09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

this is trash
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

wilcat going to drink himself to death with this crap
He's at the game, hes drunk off his %*+ already. He hit me up 1st quarter , sent me pics of pre game player walk in

he just hit me up again and I quote:

"Im buyin a tebow jersey for my lady, and makin her wear it while I $%% @@#% her jadsfajdshfa;sdjf;asdfdsf "

Originally Posted by dreClark

Shot a text to some of the recruits immediately after the game concluded, here are some quick hitters:

"I was shocked because I know they could've played better and they are a much better team then that, but I hope they put that loss behind them and worry about next week." - Greg Dent

"My reaction was @@+." - Damien Jacobs

"Shocked, but like my coaches tell us if we don't come to play, then you get upset." - Cameron Erving

"Wow, they lost." - Corey Lemonier

"I didn't really see the game, but I know it's not good." - Calvin Smith

"We just got to regroup but yeah it shocked me to hear that we lost." - De'Joshua Johnson.

"I don't know, it was shocking." - David Perry

"They had their chances, just didn't capitalize." - Darious Cummings

"Thats shocking man! I have to give the coaches a call... That's a downer." and.. "I'm pretty upset about that one." - Lamarcus Joyner

Uh oh.

**%# may get ugly.


Not just LJ, but recruting as a whole.


Shaun King was on ESPN News saying FSU was !$%+##+ stupid for playing South Florida in the 1st place
The playcalling by Michigan was piss poor. Why not run it 50 times against them? They were gashing for 6-7 every time.

OLine looked awful. Molk needs to be there for PSU. Moose got cute too many times and needs to stop that. Only pull that stuff when a guy is under center.

Defense is almost as bad as last year. The one thing I hate about RR is his love for walk-ons. If he likes a guy so much then why didn't he recruit him?The guy you spent 6 months begging to get on campus, is benched for a guy that isn't good enough to make a BDC level school. Thats why hes a walk-on.Kovacs, Heninger and Leach are NOT GOOD. Stick them on ST if you feel they have earned the right to play. They are SLOW and Kovacs showed his lack of footballskills many time today. That killed us.

Officiating was awful but Michigan got the screws a ton today and there were quite a few that would have made this game further apart than it showed.

IU came to play and this should give us something to think about.

If Michigan plays like this next week, Sparty will hand us an L and that is something we cannot have thisyear.
A quick write up about the Ducks today...

First off, WOW.
They came out fired up, on task, and looking pretty sharp (aside from the opening kickoff fumble).

Looking at the game overall here are a few of my thoughts:
  • ED DICKSON. I've been dying to see his breakout performance this year. A great athlete who just produces when given the chance. Masoli looked for him and found him often. With Ed as an "awakened" weapon in the offense, things should start to click even more around the offense.
  • LaMichael James continues to put in work and continues to impress me. Dude has quicks and moves and can take the load of 20ish carries a game. I'm excited to see him as he grows up more in this offense. Clearly the best back on the field today.
  • Jeremiah Masoli, where were you before today? I really think we saw the true Masoli today. This was the kind of play we expected from him after last season's 4 game winning streak where he just torched every defense he faced. Hopefully this is a launching point for him and the rest of the offense to blow the doors of the competition these next few weeks.
  • The defense is pretty darn good too. The numbers won't show it because the offense wasn't producing and forcing them back on the field. But they played fast, hard, and hit Cal in the mouth from the very get go. We didn't even have our two best defensive players in today (TJ Ward and Walter Thurmond). John Boyett looks terrific as a safety and I think has cemented his place alongside Ward once he gets back on the field.
  • Congrats to Coach Kelly as well. He coached the hell out of those guys and really worked them hard and got them playing their best.
  • Oregon needs to practice their ball control. We saw waaaay too many fumbles, lost snaps, and juggled handoffs. No doubt it will be a point of emphasis this week for Chip.
Overall, a great game for the Ducks. This should absolutely push them back into the top 20 at least. This team has come so far from the debacle that wasBoise St. Night and day difference for the Ducks.

Going on from here there are a few questions that I have surrounding the team:

Can we do this on a weekly basis?
Will Masoli continue to develop and become a better quarterback?
Can we sustain this momentum and rip through the Pac? If it's going to happen, this has got to be the year.

Good job Ducks! I look foward to next week's game agsinst Wazzu!

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