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  1. i am furby

    Nature never ceases to amaze me! Tons of pics!

    I stand corrected.
  2. i am furby

    Nt, Are levi jeans the best jeans for the price?

    I like Costco for jeans. I usually buy CK for about $22, and Polo Jeans Co. for $25. They also have Lucky Brand Jeans but they are like $38, and I'm toostingy to pay that much.
  3. i am furby

    What are you doing this weekend? Vol. 10/17-19/08

    I have to work both days.
  4. i am furby

    Hey NT! Help Me Become a Hipster.

    Is a Hipster an evolutionary step up from an Emo?
  5. i am furby

    Serena Williams Is A Female Centaur

    She fails at being a woman.
  6. i am furby

    Cosplay FTL!

    No problemo. The Japanese def. have the edge with Cosplay than most obese Americans. Japanese girls in skimpy clothing is always good in my book!
  7. i am furby

    Cosplay FTL!

    I think this is it...
  8. i am furby

    Why Obama should not be President.

    I hate his position on firearms, I also do not agree with his policy towards illegal immigrants and social security. Despite these facts, I say again, I cannotsupport a man running for POTUS who cannot give high-fives. So I guess it's Nader in '08!
  9. i am furby

    Cosplay FTL!

    who says I saved them? I just cut and paste the URL. Sorry.
  10. i am furby

    Cosplay FTL!

    Pics speak for themselves...
  11. i am furby

    Placenta Parties? **GRAPHIC IMAGE WARNING**

    I have heard that some folks in Japan will eat aborted baby parts for fertility and case you were wondering what could possibly be moredisgusting than this.
  12. i am furby

    Max Payne (movie) sucks!

    I kind of feel the same way now about him. Funny thing is I couldn't stand the guy for a long time and finally started respecting his acting after 4Brothers and The Departed, and after the SNL thing I am starting to dislike him again. Too bad about this movie though, although the first trailer...
  13. i am furby

    Any Miami/NY/Cali heads remember Freestyle (not rap) music from the late 80's-mid 90's?

    I think with that video, the closet door is wiiiiide open.
  14. i am furby

    Any Miami/NY/Cali heads remember Freestyle (not rap) music from the late 80's-mid 90's?

    LOVE Diamond Girl! Here's some more...
  15. i am furby

    Any Miami/NY/Cali heads remember Freestyle (not rap) music from the late 80's-mid 90's?

    I believe it started in Miami. They still have concerts in Miami and New York, and Canada had a pretty big Freestyle scene for a while. I'm up in SantaRosa, and used to have to take the bus up to SF or SJ when new Freestyle tapes and CDs came out. I was like 14 when I started listening to it...
  16. i am furby

    Any Miami/NY/Cali heads remember Freestyle (not rap) music from the late 80's-mid 90's?

    Thank God I'm not the only one? LOL. Yeah back in the day, Freestyle was pretty dope. I was really into Collage, Chris Phillips, Stevie B., Buffy, Tazmania& Metropolitan Records. Glad to know Freestyle is appreciated still all these years since it fell off! We need to get some videos up in here.
  17. i am furby

    Any Miami/NY/Cali heads remember Freestyle (not rap) music from the late 80's-mid 90's?

    I know this is a shot in the dark, but someone on this board must have listened to Freestyle back in the day...?
  18. i am furby


    That was lame....of that chick.
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