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  1. agent andre

    NT...I need your help Vol. Vote for my bff (Pics on every page)

    This #$+*+ manages to spoil one piece in a thread about *******. That's why I don't like you.
  2. agent andre

    NT...I need your help Vol. Vote for my bff (Pics on every page)

    Damn, I was hoping you were dead.
  3. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    But I'm saying tho, why does this alias get to live just cuz the character he made up is pretending to be gay? He should get banned for trolling like everyone else that trolls.
  4. agent andre

    NT, Would You Rather Be The Best Rapper Alive or Best Athlete In A Sport?

    Rapper, cuz its a lot more fun.
  5. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    Just tell us what your alternate sn is, I'll be impressed that you kept this act up for this long. You trolled NT longer than any other alias. You'repretty much the Cy young of trolls.
  6. agent andre

    Metal Gear Solid vol. Put Me On

    why are you shaking your head like MGS2 is wack
  7. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    Exactly Pookie, hes a liar. This act is really getting old. It's time to put this account out to pasture.
  8. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    This is just one of many, and clearly a red flag of him being a troll account. Its one thing if he's gay ok thats cool, but its the fact thatALL his posts are about him being gay or smashing dudes. It's basically just like any one else's troll accounts, when they troll the only thing theypost...
  9. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    Yes, you hung out with crips as a gay deaf dude...where the *@## they do that at? I hope a mod is in here lurking and figures out who you are cuz your trolling act is tired. At least when Darko trolled his stories were consistent. Your banis long over due, if Darko, Captain planet and Mayor...
  10. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    that's not the point of this thread, trolling is against the R.O.C. yet the user behind the BNF account does it and gets away with it. If you have been onNT more than 2-3 years you're not gonna understand what im saying.
  11. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    You've been cooked numerous times on the other site so I'm not even going to get into it with you. It's hard to not notice when he makes up different stories every month and subsequently gets people banned.
  12. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    The dude behind the Bad N fluenz alias is the William Costigan of trolls. Instead of killing people he just trolls them into committing e-suicide by callinghim gay slurs.
  13. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    Number one what NT'er has two thousand posts in 5 years? He's clearly some one's alias and makes obnoxiously gay themed threads in order to trollpeople into getting banned.
  14. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    No this isn't my first sn and I been on NT for a while. You hush up.
  15. agent andre

    Seriously The mods need to smarten up

    Bad N fluenz is a troll account and has been a troll account for 5 years. What makes him any different than the countless Darko alias'? First hes black and gay. Then posts his pic and hes a white cross dresser Then hes deaf, then hes a crip. I wouldn't care but people get banned on theregular...
  16. agent andre

    Where The Wild Things Are: Trailer

    This was my ##!$ when i was a kid.
  17. agent andre

    The Giant Leap for Mankind - Do You Believe?

    It was more so because at the time we were competing with Russia. I just think its weird that technology jumps so far every 5 years yet 40 yearslater we can't get back to the moon easier?
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