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  1. jstarks2380

    Why Are Some Women Single?

    Honestly I just got into a relationship 1 month ago before I was single for about 5 years. I wanted to be single. I had no desire to get emotionally or physically involved. I've been celibate for 5 years and it was great. I answered to no one. No arguments, no sharing my time and space with...
  2. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Jsyr6irsr6ir6ieyitytsytuitddtuitudikuutdtduidtuidukttukduoutkutkdukutdutukdutkdkutkdutkdutkdutdkdtduktutktuduktdutktdutduktdtuktdotdkudtkutdtoududtuktuddottutukudutkdukudktdtukuttdudtukddkutdtukkduutddutdtkukdutkudutkkutddutkudtukdtukdtkudtuktdudkutdluulduldtludtltudluddutudyudyiydifyiyf GRRM...
  3. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Siyhfdddgdutt79dtudggudtu9idu8tx8ugdtd8t88udutduudttud8uiufudteuofsuoozfiyfu8dododfosfstiusfuidouuotu99utx9x9tudu9tu9ddtdt99tuxd9tud9ututut9utd99udgdgdutut9dd9u9duugddutdut9duygugugd99dugd9gu99udtddtdt99dttduu9gddg99gd99ud Lena Headly has said she has no problem with nudity but because Cersei...
  4. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Hdkekeheiehdhhdjdjdjdjkejdbdjdjdjdjdkdjdjjdkdndjdjndjdjdjdkdjdjdkjdhdjdkdkdndjjdjdhdjdkdjdjdjdkdkdkdndkkdkdkdjdndjndjdbdhndndkdmdmdkdkjdjdjdbdbdnndnrjjdbdbdjdjdjddkkdkdkdkdldlldldkdkdkdldlldldldldjjdjdklrlrldldldldldl Yeah I've been waiting all season for him to die. They need to get to it. Or...
  5. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Just saw this on another site. I didn't want to put it in the show thread.
  6. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Hsjejdhdjhssgshsjskd I doekeidkjejejdhdhdjdhddjdjdjfhdgbesjsusjsjdhodjdjdjkdejdjdjdjdjdkdkddjfjfhndjdkdkdkdkdndbfbhfvfvfnfnfmrkrldlddkorirjhhfbfkkrkrldldllrflrjrjbffnrkekkdrkrkdkrkfjfhbfhfjrkkffkrkkflflfrlflfkfjjttitktkklfflfkrkfjfkfkfkfkfk I think there will still be a vote. Remember Slynt...
  7. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Hdhrhjskwklwlseleldmdjdleskdldlemdldleldmdmdkdsmdkdleldjfbvfjdkelskdbbdjdmdjdjdkdebgdjff l lrlewllwmsdnbdirldnfbfmrkdldmslwlldodjdbdbfnfldlepsmdkkdldmdkdndjnmdmdldm fbbfjflrldlddldldlflfnfn fnfjfmfmfmfmlflflflflflpp I actually think that can wait until next season. Stannis sets up shop at the...
  8. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Hrjsismkwlsksnkslslmsjdjdjdmlksslsllsmsllslsllslsmdjjdgdjekwlkshejekksjskslnsjdldkjdjdkmelskdlldmdkrjjdjrjhfhfltlrldlwlwlsllslekelelkepepkdlelelplsjdhdhkdlekelleldldkkdldlldlelelwpkwjekeleeekrjhfurjjrldplwplwpsllsllp They have a lot of stuff to wrap up. I don't know if we'll ever see Val but...
  9. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    But its not pulled out of thin air. This is all things that are in the books or from GRRM. That Aerys theory has no evidence to back it up. The r+l=j theory has evidence.
  10. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Robert did not spread the kidnap story. Brandon heard about it on his way to Riverrun to marry Caitlyn. Aerys rarely left the red keep. The tourney at harrenhall was the first time he'd left since duskendale. Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna shortly after harrenhall. I don't think she was kidnapped. I...
