09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

How bad does Penn State beat Syracuse on Saturday? As bad as last year's 55-13 or somewhat closer (42-21)?

I want to see paullus (sp?) have a good game and a win against PSU just because he has an interesting story...
some AM articles

[h3]Should FSU exchange more scholarship sanctions to get back Bowden's wins?[/h3]posted by Mike Bianchi on Sep 11, 2009 5:18:38 AM

As you can tell by reading my column in today's Sentinel, FSU President T.K. Wetherell has again put FSU's academic scandal in the news (why?) by taking yet another nationally televised shot at the NCAA Committee on Infractions.

Here's a question I've always wanted to ask Seminole Nation and one that will be the topic of my wildly popular Open Mike poll (you can vote at the bottom of this blog).

Would you be willing to endure some additional scholarship sanctions to get back Bobby Bowden's wins?

While it's extremely rare for the NCAA to barter penalties after an investigation, wouldn't it be worth a try if the school truly wants to recover up to 14 of Bowden's victories the NCAA says FSU must vacate?

I've always been one who believed taking away Bobby's victories s not right because, frankly, Bobby really had nothing to do with the academic fraud. But, on the other hand, FSU obviously needs to be punished harshly for a scandal in which university employees helped athletes cheat in an on-line music course a few years ago. And let's be honest, if you take away the vacated-victories penalty then the current set of sanctions are really nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

So here's my theoretical scenario: What if the NCAA Appeals Committee meets with Wetherell and FSU officials and says something like this: "You know what, T.K., we've had second thoughts about taking away Coach Bowden's victories so here's what we're going to do. We'll give you back the victories, but it's going to cost you 5 more scholarships per year for two years. That's 10 scholarships total. Take it or leave it."

Well, what do you do? Do you take it or leave it?

[h1]Richt: Joe Cox is UGA starter[/h1]

ATHENS - Georgia coach Mark Richt reiterated Thursday that Joe Cox will start at quarterback against South Carolina on Saturday, poking fun at Internet reports to the contrary, but sidestepped the question of whether Cox's arm or shoulder is ailing him.

Richt began a pre-practice briefing with reporters by saying: "Well, there's a rumor that Logan Gray was going to start at quarterback for Georgia, but that's not true. Aaron Murray is.

"I'm just kidding," Richt added after pausing for effect. "No, Joe is the quarterback. So we're good. ... No cause for a three-alarm fire or whatever everybody is trying to portray."

While unequivocal about Cox's status as the starter, Richt said only this when asked if Cox has a sore arm or shoulder, as has been rumored:

"What we have been doing with Joe is giving him ... off Wednesday as far as throwing the ball. And then Thursday - today - he'll work. But the guy has been here five years. He's getting old.

"Nah, we want to make sure his arm is as fresh as it could be. And that's why we do it. ... We want Joe to have as much pop as he can have."

Cox was not available for comment Thursday. Georgia makes its players off-limits to the media on Thursdays and Fridays.
Bobby has maintained that if we have to lose more schollies in order to get his wins back, then he doesn't want the wins.

Bobby is NOT going to punish his kids for 14 wins.

Bet that.
The Aggies are going bowling this year as long as they don't lose to Kansas State or Iowa State...

Colorado is a disaster...
Darrel Scott shoulda took his %!@ to FSU
Texas... He'd be the clear starter right now and probably would have been last year...
Im not sure about the truth in it but I heard he was all sold on Texas with the verbal and everything but his mom made him go to Colorado

Any truth in this or just a fallacy?
scotts mom wanted to keep her baby close to home which is the ONLY reason UCLA ever had a chance, if USC didnt have a million RB he would of been at USC rightnow. he was a CO lean for so long then texas had a shot towards the end. at the end of the day scott like CO and all the things he had heard from his uncle
they got big bucks?

and really off the top of my head i cant thing of anyone

maybe some mid major HC? but then again that just failed
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

they got big bucks?

and really off the top of my head i cant thing of anyone

maybe some mid major HC? but then again that just failed
I got no idea what their money is like... They gave Hawkins $900K annually with incentives that coulda pushed it to $1.5M, so I dunno...

Just a quick list...

Brent Venables, Kevin Wilson, Chris Petersen, Kyle Whittingham? Maybe Kevin Sumlin or Turner Gill? But if what Truth and my boy that plays ball at Coloradohave said is true, that probably ain't a fit at all...
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