TheDeek is fighting the hold. ... TheDeek trys to escape. TheDeek escapes.
TheDeek tags Toine.
Peep_Game uses a lariat on Toine.
Peep_Game brings in YardFather for NT DOWN.
ImThatOne applies an arm wrench to Toine.

Mark Wong - Toine is being double teamed!

[Toine punches ImThatOne repeatedly.

Gerald Walters - Toine executes a weak move.

[Toine tags in TheDeek.
Toine nails YardFather with a springboard dropkick.
Toine throws YardFather off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.
TheDeek clotheslines YardFather.

Mark Wong - YardFather is being double teamed!

[TheDeek stands up.
TheDeek applies the clawhold on YardFather.
YardFather grabs TheDeek's head and hites him in the face.
YardFather superkicks TheDeek.
YardFather hits TheDeek with an elbowdrop.

Gerald Walters - elbowdrop!

[YardFather is back on his feet.
TheDeek brings in Toine for NT RAW.
Toine hits a power slam on YardFather.
Toine rakes his fingers across YardFather's back.
TheDeek piledrives YardFather.

Mark Wong - This is just awefull! YardFather is being double teamed!

[YardFather hits TheDeek with an elbowdrop.
YardFather is back on his feet.
TheDeek gets back to his feet.
TheDeek executes a springboard bulldog, slamming YardFather's head onto the mat.
TheDeek climbs to his feet.

Mark Wong - Is this a great match or not?

Gerald Walters - Yeah, you know it.

[YardFather tags in VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete piledrives Toine.
YardFather suplexes Toine.

Mark Wong - Toine is being double teamed!

[Toine puts YardFather in an arm grapevine submission.
YardFather is back on his feet.
YardFather legsweeps Toine.
Toine gets up.
Toine makes the tag to TheDeek.
TheDeek hits a frog splash on VeintiSiete.

Gerald Walters - This is just awefull! VeintiSiete is being double teamed!

[TheDeek slingshot elbow drops VeintiSiete.
TheDeek chants start.
VeintiSiete is back on his feet.
VeintiSiete tags in ImThatOne.
BKMac hits a power slam on TheDeek.
ImThatOne tackles TheDeek to the mat.
ImThatOne bounces TheDeek off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline.

Mark Wong - This is just awefull! TheDeek is being double teamed!

[TheDeek uses a closed fist on ImThatOne.
TheDeek hits a jumping elbow hrust on ImThatOne.
ImThatOne tags in Peep_Game.
BKMac puts TheDeek in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker.
YardFather hits him with a back fist.
BKMac executes a huge gutbuster on TheDeek.

Gerald Walters - This is just awefull! TheDeek is being double teamed!

[BKMac hits a spinning leg lariat on TheDeek sending him to the mat.
TheDeek brings in Toine for NT RAW.
Toine picks up Peep_Game and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.

Gerald Walters - Come on ref! Do something!! Peep_Game is being double teamed!

[Toine executes a huge gutbuster on Peep_Game.
Toine stomps Peep_Game's head.
Toine hits Peep_Game with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Mark Wong - Toine with a elbowdrop.

[Toine gets back to his feet.
Peep_Game hits Toine with a rolling elbow smash to the face.

Gerald Walters - Peep_Game executes a rolling elbow smash.

[Toine tags TheDeek.
Toine sets Peep_Game up DDTs him into the mat.
TheDeek piledrives Peep_Game.

Mark Wong - This is just awefull! Peep_Game is being double teamed!

[TheDeek climbs to his feet.
TheDeek slaps Peep_Game.
Peep_Game makes the tag to YardFather.
YardFather uses a snap mare takeover on TheDeek.
YardFather covers TheDeek.
Referee Harold Flipper makes the count.
TheDeek escapes.

Gerald Walters - Not even close!

