McCain's Economic Plan > Obama's Economic Plan

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A lot of people on NT are quick to bash McCain's economic plans due to his lack of expertise in economic affairs, thinking that Obama's plans wouldbe more beneficial for the current recession.
This is just wrong. Hereis a statement opposing Obama's economic policies signed by 100 economists at leading universities, including 5 Nobel laureates. There are other similarstatements on the web with as much as three hundred something signatories.
Barack Obama argues that his proposals to raise tax rates and halt international trade agreements would benefit the American economy. They would do nothing of the sort. Economic analysis and historical experience show that they would do the opposite. They would reduce economic growth and decrease the number of jobs in America. Moreover, http://http://with the credit crunch, the housing slump, and high energy prices weakening the U.S. economy, his proposals run a high risk of throwing the economy into a deep recession. It was exactly such misguided tax hikes and protectionism, enacted when the U.S. economy was weak in the early 1930s, that greatly increased the severity of the Great Depression.

We are very concerned with Barack Obama's opposition to trade agreements such as the pending one with Colombia, the new one with Central America, or the established one with Canada and Mexico. Exports from the United States to other countries create jobs for Americans. Imports make goods available to Americans at lower prices and are a particular benefit to families and individuals with low incomes. International trade is also a powerful source of strength in a weak economy. In the second quarter of this year, for example, increased international trade did far more to stimulate the U.S. economy than the federal government's "stimulus" package.

Ironically, rather than supporting international trade, Barack Obama is now proposing yet another so-called stimulus package, which would do very little to grow the economy. And his proposal to finance the package with higher taxes on oil would raise oil prices directly and by reducing exploration and production.

We are equally concerned with his proposals to increase tax rates on labor income and investment. His dividend and capital gains tax increases would reduce investment and cut into the savings of millions of Americans. His proposals to increase income and payroll tax rates would discourage the formation and expansion of small businesses and reduce employment and take-home pay, as would his mandates on firms to provide expensive health insurance.

After hearing such economic criticism of his proposals, Barack Obama has apparently suggested to some people that he might postpone his tax increases, perhaps to 2010. But it is a mistake to think that postponing such tax increases would prevent their harmful effect on the economy today. The prospect of such tax rate increases in 2010 is already a drag on the economy. Businesses considering whether to hire workers today and expand their operations have time horizons longer than a year or two, so the prospect of higher taxes starting in 2009 or 2010 reduces hiring and investment in 2008.

In sum, Barack Obama's economic proposals are wrong for the American economy. They defy both economic reason and economic experience.

Despite this, I will, however, still be voting for Obama for other reasons.
The candidates for this year is just horrible.

It's like choosing a chick with herpes, or gonorrhea.
A lot of that is debatable...I think both candidates are weak on the economy, But...

"We are equally concerned with his proposals to increase tax rates on labor income and investment. His dividend and capital gains tax increases wouldreduce investment and cut into the savings of millions of Americans. His proposals to increase income and payroll tax rates would discourage the formation andexpansion of small businesses and reduce employment and take-home pay, as would his mandates on firms to provide expensive health insurance."

Is why i'm not voting for him...raising the Capital Gains Tax in this economy is a terrible idea, it just doesn't make any sense at all...
I read the first two sentences and it couldn't be more correct. Taxes, duties, and import barriers create inefficiencies in markets and overall hurt theeconomy. Anyone with a basic knowledge of economics would agree.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

The candidates for this year is just horrible.

It's like choosing a chick with herpes, or gonorrhea.

pretty much
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Nktran001

The candidates for this year is just horrible.

It's like choosing a chick with herpes, or gonorrhea.

Well, gonorrhea is curable. But, I get the jist.
Im gonna assume Obama is at least the gonorrhea
Originally Posted by Nktran001

The candidates for this year is just horrible.

It's like choosing a chick with herpes, or gonorrhea.

more like a brand new STD most people that are voting are either voting for obama because A) hes black B) its the "IN" thing to do C)doesnt knowanyone else voting for McCain so they are pressured into voting for obizzle i bet most people cant tell you a political reason they are voting for obama.everyone just says O MCCAIN WANTS THE DRAFT, or MCCAIN IS JUST LIKE BUSH. thats all they know and its sad
Good read, but I will say this though as a word of caution. Everyone comes from a certain viewpoint, even respected economists. I'm not even talking abouta political point of view, but two highly respected economists can have differing views on what economic approaches work best. Some, for instance, are fans ofReganomic-like trickle down approaches, while others believe the better approach is a bottom-up approach.

