☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

21 and 16 is not a bad night by Humphries. John Wall got tired of the high screens. he really was fed up towards the end. It was smart by avery. Jordan Crawford also killed them at one point. He was just putting up any shot.
John Wall still can't shoot.
John Wall is a beast, but Summer League tricked way too many people into thinking his game was so developed, like what highlight clips you see of someone missing shots.
That reverse by B Easy was amazing, wasn't even necessary. I thought he'd just dunk it on the strong side. Russ won't even just come down and call TO, went through all that extra trouble
Looks like he and everyone else knew they were going to call it, so he wanted to see if he could fake everyone out and steal a bucket foirst then decided ok I'll just call timeout since all my other teammates already walked off the court.
I don' know how KD just made that shot either. OMG, or that one!!

In before Barea flops and draws offensive fouls 4 straight possessions. I've seen it before
I always find myself channel surfing between games. Anyone got that problem too? Gonna be like that with the Lakers/Kings and Bulls/Warriors game too.
The young god Kemba with 13, 7, and 3 tonight. He'll get the start Wednesday cause DJ's ankle didn't look good.

Hell of a comeback by us. Mullens really impressed me with his range. If only Diaw wasn't so fat while putting up these numbers.
Great flow to the first half of the Spurs/Grizz game.

I like this matchup. Hope they meet again in the playoffs.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Great flow to the first half of the Spurs/Grizz game.

I like this matchup. Hope they meet again in the playoffs.
IDK, sloppy play from both teams and a lot of fouls called.

The Spurs can't be serious with a frontline of Duncan, Blair, Splitter and Bonner for the season.
This Grizzlies-Spurs game is so difficult to watch between the fouls and turnovers.


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