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Croatia had a heck of a World Cup run

A small country made all the way to final game. Sweet

Congratulations to French people and their Les Bleus
This shows how bad the right side of the bracket was....

France would beat England 4-0
Yeah if Argentina actually showed up and placed 1st in their bracket, Croatia would of played France in the Round of 16. Tbf they did a hell of a job to get to the Finals tho. 3 straight 120 minute matches and actually tied 1-1 before they imploded.
Last year France nearly elected a bigoted piece of **** because many in the country felt immigration, especially African immigration, as hurt the country.

Less than a year later a team filled with the children of African immigrants is gonna deliver another World Cup.

I hope all those fools that voted for Marine Le Pen remembers this with then they are celebrating
They still elected another POS who told descendants of slavery to get over it...you need to dash that liberal kool aid away cause none of them care about you.
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