So on the one hand, one could argue that these top economists could be coming from the same economic viewpoint espoused by political conservatives, while onthe other hand it if nothing else highlights the fact that there's no clear-cut solution to our current economic woes right now. Regardless of what side ofthe political aisle you're on (which BTW I'm a registered independent who barring something big in the next three weeks will likely be voting forObama), to just flat-out say A's or B's economic views are just flat-out wrong as a general proposition is to ignore the fact that neitherapproach is a panacea.

One thing that's continued to raise questions for me though is that while I've heard a little bit about how/why Obama's plan won't/can't work, I haven't heard much about how/why McCain's plan will/can work.
Well, Obama will be our president, So I guess y'all dudes better get your penicillin and whatever you need to cure whatever STDs ail you.
Like those economists are not biased.

Let me see where those signatures came from...

oh yah.. this website!

How much does someone want to bet that the following 333 people are all registered REPUBLICANS???
Anyone want to verify?

[h2]The 333 Signatories[/h2]
Adams, Richard M.Oregon State University
Adie, Douglas K.Ohio University
Agnello, RichardUniversity of Delaware
Ahiakpor, James C.W.California State University, East Bay
Albrecht, WilliamUniversity of Iowa
Alexander, Donald L.Western Michigan University
Alpert, WilliamUniversity of Connecticut
Alvarez, Fernando E.University of Chicago
Amacher, Ryan C.The University of Texas at Arlington
Andron, GeoffreyAustin Community College
Armey, Richard K.Freedom Works
Azevedo, ChristopherUniversity of Central Missouri
Back, KerryTexas A&M University
Banaian, KingSt. Cloud State University
Barro, RobertHarvard University
Basciano, Peter M.Augusta State University
Beck, Stacie E.University of Delaware
Becker, GaryUniversity of Chicago
Belcher, LarryStetson University
Bellante, DonaldUniversity of South Florida
Bender, BruceUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Berry, AnneFormer economist, Council of Economic Advisers
Bethune, John J.Barton College
Bhagat, SanjaiUniversity of Colorado
Bise, Robert G.Orange Coast College
Block, Michael K.University of Arizona
Blomberg, BrockClaremont McKenna College
Bohanon, CecilBall State University
Bonilla, CarlosThe Washington Group
Borden, Karl J.University of Nebraska
Bordo, MichaelRutgers University
Borts, George H.Brown University
Boskin, MichaelStanford University
Botsas, EleftheriosOakland University
Boyd, John H.University of Minnesota
Brannon, IkeMcCain-Palin 2008
Broussard, John PaulRutgers
Brown Jr., George F.Blue Canyon Partners, Inc.
Brust, PeterUniversity of Tampa
Buchanan, JamesGeorge Mason University
Buchholz, ToddTwo Oceans Management
Butkiewicz, James L.University of Delaware
Calomiris, CharlesColumbia University
Cargill, Thomas F.University of Nevada, Reno
Carter, JamesVienna, VA
Chance, DonLouisiana State University
Chilton, Kenneth W.Lindenwood University
Chiswick, Barry R.University of Illinois at Chicago
Chiswick, Carmel U.University of Illinois at Chicago
Choi, KIowa State University
Cima, Lawrence R.John Carroll University
Cochran, John P.Metropolitan State College of Denver
Cogan, JohnHoover Institution
Collinge, RobertUniversity of Texas at San Antonio
Colwell, Peter F.University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Connolly, MichaelUniversity of Miami
Cooper, Kathleen B.Southern Methodist University
Cordato, RoyThe John Locke Foundation
Couch, Jim F.University of North Alabama
Covey, TedMcLean, Virginia
Crawford, Anthony J.University of Montana
Crippen, DanFormer CBO Director
Crocker, Thomas D.University of Wyoming
Crouch, Robert L.University of California, Santa Barbara
Crucini, Mario J.Vanderbilt University
Curran, Ward S.Trinity College
Dammon, Robert M.Carnegie Mellon University
Danielsen, Albert L.University of Georgia
Davis, Ronnie H.Florida Institute of Technology
Davis, SteveUniversity of Chicago
Day, Richard H.University of Southern California
Deitsch, Clarence R.Ball State University
DeMuth, ChristopherAmerican Enterprise Institute
Dewald, William G.Ohio State University
Diamond Jr., Arthur M.University of Nebraska at Omaha
Diebold, Francis X.University of Pennsylvania
Dougan, WilliamClemson University
Douglas, ChristopherUniversity of Michigan, Flint
Duncan, Floyd H.The Virginia Military Institute
Duncan, Joseph W.Micro Mite
Dunlevy, James A.Miami University
Ebenstein, LannyUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
Eckalbar, JohnCalifornia State University, Chico
Egan, Francis J.Trinity College
Egger, John B.Towson University
Ehrlich, IsaacSUNY at Buffalo
Eichenbaum, MartinNorthwestern University
Eickhoff-Smith, M. KathrynEickhoff Economics Inc
Ellis, Michael A.Kent State University
Elyasiani, ElyasTemple University
