⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Oh god here’s another one... hope you don’t watch niffle bcs they got loads of diving... ncaa too... plz go back to that thread that celebrates that “sport” that takes 3 1/2 hours to play 11 mins of actual game time... How stupid is it that people sit around for that much time to watch so little of actual play, especially when you go to the stadiums. I mean they call time outs despite getting loads of the time outs... :rofl:

What a moronic “sport”....

You can recognize that soccer has an issue without bashing other sports. No need to be so defensive.
I dont the he's ever been the fav,I'd say Modric and Kante would be ahead of him.

Best young player for sure though

Mbappe's shown glimpses but he hasn't really torn it up as much since the Argentina game. He hasn't had to score or assist to help the squad though,he's helped in a lot of other ways

He was the heavy favorite on my sports book. Outside of Modric no one came close.
Damn Paul you gotta take care of the ball better then that against these Croats...

Hugo has had a great tournament...
I swear homey got me on a tangent... who goes to niffle games just to stand around most of the time to watch nothing happening on the field for 95% of the time?!?!? You paid top dollar to watch big dudes in pads & helmets to mostly stand around... you wanna get rid of concussions, get rid of the helmets & pads... you’ll see better tackling...
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