11/12 Topics MERGED!!!

Just got my 2 packs locked up. My Finishline connect was the manager and he just put me on with his stock manager. Cuz pulls them out the box and my name goeson em. He said they should be getting billed for these in the next few weeks and he'll throw my 2 10.5's to the side.

the XIs and XIIs look kinda cheap to me. regardless of the quality, i am going to buy this package.

this will be my 6th package. =)

thanks for the pictures. made my day, kinda
Originally Posted by Raices03

Originally Posted by jordanpheen

Originally Posted by Raices03

I am going to make a lot of money on these!!!
So I cant wait for release date

not cool
How is that not cool
Got a baby on the way, so I have to hustle
I am not taking shoes away from anybody if you really wanted to you can find any of the last 4 or five CDP's for under retail
For example I can get the 22/1 for $199 the 21/2 for $168 the 19/4 for $220 and 18/5 for $199 all in stores around my way
not through hook-ups or anything
I can walk in today and get any of them so how the heck is that taking any pairs away from anyone?
The same will go for the 12/11 over time if your are patient or maybe you are just a hater and lazy

Did you really post that???? You just mentioned the 3 worst packs put out.....no wonder you can get em under retail. Try getting a 13/10, 7/16 or this for under retail. You got a shorty on the way huh?? I'm gonna feel bad for you when your "hustle" doesn't work out the way it shoes and you end up recouping just what you paid for em. Might wanna try another way to hustle fam.....and before you mention it, I got TWO boys, 12 and 8 so I know hustlin.
I need somebody elses opinion on how the red on the CDP 11's look. True red is supposed to look a little darker than the ones in thoes pictures, I meanthe true red is supposed to look like the ones in this picture.


That's how true red is supposed to look like come December 26th or 27th or even a bit redder than that!
Come on, fill yourselves in on this. Do you think true red should look like this or a little redder than this without having to look a little pinkinsh.
Originally Posted by jordanize84

I need somebody elses opinion on how the red on the CDP 11's look. True red is supposed to look a little darker than the ones in thoes pictures, I mean the true red is supposed to look like the ones in this picture.


That's how true red is supposed to look like come December 26th or 27th or even a bit redder than that!
the red on the soles is the last thing I'm going to worry about. There's more important issues with this pack as far as the pictures go.
No offense to Asia (and I am Asian), but until I see pics of non-asia release with shots of the inside of the shoe, I am not gonna believe it.

That Patent leather is just low from front to back. It's supposed to be higher towards the back and lower to the front, but not as low as those pics. Thepatent is all gone man.
Oh' yeah how does the red on the CDP 11's look to you.

They look a bit lighter to you! They should have a darker red than that. Don't you think so.
I wonder how many people sold the blk/red 12s in their collection thinking the CDP would give them a fresh pair only to find out the original taxi rumor is nowtrue, lol.
To Jordanize 84..........You needs someone elses advice??? Are you serious? If they shined %%@$ and called it gold you'd beleve that too. Wellhere's one for you......I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you, it'll help you cross the water, I promise. Will you PLEASE stop asking the SAMEquestion 82 damn times in a row? You sound like an annoying 8 year old on a roadtrip going " are we there yet?" If someone agrees with you, I'msure they'll post, if not, your stuck with your own damn opinion. Trust your own eyes man, damn.
This pack has officially reached DMP status as far as hype goes and the DMP is better. I got screwed out of the DMP back in Jan. '06 and had to end uppaying $820 for it 3 months ago. And that was the cheapest sz.12 out there in DS condition. I've seen alot of people in this thread who said they are goingto pass, but I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of them ended up copping anyways. Regardless it seems I'm gonna have to resort to guerrilla warfare inorder to avoid reseller prices again .
You dudes are buggin sayin this pack is on point. Can you not see? The patent leather is #*+$#+ horrid on these shoes it practically is gettin closer to themidsole everytime i look at the pics. Once again, if these pics are of the legit 11/12 pack, which i doubt, this will be by far the worst thing JB has everdone, and thats saying alot.
hate the taxi's.....coppin two packs only for the xi's so keep an eye out for cheap sell of my taxis probably size 10
woke up this morning and had to come check that i wasnt dreaming that the taxis are releasing! kinda wish the white/V red/blacks where in it, but im happyhooked x2 at least
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