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  1. notoriousniq

    [[_ILLMATIC APPRECIATION POST vol. Greatest Rap Album EVER_]]

    Dope album, definitely a classic, but Nas is not the greatest and neither is this album. Nas fell off pretty hard and fast after this. His next three albumswere terrible, especially compared to this. Ever since then, he's been stirring up controversy just before he releases an album just to try...
  2. notoriousniq

    Soulja Boy 3 NEW SONGS/FREESTYLES. Check his evolution out!

    Good music is good music when it is good - not when it has sold x amount of copies. Gangstarr has never gone platinum. Tell me that somehow reflects on how good they are/were. Lots of bad people throughout history have had a lot of followers - that does not legitimize their goals. I don't go...
  3. notoriousniq

    Is This Thread Worthy

    I don't care if it's worthy by some ambiguous standards or not - I think it's great. Sportscenter anchors are always praising LeBron's hops onsome of his simplish dunks, but this gives his legs complete credibility. It's gotta be fun to be able to do that!
  4. notoriousniq

    straight up or win by two?

    Almost always win by 2, but I'll always ask if it gets to 7-7 or something. A guy whining about screens is a non issue - it's like complaining that somebody is driving through the lane too often.
  5. notoriousniq

    Some may have already noticed several NFL players wearing different's the reason

    Yeah, these "new" jerseys are terrible. I understand the desire by players to have super tight, form fitting jerseys, but these look so jenky. Inoticed Ochocinco's right away this weekend - looks like a walmart jersey or something.
  6. notoriousniq

    Official Boston Celtics Season Thread vol. Banner 18 or Bust

    Bust - team is too old to contend over the course of the season. Garnett's already sitting out a couple of weeks cuz of his knees, and we're justbarely hitting the halfway point. If the C's were completely healthy, I'd say they'd make it to the Finals with no problems whatsoever. If any oneof...
  7. notoriousniq

    Traffic Law question...

    First off, the cops cannot refuse to write up a police report just because the damage is minimal. For starters, they aren't collision guys, so they cannotestimate the price to fix a car. On top of that, the whole point of a police report is a paper trail that records an incident. Anyone...
  8. notoriousniq

    Is Young Teenage Behavior A Problem On Public Transportation In Other Metro Areas? (Other than DC)

    Happens all over the world. It isn't a DC or minority issue, it's part of being a teenager nowadays. You have the soldier boys and kanye wacks of theworld to thank for this. They show that it's cool to act a fool and curse all over the place and be loud and obnoxious.
  9. notoriousniq

    Discontinued Food Products You Would Like To See Return

    This is really bringin back some memories - burples, fruit stripes, chicken littles! I can't stand all the love for the mcrib, though. I remember I used to like it in like the early 90s, but I tried it again about 8 years ago and it wasterrible. I will never order another one of those again.
  10. notoriousniq

    How come I feel as if a lot of people on NT are fake

    Yeah, seriously, it's not just Niketalk - it's all over the web. Ever since the net was first invented, people were going on to chat rooms claiming tobe 6'5", 250 lb former college linebackers. Add to that the likelihood that the average NT age is around 15 and you aren't going to have too...
  11. notoriousniq

    Soulja Boy 3 NEW SONGS/FREESTYLES. Check his evolution out!

    That's the point - he's not now, nor has he ever, been making good music.
  12. notoriousniq

    Soulja Boy 3 NEW SONGS/FREESTYLES. Check his evolution out!

    I couldn't find the original post on here, but I found the video on youtube. I had the hook completely wrong, though - it's "I got me somebapes." You guys can whine and cry all you want about how "he's come a long way from this," but all you have to do islisten to anything that is ever posted...
  13. notoriousniq

    Soulja Boy 3 NEW SONGS/FREESTYLES. Check his evolution out!

    It's not that "these cats ain't tryna heard" you, it's that this guy is straight up wack. It's not hating for the sake of hating,it's that this guy seriously cannot rap. Remember when people (it might have even been him) posted that video on here of that song that had the hook thatjust said "I...
  14. notoriousniq

    She smashed the homies...

    It sucks that I lost those 5 minutes of my life, but now at least I know to just keep on flipping the channel if I ever see this show on TV.
  15. notoriousniq

    You HAVE to check out what this broad is working with. Chocolate Cake anyone???

    If that's real, I feel sorry for her.
  16. notoriousniq

    Jayson Williams Pleads Guilty, Agrees to Serve 18 Months

    This is ridiculous. When I first saw the headline on ESPN, the 18 month minimum sentence caught my eye and I thought it was for the DUI that he just got. ThenI saw it was for that shooting of his limo driver. Freakin stupid.
  17. notoriousniq

    Mark McGwire admits to using steroids in 1998

    He's a sideshow - just another Canseco. People on ESPN are somewhat implying that he is somehow now vindicated. In his interview, all I saw was him actinglike he was a victim. Tons of pressure on him (that none of us could possibly understand:rolleyes), wear and tear on his body (like nobody...
  18. notoriousniq

    raw footage of biggie in the studio (vid)

    This is what Niketalk needs more of - not a soldier boy, drake, or little wayne in sight.
  19. notoriousniq

    Soulja Boy 3 NEW SONGS/FREESTYLES. Check his evolution out!

    Straight garbage. You see what Lil' Wayne has done to hip hop? A bunch of young kids see how much money he's made with terrible lyrics and stuff, sothey go and emulate him. I'd honestly rather listen to some Van Halen or something instead of this.
  20. notoriousniq

    So Niketalk we just gonna act like the lil homey aint step his bars up on this?

    Yeah, "we just gonna act like the lil homey aint step his bars up." His style is not any different in this than anything else I've ever heard ofhis. Just because he says a couple of lines somewhat quickly and then has a half beat pause between lines does not mean he's doing anything...
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