[TheDeek moves back to his feet.
TheDeek get whipped into the corner and YardFather follows himin with an avalanche.
YardFather wraps his legs around TheDeek's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... TheDeek trys to escape. ... YardFather tightens the hold. ... TheDeek escapes.
YardFather tags Peep_Game.
TheDeek hits him with a back fist.
Peep_Game uses a snap mare takeover on TheDeek.
TheDeek moves back to his feet.
TheDeek mule kicks Peep_Game.
Peep_Game gets up.
TheDeek makes the tag to Toine.
TheDeek does a cartwheel and kicks Peep_Game in the face.
Toine clotheslines Peep_Game.

Mark Wong - Come on ref! Do something!! Peep_Game is being double teamed!

[Peep_Game punches Toine repeatedly.
Toine bounces Peep_Game off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Toine rolls onto Peep_Game connecting with a knee.
Toine makes the tag to TheDeek.
TheDeek punches Peep_Game repeatedly.
TheDeek rakes the face of Peep_Game in attempt to make a come back.
Peep_Game executes a belly-to-belly suplex on TheDeek.
TheDeek gets up.

Gerald Walters - I wish every match could be like this!

[TheDeek brings in Toine for NT RAW.
Toine gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Toine gets hit with the shooting star press from Peep_Game.
Harold Flipper counts.
...1 ...2
Toine kicks out.

Mark Wong - Not even close!

[Peep_Game kicks Toine in the back of the leg.
Toine gets hit with the shooting star press from Peep_Game.
Harold Flipper counts.
Toine kicks out.

Gerald Walters - Peep_Game should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Toine climbs to his feet.
Peep_Game tags VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete puts Toine on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex.

Mark Wong - That belly-to-belly superplex was very good.

[VeintiSiete climbs to his feet.
VeintiSiete brings in Peep_Game for NT DOWN.
Toine punches Peep_Game repeatedly.
Toine drives a forearm into the head of Peep_Game.
Toine gets elbowed to his midsection by Toine.

Gerald Walters - Toine takes a elbow to midsection.

[Peep_Game takes Toine off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
They lockup. Peep_Game sends Toine to the corner of the ring.
Peep_Game with an illegal chokehold on Toine.
Toine makes the tag to TheDeek.
TheDeek gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Peep_Game.

Mark Wong - TheDeek takes a fireman's carry.

[Peep_Game tags YardFather.
TheDeek piledrives YardFather.
TheDeek chants start.

Gerald Walters - TheDeek is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[YardFather brings in VeintiSiete for NT DOWN.
VeintiSiete hits him with a back fist.
TheDeek get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Peep_Game.
ImThatOne piledrives TheDeek.

Mark Wong - This is just awefull! TheDeek is being double teamed!

[They lockup. TheDeek sends ImThatOne to the corner of the ring.

Gerald Walters - TheDeek executes a weak move.

[Toine tagged in by TheDeek.
Toine stands up.
Toine knifehand chops VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete tags in BKMac.
VeintiSiete hits Toine with the back of his elbow.
BKMac hits a kneeling headbutt to Toine's groin.

Mark Wong - Come on ref! Do something!! Toine is being double teamed!

[Toine hits BKMac with an earringer.
Toine is hit with a backward kick.
BKMac goes for a pin.
Referee Harold Flipper makes the count.
Toine kicks out.

Gerald Walters - Not even close!

[Toine tags in TheDeek.
TheDeek gets elbowed to his midsection by TheDeek.
TheDeek kicks BKMac in the groin.

Mark Wong - BKMac takes a kick to the groin.

[TheDeek tags Toine.
Toine executes a headlock takedown.
Toine brings in TheDeek for NT RAW.
BKMac uses a swinging DDT to plant TheDeek's head into the mat.

Gerald Walters - That swinging DDT was very good.

[BKMac stands up.
BKMac and TheDeek go to the floor

Mark Wong - BKMac can't get a pin at ringside.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
BKMac throws a chair at TheDeek.

