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  1. kiid23

    Does steve jobs have the best iPhone in heaven

    And if so what does he call it? The jesus phone or the holy grail?Discuss.
  2. kiid23

    Drugs and the current generation...

    I feel a holier than thou type of vibe from Luke. Just sum it up to this: pop culture. All the stuff you're referencing is the reason why drugs/alcohol are prevantly used by people my age (23) and below.
  3. kiid23

    Does the ezboard NT posts still exist?

    I think you can get a glimpse of it if you go to the og nubuck Xii thread.
  4. kiid23


    This is dumb. You guys see prob the same ones that'll drink the new bud light platinum and say its a premium beer. Psshhhh tastes like some ole e in a pretty blue bottle to me...
  5. kiid23

    Full Chris Brown and Rihanna Police Report

    I guess they fell in love in a hopeless place
  6. kiid23

    Pride issues

    Trust me I know. But I kinda wanna get away from the car biz. It's so sporadic, I loved the car biz so much though it's truly one of the funnest jobs you can have. I maybe taking that route once again if I dont hear back from these hourly retailers pretty soon. But I appreciate all the advice...
  7. kiid23

    Pride issues

    Trust me I know. But I kinda wanna get away from the car biz. It's so sporadic, I loved the car biz so much though it's truly one of the funnest jobs you can have. I maybe taking that route once again if I dont hear back from these hourly retailers pretty soon. But I appreciate all the advice...
  8. kiid23

    Pride issues

    Proper English- That's besides the point. But my coworker was in a rough spot and he started going a bit crazy. I mean crazy litterally like he would hear things walk the streets shouting and acting irratically. This was going on for a few weeks and we all were concerned. He got some help (or so...
  9. kiid23

    Pride issues

    Proper English- That's besides the point. But my coworker was in a rough spot and he started going a bit crazy. I mean crazy litterally like he would hear things walk the streets shouting and acting irratically. This was going on for a few weeks and we all were concerned. He got some help (or so...
  10. kiid23

    Pride issues

    So I quit my job because I was being wrongly treated (car biz) and I just left. So I get no unemployment and my savings is now tapped. Been on numerous interviews and awaiting responses. Meanwhile my bills are getting passed due and in debt to the sum of 1200 bucks. My gfs mom is offering to...
  11. kiid23

    Pride issues

    So I quit my job because I was being wrongly treated (car biz) and I just left. So I get no unemployment and my savings is now tapped. Been on numerous interviews and awaiting responses. Meanwhile my bills are getting passed due and in debt to the sum of 1200 bucks. My gfs mom is offering to...
  12. kiid23

    Late night you finish the verse!!

    To infinity and beyond is where im trying to go  But it seems im only headed to infamy and bail bonds Effin bad blonds who think they bad broads  With brunettes who play russian roulette  its a wonder why they havent caught me playin a fool yet  to my surprise the red head may be my demise ...
  13. kiid23

    Late night you finish the verse!!

    To infinity and beyond is where im trying to go  But it seems im only headed to infamy and bail bonds Effin bad blonds who think they bad broads  With brunettes who play russian roulette  its a wonder why they havent caught me playin a fool yet  to my surprise the red head may be my demise ...
  14. kiid23

    Smelled like tuna

    and now its on my hand and im about to meet up with my girl. Tried washing tried purell but to no avail... I think im screwed 
  15. kiid23

    Smelled like tuna

    and now its on my hand and im about to meet up with my girl. Tried washing tried purell but to no avail... I think im screwed 
  16. kiid23

    Google voice Invite

    gimmie dat please!!! [email protected]
  17. kiid23

    Anti - jokes

    I put money these went above alot of peoples heads
  18. kiid23

    The Visual Effects of Being Sleep Deprived Are Kind of Cool.

    try to stay awake as long as you can
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