'09 COLLEGE FOOTBALL OFF-SEASON THREAD-recruiting/Coaching Changes/Transfers

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

texas A&M is in for a LONG yr.
Sherman will be fired and Phil Fulmer will be next Aggie Coach.
Everything I've heard is saying that if Sherman gets fired, Tuberville will be the replacement. I've heard it from several people that hewanted to be here when they brought in Sherman, and still wants to be here today.

Personally, I want Turner Gill...but I'm sure we all know that this @+%@@#$ conservative school isn't gonna go for that...

And also important...Sherman has a 7 year contract thanks to America's best AD, Bill Byrne. There's no way we can afford to fire him after just hissecond season (keep in mind that the Athletic Department is working under a $16 million deficit).

Defense will continue to be our downfall, but Sherman is finally bringing in some athletes instead of workout warriors like Fran preferred. You gotta havespeed on the field to keep up with the Big 12 offenses, and that's what Sherman is trying to bring in. I think Sherman will be fine after he has a coupleof years to get his guys in, but Kines really needs to go...
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

is A&M money long enough to keep tuberville away from SEC schools or the U?
Right now? Probably not. Supposedly he wants to be here though, so I dunno.

Somehow, A&M is still paying RC Slocum. If we fire Sherman, we'll have 3 former head coaches on the payroll (Slocum, Fran, Sherman)...4 if you includethe new head coach. It's hard to believe that we'd have the money to keep Tuberville away from the SEC and Miami under conditions like that.

The worst thing that ever happened to this football program is Rick Perry becoming Governor of Texas. Him being able to plant Mike McKinney as the Chancellorof the University has given those two +%#+ heads way too much power. Sherman never would have been the HC of A&M if McKinney and Perry didn't have somuch power.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

texas A&M is in for a LONG yr.
Sherman will be fired and Phil Fulmer will be next Aggie Coach.
6-6 and a whack +$* bowl game... The three OOC games besides Arkansas, then Iowa State, Kansas State, and one other game along the way. Baylor,Colorado, whatever... Sherman won't be fired. And Phil Fulmer sure as hell wouldn't be his replacement, at least not from anything I've read/heardabout Sherman's job security and potential replacements...
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

is A&M money long enough to keep tuberville away from SEC schools or the U?
Texas A&M money is DEEP when they want something... And there have been PLENTY of whispers that Mike Sherman was NOT Bill Byrne's hire andhe was forced on the program by Rick Perry and the school's president, so you gotta wonder if that puts him on a tighter leash with the AD and boosters...

If they wanted to fire him, they'd have a handful of boosters ready to pay whatever buyout in a matter of days...
why Mike Sherman had Johnson in a QB battle w. Tannehill is strange....was it to light a fire under Johnson's *!@? I dunno, but this kid is gonna do work this year....
Jerrod is nice... Jeff Fuller is a monster, and Ryan Tannehill will find himself back at receiver before long IMO... With Fuller, Tannehill, CyGray, Christine Michael, and that freshman group of receivers, the offense has a chance to be pretty damn solid if the offensive line can hold up...

And if Sherman is fired, they need to do EVERYTHING in their power to bring Turner Gill back to Texas... Want a guy that'll INSTANTLY put you on the mapwith recruits and make you competitive with guys like Mack Brown, Bob Stoops, and Les Miles? There he is. That guy right there is a program changer.

Stop hiring these gad damn cookie cutter A&M guys and go outside the loop and change things up... Gary Patterson, Turner Gill, hell go hire Mike Leach orArt Briles away from Baylor or Tech. Just get somebody DIFFERENT. Something fresh. Sherman flopping would be another kick in the crotch to the old "AggieGuy" bull crap... You took a chance with Fran, it didn't work out. You shoulda seen what he did at Bama and known he was a fraud. But they can'tlet that scare them from going outside the family to hire head coaches...
Yeah if you don't believe in defense Art Briles is your guy

If Fran got 5 recruiting classes in Sherman sure as hell better at least get 4. They cannot afford to keep losing prestige within the state.
The good news (well, somewhat good) is that Bill Bryne will supposedly be allowed to make this next hire on his own. He was supposedly against bringing inSherman, and wanted to go for a guy like Tuberville or Patterson. Mike McKinney basically refused to allow the Board of Regents to let that happen, and prettymuch forced Bill Byrne to hire Mike Sherman. From everything I've heard, Byrne gets the next hire (provided he's still here)...

Kevin Sumlin would probably also be near the top of my personal list for coaches I want at A&M, but again...these conservative boosters wouldn't go forthat...
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

is A&M money long enough to keep tuberville away from SEC schools or the U?
Miami money ain't long like that.

Partially why they went the cheap route and hired Randy Shannon.
Everything I've heard is saying that if Sherman gets fired, Tuberville will be the replacement.

And damn Johnson put on some weight
. Dude been grinding.
We ain't got money to compete for tommy unless he values roots > money.......but in this economy that wont happen
We went the cheap route cuz we were still paying Coker. Coker's contract will be over and randy's isn't that much in the 1st place somoneywon't be as big an issue. We can afford a big name coach...just not two. If for whatever reason Shannon gets fired we'll def be bringing in a proven,big-time coach. And we can afford Tubbs
A&M's offense this year is going to be nice if the o-line can hold up. The defense is still trash but should be better than last year. I expectsomewhere between 4-6 wins this year. Tmay, a guy who I was talking to (probably the most legit source you can have) was talking about Byrne being firedsometime in the near future, so I wouldn't expect him to make the next hire.
LB Nigel Terrell to FSU. You guys already have 3 LBs committed now. Suprised you accpeted this considered how low he's ranked and two strong possibilitiesleft on board - what's up with Jones and Luc? Taking 5 LBs this year?
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