Gerald Walters - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[TheDeek moves back to his feet.
TheDeek double underhook faceslams BKMac hard to the BKMac.
BKMac is back on his feet.
BKMac with a takeover suplex on TheDeek.
BKMac puts TheDeek in an arm grapevine submission.
BKMac and TheDeek move back into the ring.
BKMac hits a frog splash on TheDeek.
BKMac climbs to his feet.
TheDeek stands up.
BKMac executes a jawbreakeron TheDeek.
Now BKMac standing.
TheDeek is back on his feet.
BKMac grabs TheDeek's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar.
Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... ... (AHHHH!) ... TheDeek is fighting the hold. ... BKMac tightens the hold. ... TheDeek is fighting the hold. ... TheDeek is fighting the hold. ... TheDeek is fighting the hold. ... ... BKMac tightens the hold. ... TheDeek is fighting the hold. TheDeek taps out.
TheDeek was elimintated by BKMac. ]

Gerald Walters - TheDeek has been eliminated!!

[BKMac nails Toine with an inverted DDT.

Mark Wong - BKMac is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Toine does a cartwheel and kicks BKMac in the face.
Toine stomps BKMac.
BKMac is back on his feet.
BKMac hits a jumping elbow hrust on Toine.
BKMac makes the tag to VeintiSiete.
They lockup. Toine sends VeintiSiete to the corner of the ring.
VeintiSiete pulls Toine's hair.
Toine hits a kneeling headbutt to VeintiSiete's groin.
Toine covers VeintiSiete.
Harold Flipper counts the pin.
...1 ...2
VeintiSiete escapes.

Gerald Walters - Toine should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[VeintiSiete gets back to his feet.
VeintiSiete brings in ImThatOne for NT DOWN.
ImThatOne puts Toine on the top rope and executes a superplex.
VeintiSiete applies the clawhold on Toine.

Mark Wong - Toine is being double teamed!

[VeintiSiete executes a split legged moonsault on to Toine.
Now VeintiSiete standing.
VeintiSiete hooks Toine in the abdominal stretch.
Harold Flipper asks Toine if he quits.
... Toine is fighting the hold. ... Toine escapes.
VeintiSiete sends Toine to ringside.

Gerald Walters - Toine is much safer at ringside. VeintiSiete can't get a pin there.

[Harold Flipper starts the count (.1)
VeintiSiete kicks Toine on the floor.
Toine gets back to his feet.
Toine chops VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete runs and tackles Toine. VeintiSiete punches him in the head.
Toine is up again.
They head back into the ring.
Toine gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on VeintiSiete.
Toine chops VeintiSiete.
Toine with spinning headscissors on VeintiSiete send him hard to the mat.
Toine chants start.
Toine hits VeintiSiete with an elbowdrop.
Toine gets back to his feet.
Toine covers VeintiSiete hooking the leg.
Harold Flipper counts.
...1 ...2
VeintiSiete escapes.

Gerald Walters - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[VeintiSiete is back on his feet.
ImThatOne tags YardFather.
ImThatOne punches Toine in the gut.
Toine gets hit with a back heel kick.
YardFather punches Toine repeatedly.

Mark Wong - Come on ref! Do something!! Toine is being double teamed!

[YardFather is up again.
Toine get nailed with a double axhandle chop from YardFather.
YardFather tags in Peep_Game.
Toine punches Peep_Game repeatedly.

Gerald Walters - Peep_Game takes a weak move.

[Toine comes from behind and bulldogs Peep_Game.
Toine puts Peep_Game in an arm grapevine submission.
Toine rolls onto Peep_Game connecting with a knee.
Toine kicks Peep_Game on the mat.
Peep_Game gets up.
Peep_Game lifts Toine into the air and delivers a spine buster.

Mark Wong - Peep_Game with a spine buster.

[Peep_Game punches Toine repeatedly.
Peep_Game hits a kneeling headbutt to Toine's groin.
Toine hits a kneeling headbutt to Peep_Game's groin.
Toine covers Peep_Game hooking the leg.
Harold Flipper counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Peep_Game escapes.

Gerald Walters - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Peep_Game.
Spoiler [+]
[Peep_Game gets back to his feet.
Toine gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Peep_Game.

