⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Kane scored more goals than Messi and Ronaldo in the 2017 calendar year and he just keeps on getting better. Specifically everything he does outside of scoring has improved significantly like his hold-up play, passing, ... He's had games where he didn't score at all but still had one of the best performances on the field. The Man Utd match comes to mind as a recent example.
If and when the time comes to sell him, £200m should be a bare minimum.
GM footy fam!

Missed the London Derby but pleased to know that AFTV is gonna be lit this morning :pimp:

Currently watching the USSF Election. Right now the candidates are saying their piece.

That’s the point :lol:

You don’t rate Kane, cool. But you can’t tell me that man isn’t the definition of a galactico signing. White, English and really good at football. He’s very marketable, the same as Bale.

Wenger needs to figure a way to start Laca and Pierre. 4-4-2 diamond might work.
I actually do rate Kane. And he is a galactico caliber signing. But my point is, he ain't Neymar. :lol:
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Pretty good summary of the gap between both North London sides at the moment
Smaller than the gap between the Manchester sides
I actually like run off voting.

Time in between so people who's candidate doesn't move to the next round can figure out who they're voting for (I'm assuming this is how it works, don't really know the details :lol:)
PSG mixing starters/bench ahead of the first leg vs RM

I expect Neymar to not complete the full 90.

Wonder what type of lineup RM goes with, and who if anybody that will start mid-week will start later today.
Not the boldest prediction, but I fully expect RM to concede at least 1 on Wednesday due to sheer pace/counter-attacking directness.
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