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  1. jschue

    All my gym heads, how much are you spending on groceries a week? vol Budgeting

    I actually eat pretty healthy. Typical shopping list is: 4-5 fuji apples bannanas fresh asparagus fresh green beans 2 loaves of bread pack of string cheese half dozen bagels box of cereal 2 boxes of instant oatmeal gallon milk lunch meat sliced provolone cheese frozen pizza chips and salsa...
  2. jschue

    All my gym heads, how much are you spending on groceries a week? vol Budgeting

    I don't know how you guys survive on a $40 a week grocery bill. Mine's at least double that even without factoring in eating out once or twice a week. I run 60-70 miles a week and lift 2 or 3 times a week. I couldn't tell you how many calories I eat a day. Probably at least 4,000. A gallon...
  3. jschue

    Going to college in the upcoming fall. VOL. Dorm Life? (update pg. 5)

    Most colleges you can request a roommate.  If one of your friends goes there you might want to look into it.  If your roommate turns out to be a total douche you can normally request a switch at semester.  I was a resident advisor and sooo many people had beefs with roommates.  Another word of...
  4. jschue

    Going to college in the upcoming fall. VOL. Dorm Life? (update pg. 5)

    Your roommate will either make or break your freshmen year dorm experience. Trust me on this.
  5. jschue


    IMDB says there is a sequel in the works Kick-#*! 2: Balls to the Wall
  6. jschue

    calling out all Nike+ Runners/NT Runners

    I've used it in the past but I rely on my garmin watch. Good luck with your marathon and training. What marathon are you doing in the fall?
  7. jschue

    2010 Boston Marathon

    I finished in 3:00:46. Was the most god awful, painful, thing I've done. That course is absolutely no joke. Highlights for me were getting passed by a little asian lady in a Minnie Mouse costume mile 2, Wesley women's college mile 12 (these chicks were out of control lol), and then passing...
  8. jschue

    2010 Boston Marathon

    Day before I try to eat lighter- no fried foods, not a lot of dairy.  Lots of pasta and bread.  Even if I'm not really hungry that much I'll eat.  I consume about 4-5,000 calories a day so picture the portions lol.  Lots of hydration as well.  Day of eat a regular breakfast w/o dairy.  During...
  9. jschue

    2010 Boston Marathon

    Qualifying time for 18-34 year olds is 3:10:59, about a 7:15 pace. I'll be running in Nike Zoom Marathoners. It's like a half-flat tailored for marathoners with a roomy upper and a firmer and more stable midsole.
  10. jschue

    2010 Boston Marathon

    Marathon Monday tomorrow as the Boston Marathon kicks off in Hopkinton en route to Boston.  Weather looks great- 50's and partly cloudy with no headwinds.  Some interesting stories for the race tomorrow.  USA hopefuls Ryan Hall vs. Meb Keflezighi.  Moroccan elite runner Falil can't make it over...
  11. jschue

    Should I watch 21 grams or The Road?

    21 grams. The apocalypse thing is played out. Plus 21 Grams has Naomi Watts...
  12. jschue

    Claritin Appreciation Post Vol. Allergies FTL

    The meth heads in my area have the allergy medicine on lockdown. I went to walmart yesterday and couldn't get anything with a decent strength without the pharmacy open. Living in Missouri FTL...
  13. jschue

    Post The Name of Your College and Major VOL...Spinoff of High School

    University of Colorado- '05 Bachelor of Arts- Music I'm not doing +%*% with my degree lol.
  14. jschue

    Best Shooting game EVER...

    My friends and I used to skip school just to go home and play this. We would do stupid stuff too like rocket launcher and turn off radar. +*$@ was an orgy ofcarnage.
  15. jschue

    Wow,my neighbor is going to kill me

    Do it. Don't worry, it'll come back...
  16. jschue

    Can you suggest me some dope Documentaries?

    The Bridge- about suicide jumpers on the Golden Gate Bridge. It's actually on Hulu now. Man on Wire is really good as well.
  17. jschue

    Anyone here had a growth spurt between the ages of 20-25 or know anyone who has?

    David Robinson had a really late growth spurt. I remember reading somewhere the guy grew like 6 inches after entering the US Naval Academy.
  18. jschue

    Any Marathon runners on NT?

    Doing the Boston Marathon this spring, will be my 4th marathon. Marathon training is ALL about the weekly long run. If you are going to miss any workouts forany reason DO NOT miss your long run. You need to train your body to be on the move for 3, 4, 5 hours or however long it takes. Throughout...
  19. jschue

    car heads. pls help..coolant leak problems..

    I had a coolant leak and it turned out I had to replace my radiator. That was like 500 bones. If it's not too bad you could just top it off every so oftenit gets low but you're going to want to get it fixed. A coolant leak could be a bunch of things. When they do a pressure test on the coolant...
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