♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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I'm just confused about why he'd go through the effort of tailoring AND distressing/bleaching 514's instead of just grabbing some 511's, 513's, or 521's and taking out the need for tailoring work.

unless you lost weight and they no longer fit da way u originally liked, i agree 100%

this is why under levis #s exist, to suit people's various needs and wants.
I'm just confused about why he'd go through the effort of tailoring AND distressing/bleaching 514's instead of just grabbing some 511's, 513's, or 521's and taking out the need for tailoring work.

unless you lost weight and they no longer fit da way u originally liked, i agree 100%

this is why under levis #s exist, to suit people's various needs and wants.

Hmm imma have to go to da store and try all da different styles one of these days.
They could be D&G too... But im not sure.

like these (look at the stitching on the back pockets just like levi's).

or these.
Joe Johnson with the IV's :nthat: They only lasted for the 1st half though :lol:

That KG Concords pic :smokin

That Tyler pic wearing the XIII's is cool too.
^ Na man he wasnt makin out that its too much for him - he was saying for high school kids $270 is too much, he said he can get any shoe he wants but for kids these prices are too much - "do what you gotta do bron"

Dude prob needs a J to keep him straight when hes not ballin, not that thats cool do what you gotta do JR 8)
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Of course i would know since i sold him the damn things.......
not really, just saying his argument doesnt hold much weight. The whole reason he went to go play in China during the lockout is because hes irresponsible with his money
Again, how would you know these things?

Not trying to be a prick, but its hilarious when people think they know what goes on with these guys, when in reality they have NO IDEA.
you're right, hes a great advocate for what LeBron and Nike should do with their basketball line....... it doesnt matter how much he paid for his shirt or hat- we all know they're ridiculously over-priced pieces. I get it though, hes a hero for looking out for these kids whose parents are overpaying for their shoes..... such a heartwarming story- give me a break
LOL do you personally know JR Smith? You understand most of these "broke" stories are not compeltely true right? People still think A.I is broke. People thought Michael Freaking Jackson was broke. With JR,  you don't know dudes money situation, don't understand why you feel the need to judge somebody on something you don't know.
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LOL do you personally know JR Smith? You understand most of these "broke" stories are not compeltely true right? People still think A.I is broke. People thought Michael Freaking Jackson was broke. With JR,  you don't know dudes money situation, don't understand why you feel the need to judge somebody on something you don't know.

People judging others they don't know personally, being self-righteous, and acting as if they are experts on the celebrity lifestyle is the life blood of NT. It's idiotic - I agree - but it is what it is.
Shun, thats the freakin world right now- and I'm no expert on any celebrity lifestyle. I've seen him in person a few times at the AAC and once outside of the W downtown here (also at a night club)- he came off as an arrogant jerk, and plays like one too. You can believe what you want, but this aint even news- if you're a fanboy of his- thats great. What i said remains, whatever he says about that holds NO merit
No merit to you. I find it funny when people always think "famous" people are jerks. You don't even know the person or even the mood they are in when you meet them.

And oh,..... I see what you did there 2x
^ correct, and I'm speaking for myself- i'm not speaking for you- somehow, you and BIP find it necessary to speak for everybody. Your analogy with Michael Jackson was false too, btw. He spent more than was coming in while he was alive- now that hes dead- YES, his current album sales and royalties are >>>>> than what he spends (because hes dead). Whats with every thread on here full of dudes trying to argue over the internet? I know it makes you guys feel better about your real life to "WIN" some little debates about how things are worded and the context and hidden meaning behind posts. So go ahead, take the victory
lettuce hear more about your level-headed expertise on D-grade celebrity basketball players
Man your filled with so much hate man.
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