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  1. speakdatruf

    What was your starting salary/wage straight out of college? vol. realistic

    yo stop ripping on the dude that spends 75/month on groceries. its POSSIBLE. hes not eating like his dog is chef ramsey or anything, but hes gettin by. i dontknow why everybodys making this into such a big deal. its not like he said he spends $8 bucks or smth. 20 a week on groceries is...
  2. speakdatruf

    Should ALL Drugs Be Fully Legalized? vol. Watch the clip - Meth, Heroine, Crack

    ok what i think is an important point to consider that Friedman breezes through given the nature of his audience is the following: The legalization of drugs will result in many social changes, one of which is the fact that there will be no people in prison for possession-based charges. Thecost...
  3. speakdatruf

    Should ALL Drugs Be Fully Legalized? vol. Watch the clip - Meth, Heroine, Crack

    before anybody starts saying ANYTHING, i highly recommend you watch this clip of University of Chicago economics Milton Friedman stating his views on thematter. Its definitely worth watching.
  4. speakdatruf

    Bagel Bites or Pizza Rolls

    nice man. anything in any guys mouth is gay. even food. oh snap im outta the closet now, better keep those bagel bites away from me before i go ona homoerotic rage
  5. speakdatruf

    Let's Discuss Top 10 Movies of the Decade

    wow babel is not on the list
  6. speakdatruf

    Bagel Bites or Pizza Rolls

    wow i love both of those so so much but i cant eat them because i lose control of my self in a barbaric rage, stuff them all in my mouth and burn my toungeevery time.
  7. speakdatruf

    Closing mac lid vs putting to sleep??? VOL. Help me win this argument

    yeah man its the same thing
  8. speakdatruf

    Tiger Leaves Golf Indefinitely?

    woods says that hes done with golf for good. how do yall think thisll change the game?
  9. speakdatruf

    Anybody have the Amazon Kindle?

    damn i was all set on buying one too, but this is making me rethink it. thanks man, one of the most useful posts ive seen on nt in a while
  10. speakdatruf

    Anybody have the Amazon Kindle?

    im thinking bout buying the kindle dx. its right under 500 but basically i dont have to pay for any classic book plus i can torrent some of them. heres thelink: anybody have it? seen it? heard about it? any info would be appreciated
  11. speakdatruf

    What Do You Guys Think About Google Wave?

    I just got my Google Wave invite from one of my friends and im playing around with it now. It seems like its got potential, but its not something that illprobably be using regularly. anyways, what do you guys that have it think?
  12. speakdatruf

    LMAO @ Yahoo Answers

    simp. thats what got me too man
  13. speakdatruf

    LMAO @ Yahoo Answers some of these people
  14. speakdatruf

    Best One Line Jokes

    yo nt post your best one liners. ive seen some good ones on here before and i need a laugh right about now appreciated
  15. speakdatruf

    Kanye West: Short Film By Spike Jonze - We Were Once A Fairy Tale

    alright this is a short film (like 10-11mins) made by spike jonze about kanye. its deff interesting. Kanye West - We Were Once A Fairy Tale (2009) oh and sorry if late, mods delete
  16. speakdatruf

    Jesus Taking the L Pic Request

    i know that pic is terrible on so many levels, but if anybody has the pic of him carrying the L, id appreciate it if it was posted thanks in advance
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