Ericson, Richard E.East Carolina University
Eubanks, Larry S.University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Evans, PaulOhio State University
Falero Jr., FrankCalifornia State University
Fama, Eugene F.University of Chicago
Farr, Dorsey D.French Wolf & Farr
Farr, W. KenGeorgia College & State University
Feenberg, DanNBER
Feigenbaum, Susan K.University of Missouri, St. Louis
Feldstein, MartinHarvard University
Fisher, EricCalifornia Polytechnic State University
Flanegin, Frank R.Robert Morris University
Fleisher III, Arthur A "Trey"Metro State College of Denver
Fleming, GarryRoanoke College
Flint, Harold D.Montclair State University
Foo, JenniferStetson University
Forbes, KristinMIT
Ford, William F.Middle Tenn. State U.
Froeb, LukeVanderbilt University
Fuerst, Timothy S.Bowling Green State University
Furchtgott-Roth, DianaHudson Institute
Gallegos, AlejandroWinona State University
Gardner, B DelworthBrigham Young University
Garthoff, DaveThe University of Akron
Gellman, Aaron J.Northwestern University
Giacalone, Joseph A.St. John's University
Gifford, AdamCalifornia State University, Northridge
Gillette, DavidTruman State University
Gilley, Otis W.Louisiana Tech University
Gisser, MichaUniversity of New Mexico
Gissy, WilliamKennesaw State University
Glahe, Fred R.University of Colorado, Boulder
Glass, Amy JocelynTexas A&M University
Glauber, RobertHarvard University
Gombola, MichaelDrexel University
Gonzalez, RudySan Jose State University
Gonzalez-Vega, ClaudioThe Ohio State University
Graham, DanielDuke University
Graham, J. EdwardUniversity of North Carolina, Wilmington
Graves, Philip E.University of Colorado
Greene, KennethBinghamton University
Gregory, PaulUniversity of Houston
Grinols, EarlBaylor University
Hafer, RikSouthern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Hakim, SimonTemple University
Hansen, GaryUCLA
Hanushek, EricHoover Institution
Hartley, James E.Mount Holyoke College
Hassett, KevinAmerican Enterprise Institute
Hauge, Janice A.University of North Texas
Heidt, Robert H.Indiana University School of Law
Helms, Robert B.American Enterprise Institute
Helvacian, N. MikeMNH Consulting
Henderson, James W.Baylor University
Hochman, Harold M.CUNY Graduate Center and Lafayette College
Hodrick, Robert J.Columbia Business School
Holen, ArleneTechnology Policy Institute
Holloway, Milton L.Resource Economics, Inc.
Holtz-Eakin, DouglasMcCain-Palin 2008
Howrey, E. PhilipUniversity of Michigan
Hubbard, GlennColumbia University
Huffman, James L.Lewis & Clark Law School
Humphrey, DavidFlorida State University
Inama, ChrisGolden Gate University
Ireland, Thomas R.University of Missouri-St. Louis
Irvine, OwenMichigan State University
Jadlow, Joseph M.Oklahoma State University
Jarrell, Sherry LWake Forest University
Jensen, Gerald R.Northern Illinois University
Jensen, MikeHarvard University
Kaplan, StevenUniversity of Chicago
Kennedy, JoeArlington, VA
Kent, Calvin A.Marshall University
King, RobertBoston University
Kohn, MeirDartmouth College
Kolari, James W.Texas A&M University
Kosters, MarvinAmerican Enterprise Institute
Krol, RobertCalifornia State University, Northridge
Krueger, AnneJohns Hopkins University
Krupp, CoryDuke University
Laird, William E.Florida State University
Lal, DeepakUniversity of California, Los Angeles
Landau, Daniel LUniversity of Connecticut
Lash, Nicholas A.Loyola University
Lefton, Norman B.Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Lenard, Thomas M.Technology Policy Institute
Lephardt, Noreen E.Marquette University
Lerrick, AdamCarnegie Mellon University and the American Enterprise Institute
Levy, PhilAmerican Enterprise Institute
Lewis, W. CrisUtah State University
Lindsey, LarryThe Lindsey Group
Lipford, Jody W.Presbyterian College
Lothian, James R.Fordham University
Lott Jr., John R.University of Maryland
Luskin, Donald L.Trend Macrolytics LLC
MacAvoy, Paul W.Yale School of Management
MacDonald, GlennWashington University in St. Louis
Makin, JohnAmerican Enterprise Institute
Malkiel, BurtonPrinceton University
Maltsev, Yuri N.Carthage College
Manne, Henry G.George Mason University
Marshall, Donald J.National Petroleum Council
Marshall, Jennings B.Samford University
Mateer, Robert N.Liberty University
Mathews, TimothyKennesaw State University
Matsusaka, JohnUniversity of Southern California
Mayers, DavidUniversity of California, Riverside
McArthur, JohnWofford College
McCallum, BennettCarnegie Mellon University
McCracken, Paul W.University of Michigan
McQuillan, LawrencePacific Research Institute
Meiselman, David I.Virginia Tech
Melick, WillKenyon College
Meltzer, AllanCarnegie Mellon University
Mendoza, Enrique G.University of Maryland-College Park
Mietus, JimGreat Falls, VA
Milbourn, ToddWashington University in St. Louis
Miller, JamesGeorge Mason University
Miller, TomAmerican Enterprise Institute
Miranda, Mario J.The Ohio State University