  11. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Yeah I don't buy Aerys and Lyanna. There is zero evidence to support that. It is known in Westeros that Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna with the help of Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser oswell whent. The white bull doesn't coming looking for Rhaegar until months later when sent by Aerys. For Jon to be Aerys...
  12. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    There is nothing tying him to being a targ though. Got a bad burn from Which we have no denying he is and I doubt Ned would have lied about so yes he is some starks kid we dont know who. There is a running theory that it could be Arthur Dayne and thats why ned felt so bad and sent his sword...
  13. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Targeryens are not fire proof. We saw Danerys get burns in the pit with drogo just from his breath. Arion bright flame dies from drinking wildfire. Aegon V and his son prince Duncan the small died in the fire at summerhall. Viserys is killed by boiling gold. Dany's hatching dragons were a result...
  14. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Vfhksksjhdjdjjdjdhfhf I kfkfjjdkfjjfnfkfkfkfknfkfkfjfjkfkflfkfjdkfjdnmfkfjfkfnfndnfjfmmfkfkmfjdjshjsndjdjdnhdkrnfbfjjfbfjfjjfjfmfmfnmflflslslksjd nj dlkejekddhrjnf m dldllsldkjdkdkfkfnbfhfhfhjrleldljdjrurhfjr l dllsksksoleldkdldlldpdldl When Arya is with brotherhood they meet up with the ghost...
  15. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Ned was in Kings landing first he arrived before Robert but after Tywin and his army. After arguing with Robert over the murder of the Targeryen children he ended the siege at storms end and proceeded to the tower of joy. Ethan Glover was with him from the cells of the red keep everyone else...
  16. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Gdhrjrjrjjfirkdkdldldljrkrlrkdkrkdolrlrlflkfkfkfkfjfjjfjfjfnfkkfkfkfkfkfkfkkfkfkfkkfnfjfkfkfkfjnfjffbjfjfnfkfkfkmfmfkfkfkfkfkkrjjrjekejdjjrkrkkrkrrjjffjjfjfhfjrjfjfjfjfjjfjfjfjfjfjfjfkkfkfkfkkfkfkfjjfjfkfkfkfkfkkfkfkfkfkfkkfkfkk Most people don't get it though. If you ask anyone who read the...
  17. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Dnndkskskkdkdkdmdkdkdldldldslskekbdhdkdkkdmslslsllslsmdmdldddlndndndkdmdlllddkjjdjkdkdkdkdkdldldldlldldldldldlldldldldlldldldldldpddmdmdndndkdldldmdldldkkdjfjfjnfjfkfkfkfllflfkfkkfkkfldldldlddldldlddldkdkjdkkfllflll Oberyn and that poisoned spear are dangerous. Jamie doesn't have the reach the...
  18. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Jdjkekdkekkekekekdlellelelkowksnsjksjshsksksmsnjejejsksksksllslslslslslslslslskskekdkdmhdhdhfhrjhfjdjrkelslwkshejkelele o elkejdhhdkdkdkeldlelleldmdkdkdmkdkdkdkdkdkdkdmnfnfkflrlrlelepelekirk dr l l dl dl I n think r+l=j is important because of the prince that was promised/Azor Ahai. Aerys was...
  19. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    Hejwjwkwkkskskkekskekekekkekekekekkekekekekkekekekkdkeieieiekiekeidkkdkdkdkdkjdjdjdjjdjdjfjfjfjdjjdjeikdkeodkekodldldodkkdkdkdkkdodododoldldododoododododoododfoodooeoowkekekdkekekdkoeododkjfururikdj fr kdkdkdkdoododododkdkododdoodofofofofkkrkfkdkfkfokfkf Lmao I'm always saying this. Anyway...
  20. jstarks2380

    (Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

    I think they would accept it. He is still Neds son but I fully expect r+l=j to be revealed in the winds of winter. I want to see the reactions to that. The northerners will believe it if Howland Reed says he was there or has a letter from Ned. We all know Neds word is gold to them.
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