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  1. ahs430


  2. ahs430

    NT: Sportsbook Thread

    Well Green Bay and Denver U. somehow managed to blow it. Go figure. At least I did well NBA-wise, I guess. I swear, every night I seem to cash big in NBA games, but I blow my NCAA parlays. NCAA is just so damn hard to bank on. Oh, well. Can't complain about being up.
  3. ahs430

    NT: Sportsbook Thread

    Thanks for an insightful, well thought out post.
  4. ahs430

    NT: Sportsbook Thread

    I like Bodog a lot. Easy interface, quick payments. I actually like a few games today: NCAA: Wisconsin/Green Bay (-3.5) over Illinois Chicago  Denver U (-2.5) over South Alabama Troy (-3) over Arkansas Little Rock Nevada (-3.5) over San Jose State ASU (-2.5) over Stanford NBA...
  5. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    I have a grude? Is that a combination of "rude" and "grudge"?
  6. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    Thanks, Oprah.
  7. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

  8. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    You want me to go in and take pictures of his room? He's infuriated that I would release the fact that he is a racist to the public. ~Big shocker he'sdenying it...~
  9. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    That's like asking a pedophile if he likes little kids. Of course he'll deny it. Your post proves nothing other than that we are indeed related. Thanks for that. You're pretty "Smoov" (see, I'm nice.)...
  10. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    Because: A.) We live in SoFlo. He's a huge Heat fan and loves Shaq for some reason. I know, it's really strange. Dude likes Shaq, but has no problemcalling people the "N" bomb and stereotyping all the time. B.) Who isn't a fan of Bob Marley?
  11. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    What part? I can prove anything in this thread true.
  12. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    Nah, it's my brother. I'll scan my license and show we have the same last name or w/e.
  13. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    Of course he did. He doesn't want to admit it to a stranger. I speak the truth.
  14. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    Sure, I'll post a picture later. I'm sure he'll tell you all it's a joke, as I let him know I'm going to get backup to reform his racistself, but just know I speak the truth.
  15. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    Need I mention the dude has a Swastika and KKK poster in his room? Here's a linky:
  16. ahs430

    I need Niketalk's help! D-Day!

    So basically, my brother is a doucher. Just a flat out %@!%!+!$#. Not to mention, he's a racist, ignorant pig. Essentially, I need everybody here to friendrequest my brother and let him know that his racist, ignorant ways are wrong. Dude dropped the "N-bomb" in front of a few of my friends and...
  17. ahs430

    Anyone ever had their offer of admission rescinded by a college?

    You have to do far worse than a "C" to get an admission rescinded.
  18. ahs430

    Married NT'ers How did you propose?

    Poking her with what?
  19. ahs430

    Need advice Re: Mustache

    To clear a few things up: 1.) It is not acne nor pizza sauce. It is actually marinara sauce and I left it there on purpose to give me some color. 2.) The mustache is very real. I have spent time, money, and effort in growing and fertilizing it, so I do not appreciate comments saying it is a...
  20. ahs430

    Need advice Re: Mustache

    Hello again bretheren! In preparation for my Senior Year prom, I need alittle bit of advice. Recently, I have been experimenting with my facial hair capabilities and have grown what I believe is a perfect mustache. However, allwhom I have asked so far have said my mustache is simply too much...
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