Montgomery, Michael R.University of Maine
Moore, MichaelGeorge Washington University
Morgan, Paul L.Westmont College
Moulin, HerveRice University
Mundell, RobertColumbia University
Muris, TimGeorge Mason University
Murphy, JimUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Murphy, KevinUniversity of Southern California
Musgrave, FrankIthaca College
Muth, Richard F.Emory University
Nelson, CharlesUniversity of Washington
Neumann, George R.The University of Iowa
Nieberding, James F.Consulting Economist
Niskanen, BillCato Institute
Ohanian, Lee E.UCLA
O'Neill, JuneBaruch College, CUNY
Ortega, LydiaSan Jose State University
Oswald, Donald J.California State University, Bakersfield
O'Toole, JamesCalifornia State University, Chico
Padelford, WaltonUnion University
Parente, SteveUniversity of Minnesota
Parker, RandallEast Carolina University
Patton, Judd W.Bellevue University
Perri, TimAppalachian State University
Perry, Mark J.University of Michigan-Flint
Philipson, TomasUniversity of Chicago
Phillips, G. MichaelCalifornia State University, Northridge
Pingle, MarkUniversity of Nevada, Reno
Pongracic, IvanHillsdale College
Pongsree, Saharat "Oak"Wesley College
Poole, WilliamUniversity of Delaware
Porter, Michael E.Harvard University
Poulson, BarryUniverity of Colorado Boulder
Prescott, EdwardArizona State University
Prieger, JamesPepperdine University
Protopapadakis, ArisUniversity of Southern California
Pruitt, Stephen W.University of Missouri, Kansas City
Rahn, Richard W.Institute for Global Economic Growth
Ramey, ValerieUniversity of California, San Diego
Reid Jr., Joseph D.George Mason University
Reiland, Ralph R.Robert Morris University
Rhee, Thomas A.California State University, Long Beach
Ries, Christine P.Georgia Institute of Technology
Rogoff, KennethHarvard University
Roll, RichardUCLA
Rosen, HarveyPrinceton University
Ross, Larry L.University of Alaska, Anchorage
Rossana, RobertWayne State University
Rowley, CharlesGeorge Mason University
Rubin, Paul H.Emory University
Ruffin, RoyUniversity of Houston
Rush, MarkUniversity of Florida
Sandy, JonathanUniversity of San Diego
Santoni, Gary J.Ball State University
Saving, TomTexas A&M University
Schaefer, Kurt C.Calvin College
Schuyler, MikeInstitute for Research on the Economics of Taxation
Schwartz, AnnaNBER
Scott, Robert HaneyCalifornia State University, Chico
Seater, John J.North Carolina State University
Seeley, RobertWilkes University
Shakoori, KenCalifornia State University, Bakersfield
Shalit, Sol S.University of Wisconsin
Shapiro, AlanUniversity of Southern California
Shaw, JamesUniversity of San Francisco
Shughart II, William F.The University of Mississippi
Shultz, GeorgeStanford University
Smart, Scott B.Indiana University
Smith, AmyFormer OMB Chief Economist
Smith, James F.The University of North Carolina
Smith, Richard L.University of California. Riverside
Smith, VernonChapman University
Snaith, Sean M.University of Central Florida
Sontheimer, KevinUniversity of Pittsburgh
Soule, PetePark University
Spatt, ChesterCarnegie Mellon University
Spencer, DavidBrigham Young University
Sprinkel, Beryl W.Former Chair Council of Economic Advisers
Stephenson, Craig A.Babson College
Stimel, DerekMenlo College
Stokes, HoustonUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
Stone, Courtenay C.Ball State University
Suchanek, Gerry L.University of Iowa
Sumner, DanUniversity of California, Davis
Sweeney, RichardGeorgetown University
Tamura, RobertClemson University
Tatom, John A.Indiana State University
Taylor, JohnStanford University
Telser, LesterUniversity of Chicago
Thompson, HenryAuburn University
Timberlake, RichardUniversity of Georgia
Tolbert Jr., Stephen A.Harrisburg Area Community College
Tollison, Robert DClemson University
Tower, EdwardDuke University
Trivitt, JulieArkansas Tech University
Troy, LeoRutgers University
Upadhyaya, KamalUniversity of New Haven
VanHoose, DavidBaylor University
Vedder, RichardOhio University
Wagner, Richard E.George Mason University
Walstad, William B.University of Nebraska
Ward, Ronald W.University of Florida
Waters, Alan RufusCalifornia State University, Fresno
Watkins, ThayerSan Jose State University
Weber, ChrisSeattle University
Weidenbaum, MurrayWashington University in St. Louis
Whittaker, J. GreggWilliam Jewell College
Wicks, JohnUniversity of Montana
Williams, Michael E.University of Denver
Wills, DouglasUniversity of Washington, Tacoma
Winegarden, Wayne H.Arduin, Laffer & Moore Econometrics
Wolf, CharlesHoover Institution
Wolfram, GaryHillsdale College
Wunder, Gene C.Washburn University
Wykoff, FrankPomona College
Yoho, DeVonBall State University
Yonge, Nancy A.Center for American Strength
Young, EricUniversity of Virginia
Zdanowicz, John S.Florida International University
Zellner, ArnoldUniversity of Chicago
Zoric, JosephFranciscan University of Steubenville
Zycher, BenjaminManhattan Institute for Policy Research

