*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

Can't the Lakers and Rockets just sub out Paul for Dwight if the whole issue was regarding the NBA's ownership of the Hornets? This would be assuming that Orlando would accept and that the league office/Stern/owners only had issue with NO being owned by the NBA and there's not more than meets the eye.

Anyway, I'm thinking about stepping away from the sports media outlets for a little while and getting some rest from the hype machine.
What pisses me off the most is that stern and the owners sabotaged EVERYTHING Mitch and the lakers had set out. this deal was flat out perfect to land both cp3 and Dwight (assuming we would have used the large trade exception and Bynum for Dwight like sources have said) . A damn shame that a smart GM move is being revoked

now the lakers hand is shown. you got disgruntled players on all teams and Orlando is ready to deal Dwight to another team. Haven't been this pissed since game 2 of the 2008 nba finals

And by the way, how are the nets going to take on turk's contract? I think it was mentioned earlier but the nets gotta shell out another 9 mill.
Dan Gilbert punk @ss

It's been time for Stern to go and this is another reason why. This ain't right at all. I'm just hoping we can still get Dwight in some kinda deal.

And if you check the season thread, we are all a bunch of crying whining babies.
 If this happend to anybodies franchise they would be upset and they would have every right to be!
If D12 doesn't want to come, then he just doesn't. Let him go to New Jersey and give us CP3. I want to know who the PF we were looking at was. I'm convinced that CP3 will turn Bynum into a star.
real talk tho...Ryan Seacrest pulled some strings to end the trade, so Lamar could stay in LA for the new season of Khloe & Lamar. Gilbert is the scapegoat.
man I still can't get over this douchebaggery

every championship from here on out will have a major * in my mind
I can't get over this.

If NO ends up trading CP3 somewhere else, it makes the NBA look rigged

If they keep him, he'll walk away for nothing.

Not to mention the 6 players involved have to awkwardly report to training camp to the team that doesn't want them

NBA #$%&@ed up really bad on this one.

NBA claims they killed the deal "for basketball reasons" WE KNOW THAT'S A LIE!  NO would have received 3 really good players and one solid PG for one player
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

If D12 doesn't want to come, then he just doesn't. Let him go to New Jersey and give us CP3. I want to know who the PF we were looking at was. I'm convinced that CP3 will turn Bynum into a star.
Chris Broussard was on SC a while ago and said it would have been a sign and trade for David West.  I think he would have fit in nicely.
Maybe the PF was brandon bass as he was just traded to Boston for big baby davis...
I seriously hope CP3 from here on out sends a message to the NBA and the small market NBA owners.

By screwing them over and holding the Hornets hostage and refuses to sign a contract extension to whatever team the Hornets trade him to and then once he hits the free agent market next summer signs with the Lakers. Even if it's just for a cheap 1 year deal so that the Lakers can get his Bird rights and then sign him again to a longer deal to pay CP3 what he really deserves.

This would be the perfect way to get payback on David Stern and the small market team owners who blocked this trade.
@incarceratedbob Incarcerated Bob

**BREAKING NBA NEWS**Source: Nets are back! Magic have agreed in "PRINCIPLE" 2trade Dwight Howard 2the Nets (Announcement Before Monday)

It's over. Time to move on. People can laugh but that #### ain't funny that this league we were all excited to have back can be ran like this. And the Lakers are not going anywhere, ever.

Here's to Bomb: 2011 and Beyond

idk man, to me, this Laker team can still contend for a title. They just gotta get their stuff together. Last years loss should fuel them like the loss to the Celtics in 2008.

And I believe Bynum has a team option coming up next year, so barring any injuries, he should be playing out of his mind this season lol.
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga


Incarcerated Bob

NEWS**Source: Nets are back! Magic have agreed in "PRINCIPLE" 2trade
Dwight Howard 2the Nets (Announcement Before Monday)

It's over. Time to move on. People can laugh but that #### ain't funny that this league we were all excited to have back can be ran like this. And the Lakers are not going anywhere, ever.

Here's to Bomb: 2011 and Beyond

Originally Posted by MR J 858

By screwing them over and holding the Hornets hostage and refuses to sign a contract extension to whatever team the Hornets trade him to and then once he hits the free agent market next summer signs with the Lakers. Even if it's just for a cheap 1 year deal so that the Lakers can get his Bird rights

are people really this stupid? yea hes gonna sign a cheap 1 year deal lol
If Del Demps does quit...can we add him to the staff? Lord that deal he put together was GREAT!! Mitch could always use some help!!!
The fact that Dwight is traded has completely ruined L.A whole season because now teams know that Pau & L.O dont want to be here and we can't get anything worth the value back
As of right now on ESPN.. They are saying the Magic are considering filing a tampering lawsuit against the Nets... So no trade has been made yet.. If the Magic go forward on a lawsuit D12 is not going to Nets under no circumstances

Prokhorov & GM met with Howard last night.. And that is a violation of tampering clause... Magic would win lawsuit and get some form of compensation for tampering..

Im surprised all this media and espn analysts are on lakers side. Most of these cats are always hating on us. Shows you
how bad STERN ^&$# up.
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