⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Man U can only blame themselves for this loss
Could have had 5 goals tonight
Unclincal display from everyone other than Mata
Definitely. You squander so many good opportunities like that, you're bound to get bit. Poor... very poor.

Are all the big leagues pretty much over at this point? :rolleyes
United could've put the dagger in on numerous occasions. Martial and Lingard's chances both from a great Lukaku pass should've been goals.
Good to see Leicester putting in work again
Lukaku should’ve had 2 assists today.

Martial, J Lingz, and Rash all missed chances. Lingers I’ll give a pass, but Martial and Rash should have scored.

Pogba bossed the midfield.
Time to celebrate an Man U L.

Dropping points on a 95th minute equalizer like that with a man advantage Issa L.


A draw after being so wasteful does feel like an L. SMH

Hopefully it’ll be a hard lesson learned to always put away chances no matter what.

Just saw that Lingard missed and I’d be sick to my stomach if I was an Man U fan right about now.

Hopefully he never plays again and gets sold off to Stoke City.
I turned the game off at the 92nd minute at work casue I figured no way Heggsy boys would equalize with so little time left and being down to 10. finished setting up check the score 2-2 lmaooo

13 points clear :nthat:
You saw that Schick chance?

Wasn't able to watch the game. From what I have seen of him since coming into the squad, I've liked. He should start.

Would have been great for him to score against Juve. Since y'all didn't buy him.
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