Like someone said.. Obama's economic plan is backed by Warren Buffet. I value and respect that man's opinion based on his career accomplishments. That should be enough to shut this thread down.

per wiki..

Warren Buffett (born August 30, 1930) is an American investor, businessman, and philanthropist. He is one of the world's most successful investors and the largest shareholder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.[sup][3][/sup]He was ranked by Forbes as the richest man in the world during the first half of 2008, with an estimated net worth of $62 billion.
Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

Good read, but I will say this though as a word of caution. Everyone comes from a certain viewpoint, even respected economists. I'm not even talking about a political point of view, but two highly respected economists can have differing views on what economic approaches work best. Some, for instance, are fans of Reganomic-like trickle down approaches, while others believe the better approach is a bottom-up approach.

So on the one hand, one could argue that these top economists could be coming from the same economic viewpoint espoused by political conservatives, while on the other hand it if nothing else highlights the fact that there's no clear-cut solution to our current economic woes right now. Regardless of what side of the political aisle you're on (which BTW I'm a registered independent who barring something big in the next three weeks will likely be voting for Obama), to just flat-out say A's or B's economic views are just flat-out wrong as a general proposition is to ignore the fact that neither approach is a panacea.

One thing that's continued to raise questions for me though is that while I've heard a little bit about how/why Obama's plan won't/can't work, I haven't heard much about how/why McCain's plan will/can work.

The only reason I will be voting for Obama is because I am a conservative Republican who will not stand for 8 years of McCain. I rather wait for the obamaexperiment, and have an actual conservative lead this country.

I hate hypocrites, and McCain is a hypocrite (he should run as an independent or democrat)
Republicans make the most sense when it comes to economics so it would make sense that economists agree with Republican ideas.
Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

Republicans make the most sense when it comes to economics so it would make sense that economists agree with Republican ideas.


17 year old economists....
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

Republicans make the most sense when it comes to economics so it would make sense that economists agree with Republican ideas.


17 year old economists....
Lets see what happen if Obama gets intooffice and starts raising taxes and spending tons of $$$ in this economic environment.
Should be a GREAT time for America.
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