Who Will Win Champions League?

  • Bayern Munich

  • Paris Saint-Germain

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Mixture of quite a few things. People gotta understand Atlanta actually has great and passionate sports fans we just been through a lot of **** everyone single one of these teams has given us massive heart break in huge moments in spectacularly embarrassing fashion and MULTIPLE TIMES for each of em too and dudes just get fed up :lol: so I can’t really blame dudes for being over that **** sometimes not going to games etc. (prime example current state of the falcons). So now we finally got a team that’s actually doing something in the city and we got something can really get behind and it helps a lot with the locals that Atlanta United doesn’t have the baggage the Hawks, falcons and braves do it’s like a fresh start. Hell my dad who never cared about soccer even in the years and years I been tryin to put him on way before Atlanta united couldn’t have cared less about the sport. But now he’s got a local soccer team in a major league that’s great and doing well and he’s t least checking the scores and watching big games. I think Atlanta United also benefits from the large amount of people that live here that aren’t from Atlanta or Georgia in general. Most people who move don’t adopt the team of the of the city they moving To cause they will still supporting their home town team where they from but a lot of those places didn’t have MLS teams when they moved so they don’t have a loyalty to any MLS team so they feel free to support Atlanta United cause there’s no prior loyalty to another hometown team. So you got locals and people that moved here pretty much all rallying around a new team that’s a fresh start for both locals and transplants.

the marketing was great too. In the city you see Atlanta United stuff all over and have taken a grass roots approach working with local organizations to expand the sport even more building things like indoor courts in a couple train stations with plans to do more. They also didn’t take the easy way out that people associate with MLS teams as far as marketing a new team goes. They had a clear plan to build a winning team and didnt fall into the trope of let’s just get an aging European star to market the team.

Also another factor as fan culture goes i think has helped is the similarity between soccer fan culture and college sports fan culture. Georgia and Atlanta is obsessed with college football like the south is in general and like soccer fans as we all know they will literally ride and die for their team as if it’s the only thing that matters in the world, similar mindset wit college sports fans in the south. That similarity Is also why I believe the south is a sleeping giant when it comes to the future of soccer in this country.

I think all of these factors have combined to making Atlanta United such a success so far

Very well articulated and explained. Appreciated. (You a business major btw?)

I won’t lie, when I heard Atlanta was getting a soccer team I thought “they don’t have a shot”. Yes Atlanta is diverse along racial lines, but Atlanta doesn’t much multicultural diversity like other big cities,

I thought due to Atlanta’s lack of Hispanics and Europeans the MLS didn’t stand a shot, but the ATL surprised me. I got it completely wrong.
Very well articulated and explained. Appreciated. (You a business major btw?)

I won’t lie, when I heard Atlanta was getting a soccer team I thought “they don’t have a shot”. Yes Atlanta is diverse along racial lines, but Atlanta doesn’t much multicultural diversity like other big cities,

I thought due to Atlanta’s lack of Hispanics and Europeans the MLS didn’t stand a shot, but the ATL surprised me. I got it completely wrong.

Nah political science major. Thats understandable though I can see why people not from here would think that. Atlanta and the metro area has a lot of multicultural diversity in pockets in different areas in and surrounding the city(except the while people here always trying do typical exclusionary white people things that the USA is famous for). And while it doesnt have a ton of Europeans and Hispanics particularly the city and the surrounding areas make up for it by having a lot of people from almost everywhere from all parts of South America, Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe. To use my experiences as an example and granted Georgia State in the middle of downtown Atlanta is a very diverse school but when I play indoor or outdoor Pickup games you’ll see people from all different races, ethnicities and cultures. My futsal intramural team in college had me one other African American, Kenyan, Ethiopia, Nigerian, a few Bengalis, a Trinidadian dude a couple Mexicans, a South Korean dude, a white french dude and a black French dude who’s fam was from the Congo, a guy from Pakistan we had people from all over on our squad. You can find people from all over here you just gotta know where to find em :lol:
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Nah political science major. Thats understandable though I can see why people not from here would think that. Atlanta and the metro area has a lot of multicultural diversity in pockets in different areas in and surrounding the city(except the while people here always trying do typical exclusionary white people things that the USA is famous for). And while it doesnt have a ton of Europeans and Hispanics particularly the city and the surrounding areas make up for it by having a lot of people from almost everywhere from all parts of South America, Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe. To use my experiences as an example and granted Georgia State in the middle of downtown Atlanta is. A very diverse school but when I play indoor or outdoor Pickup games you’ll see people from all different races, ethnicities and cultures. My futsal intramural team in college had me one other African American, Kenyan, Ethiopia, Nigerian, a few Bengalis, a Trinidadian dude a couple Mexicans, a South Korean dude, a white french dude and a black French dude who’s fam was from the Congo, a guy from Pakistan we had people from all over. You can find people from all over here you just gotta know where to find em :lol:

