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  1. aight

    Who are your favorite (non-celebrity) people to follow ?

    post your top 3 and their link : 1- @redbanana (!/badbanana ) 2- @ThisNinjaFarted (!/ThisNinjaFarted )  (WARNING: this guy takes the feminist movement 40 years back by himself) 3- @XplicitLyrics (!/XplicitLyric ) feel free to...
  2. aight

    LT Electric Glide (The 2010 version of the Bears superbowl shuffel)

    don't get too excited, some of us got things to do. If it's late, then too bad move on with your life ! I thought it was funny so I moved on.
  3. aight

    LT Electric Glide (The 2010 version of the Bears superbowl shuffel)

    sorry I don't know how. if anyone knows how, go ahead with it
  4. aight

    LT Electric Glide (The 2010 version of the Bears superbowl shuffel)

    sorry if it's late, but I don't like to use the search option. I apparently don't know how to embed a video either. anyway its a funky LT (Chargers running back) dance video.
  5. aight

    Worst Phrase You Could Ever Hear:

    any phrase that Paris Hilton uses ; That's Hot or That's Huge she apparently trademarked both phrases, and it drives me through a wall when I hear someone use them
  6. aight

    Do you or anybody you know NOT listen to music?

    Muslims aren't allowed to listen to music, I think. Or maybe certain instruments are banned. I will look it up and edit.
  7. aight

    McCain's Economic Plan > Obama's Economic Plan

    The only reason I will be voting for Obama is because I am a conservative Republican who will not stand for 8 years of McCain. I rather wait for the obamaexperiment, and have an actual conservative lead this country. I hate hypocrites, and McCain is a hypocrite (he should run as an independent...
  8. aight

    So my girl emailed Maury Show.

    Lie detector test for what? cheating possibly If y'all cant trust each other, then you need to move on! Find the nearest exit
  9. aight

    DOW closes UP OVER 900 points!....... biggest one-day point gain EVER.... [breaking news pg 2]

    It's hard to be optimistic ! But I would sell, sell, sell right now. This is the highest it will ever be for a very very very long time "my friends".
  10. aight

    How the heck did I spend $7 at McDonalds for breakfast? Vol. Inflation FTL

    I wouldn't go as far as to say inflation. But I understand your point, Why would you pay $7 for breakfast, when you can get lunch for around $6 atMcDonalds.
  11. aight

    Obama A House Negro. Vol. SMH

  12. aight

    Obama A House Negro. Vol. SMH

  13. aight

    Obama A House Negro. Vol. SMH

    You all think its funny and that he is stupid ! But here are the consequences, (or rewards) if Obama gets elected: 1) Affirmative Action will have to go ! Colleges should no longer accept a minority or black with less scores than a white person that was declined ! 2) Welfare is going to have...
  14. aight


    Unless you are the Boss
  15. aight

    CASH !!!! vol. how much have you ever seen ?

    You can't take 50,000 cash out of the country ! that is illegal
  16. aight

    The world would be a better place if...Vol. 1

    Interesting question ! The world would be a better place if: - Everyone looked sincerely and honestly for the true religion, and go past what your mother and father told ya, but rather what your instincts tell you,because God will never mislead a man/woman with pure intentions
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