⭐ OFFICIAL 2020-2021 NBA Off-Season Thread: Olympics begin 7/23; NBA Draft 7/29⭐

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Baron wanted Duke to recruit him , but Coach K was stubborn and stayed on Will Avery . To be fair Coach K was dealing with the death of a loved one during that recruiting cycle .

Doug Gotlib wanted Wojo's scholarship bad .

Coach K could've had Ben Gordon , but recruited Daniel Ewing more .

thanks for sharing this, tough read man.
this part got me “When I got the news, I had tears in my eyes,” Zach Randolph said. “I looked around and everybody on the highway in their car was crying, too. It was like everybody got the news at the same time. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.”


man imiss that dude :frown:
Speaking of CLASSIC NT Moments (and actually NBA related).....


Imagine getting ya **** aired out to the world like that on a broadcast by some jobber announcers :smh: I would love to an on-air dialogue between JVG and Mark Jackson conversation about this situation just to hear the advice they'd give Ben :lol:
can’t believe it’s gonna be a year tomorrow. 2020 was the longest but shortest year ever at the same time
bruh super emphasis on this. i still remember going into the backyard at like 1am on the 26th (morning) like damn why the heck is there so much damn fog. :frown: :frown:
1. I consistently have the best takes in here 🤷🏽‍♂️

2. If you actually thought the clippers were gonna win a chip last year your basketball opinions are invalid

I am not saying I thought they WOULD but I wouldn't have been surprised if they did.

At what point did you think it was RIDICULOUS to think LAC weren't going to win?
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