1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

well I guess Kane is going to jail for first degree murder 
my favorite part was the fake dressing room that the WWE obvs. built at about 12pm 
pretty pointless match...

- Kane's hand slipped on the chokeslam
- Ryders head was like a foot off the mat on that tombstone, I know they do it on purpose but that looked bad, especially on the replay..

wonder where they go from here
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]it's gonna take another 30 mins. to get the two stretched out.[/color]
Ryder getting stretchered out again?? That's the third time, are they going for some sort of a record or something?
I think an Eve heel turn later on in the year would be great- turning on Zach Rider, breaking his heart to side with some other superstar.
 @ the Don't Be a Bully commercial coming on right after all those shenanigans with Kane.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Damn, I wish Kane never aged, his gimmick is no joke.

He sucked when he was younger.  He still sucks now.
I hate these Be A Star campaigns as much as the Twitter crap.  It's obviously a good cause, but it's so hypocritical coming from WWE (Vince).

Save these videos for Raw.  If people have already bought The Rumble, they're obviously buying Mania, too.

I really wanted to get excited this show, and there's still time for it to turn around, but it has been absolutely terrible so far.
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