See I didn’t know that, I thought ATL was something else. I thought it was just white confederate douches and American blacks. I’ve only been to ATL once to visit my boy from college who lived in Marietta, I took the detour while driving back to NY from school in Florida.

felt like a different world :lol:

all Atlanta United need to do now is play on grass pitch :lol:
Much rather have Mou in Spain for lulz..... but him Arsenal would also be great :lol:

according to Twitter, lots of Arsenal fans are keen to the idea:nerd:

I'm surprised any Arsenal fan wants Mou at the club. I certainly don't want him. He'll leave the club in shambles. You know what you're going to get with him. Emery does have to go. But I think fans are desperate, they are the same ones who said he is washed.

Wasn't there a rumor that Mou already had an agreement with a club?
I'm surprised any Arsenal fan wants Mou at the club. I certainly don't want him. He'll leave the club in shambles. You know what you're going to get with him. Emery does have to go. But I think fans are desperate, they are the same ones who said he is washed.

Wasn't there a rumor that Mou already had an agreement with a club?

No idea
I would argue that ATL should have their own stadium. Their own as in not sharing with the falcons but that's my opinion.

Anywho, it's happening :evil:

See I didn’t know that, I thought ATL was something else. I thought it was just white confederate douches and American blacks. I’ve only been to ATL once to visit my boy from college who lived in Marietta, I took the detour while driving back to NY from school in Florida.

felt like a different world :lol:

all Atlanta United need to do now is play on grass pitch :lol:

oh see you was in Cobb county then that explains it that was prime white flight territory where all the white people dipped too when black people started integrating the neighborhoods in and around the city. Now they doing the reverse trying move back to the city and closer to downtown in general tryin to gentrify the same neighborhoods they fled from after we put the city on the map decades later :rolleyes

And don’t get me wrong go either further south Georgia or further north Georgia and those confederate battle flag types all out there deep. I recently drove from here to Gainesville for a poly sci conference at university of Florida and the confederate battle flags, trump 2020 flags and billboards and billboards of Jesus along side the military where out in full force. You can bet money I made sure I did the speed limit going through those towns :lol: lookin like how I look last thing I needed was high way patrol stoppin me in trump country
If Mou does return to the Premier League, it needs to be a team right on the brink. Something he can walk into, be the dominant personality and not worry about being checked or a "return to glory". He needs a mix of guys who aren't afraid to grit and grind to wins and that's going to be hard to do at a cosmopolitan team with history.

Basically I'm saying I want to see Mourinho at Leicester City :lol:
I thought Bayern wanted him to get some more experience before they went after him

I think last summer the board said he wasn't experience enough, but there's no agreement in place. Seems that we're chasing Ten Hag immediately. Either to come this winter or next summer. He's basically implied to the press multiple times if Bayern come calling he's ready

Valverde and Rodrygo get the start for Real. I think if Valverde has another match where he imposes himself physically that Zidane will have to drop either Kroos or Modric for him in his best XI.

I’m hoping Mendy gets 100% fit soon. Marcelo starting is a worry these days.

Hazard HAS to either score and/or just have a great overall performance.

Unfortunately going to have to miss most of the match.
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