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  1. RustyShackleford

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Let the social media director get their Hamilton reference off in peace :lol
  2. RustyShackleford

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I think Jamelle Bouie take on Harris is correct Ok, she has political weaknesses. But her main political weaknesses right now if that she is in the Biden Administration She has poor political instincts, and she ran a bad primary campaign. Those are fair concerns But then to turn around and...
  3. RustyShackleford

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    They tryna make Glenn's life more difficult
  4. RustyShackleford

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Did you mean to quote someone else? I do not know what this has to no with my post
  5. RustyShackleford

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    You doing too much famb Maybe go for a walk. :lol
  6. RustyShackleford

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I think seems like a massive reach to me. I think pride is keeping Biden in the race. Along with his family pushing him to stay in. I don't think if Gretchen Whitmer were VP Biden would have any less pride, or Biden's family's opinion would change.
  7. RustyShackleford

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Sorry I misread your post
  8. RustyShackleford

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    I believe he is eligible to sign for higher than the vet minimum So since the Suns are a 2nd apron team and can't aggregate contracts in trades, his higher salary might come in handy for a trade.
  9. RustyShackleford

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    I would think so. He reports to USA basketball camp on Friday
  10. RustyShackleford

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    My favorite part of the piece was that Joe Manchin After being scared to lose for reelection After realizing no one wanted him to be president Threw a tantrum and wanted to go on a press run to **** on Biden. And only topped after the Dems that were ignoring him called him to kiss his *** I...
  11. RustyShackleford

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    :{ :lol It is a **** show outchea
  12. RustyShackleford

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Michelle Obama hates DC politics She'll campaign for you a little. But that is it.
  13. RustyShackleford

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Aren't you a Grizzlies fan?
  14. RustyShackleford

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    NYT is reporting that Biden told a close ally he is considering dropping out It will depend on how the next few weeks go.
  15. RustyShackleford

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    They might test this Also, if Trump wins he would probably get a couple more SCOTUS appointments So there is be a legit Trump majority on the court.
  16. RustyShackleford

    We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

    Interesting you can't answer a direct question
  17. RustyShackleford

    We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

    So the answer is yes, you do own a cell phone?
  18. RustyShackleford

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Aight man, y'all have a good evening See ya tomorrow
  19. RustyShackleford

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    You looking worse than Tee Morant right now. Your sons outchea impregnating IG sex workers, while you probably chilling in the Target home goods department like...
  20. RustyShackleford

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    @aepps20 big day for the movement
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