Mark Wong - Toine executes a jumping neck snap.

[Toine forearm smashes Peep_Game.
Toine jabs Peep_Game.
Peep_Game tags in ImThatOne.
ImThatOne bounces Toine off the ropes and clotheslines him.
ImThatOne brings in Peep_Game for NT DOWN.
VeintiSiete stomps Toine.
VeintiSiete kicks Toine on the mat.

Gerald Walters - Toine is being double teamed!

[VeintiSiete stomps Toine.
VeintiSiete kicks Toine on the mat.

Mark Wong - stomp!

[VeintiSiete does a cartwheel and kicks Toine in the face.

Gerald Walters - VeintiSiete executes a cartwheel kick.

[VeintiSiete kicks Toine on the mat.

Mark Wong - Toine takes a stomp.

[Toine is up again.
Toine picks up VeintiSiete and drops him neck first on the ropes.
Peep_Game brings in ImThatOne for NT DOWN.
Peep_Game executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Toine.
Peep_Game executes the German suplex on Toine.

Gerald Walters - Come on ref! Do something!! Toine is being double teamed!

[Peep_Game gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Toine hits a spinning leg lariat on Peep_Game sending him to the mat.
Toine goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
Peep_Game kicks out.

Mark Wong - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Peep_Game.

[ImThatOne brings in YardFather for NT DOWN.
YardFather gouges Toine's eyes out.
YardFather sucks chants start in the crowd.
YardFather kicks Toine in the groin.
YardFather picks up Toine and executes the cradle DDT.
YardFather sucks chants start in the crowd.
YardFather gets back to his feet.
YardFather hits Toine with an earringer.
Kneelock submission applied by YardFather.
Harold Flipper is checking for a tap out.
... ... (AHHHH!) ... YardFather tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Toine is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Toine is fighting the hold. ... ... Toine is fighting the hold. ... Toine taps out.
Toine was elimintated by YardFather. ]

Gerald Walters - Toine has been eliminated!!

Mark Wong - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gerald Walters - The winners of this match, NT DOWN!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

bkmac is gonna lose it


GHIMS must have bought his way into the finish

Edit: Team NTDown wins!?


Edit2: I held my own in the Team NTDown/Raw match, putting in work. Told y'all I would shine in my debut. The I.C. title will be mine by the next PPV
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]wow.... Ghims wins, TheDork wins.... [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]the C word is needed, where is TennHouse.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]***Meanwhile Backstage***[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]RJ watches the monitors.... just shakes his head and leaves the room.[/color]
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

JDCurt hits a kneeling headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
...headbutt to JNSQ's groin.
headbutt to JNSQ's groin.

You can't make this stuff up. I didn't have time to go over the commentary. Excuse the WWF remarks

GHIMS= IC Champion.
This is what you get 4w!!!
You drafted me, then dropped me out of Team Raw...then you drafted that Caribbean nobody Toine, and you get:

YardFather tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Toine is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Toine is fighting the hold. ... ... Toine is fighting the hold. ... Toine taps out.
Wow. NTDown? Really? REALLY?


See what you get 4W? You bum. Could of added the showoff and added some credibility to that roster of jokes. Now Club is gonna run wild.. all because of your terrible choices. You let bkmac get a win in the NTWE Universe? Just.... terrible.
From BrasilianMami:

"myself, peep and bk hit post limits, so we gotta wait until 12 to post for the PPV lol."
Originally Posted by hymen man

From BrasilianMami:

"myself, peep and bk hit post limits, so we gotta wait until 12 to post for the PPV lol."
I hit no such post limit yet
. What is this goon doing saying I did?

I just read through the I.C. title match. Apparently I put in work in BOTH matches

I'm the NTSeries Superstar of the Night, despite not walking away with the I.C. Title. Whatchu know about Jeribkmac!?

GHIMS NTercontinental Champ

NobleHymens NTag Champs

TheDeek NTUS Champ

New #1 Contender for the NTWEF Title is YardFather. He will face 4Wrestling at NTRumble
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