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  1. liban906

    Chappelle's Show is 10 years old...

    :eek I can't believe its been so long I remember my first time seeing this show was in 8th grade. Our coach threw us a BBQ at his house after our basketball season ended and someone turned on the TV and this was on. I remember it was the pee on you episode too. We were all :rollin :rollin I...
  2. liban906

    What's in your fridge? - (Pictures :D)

    :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
  3. liban906

    Chief Keef 60 days and crying..

    :lol yeah he can't even do 2 months? What a punk! He lost all my respect until he can commit a bigger crime and do more time without showing any emotion or remorse!
  4. liban906

    Chief Keef 60 days and crying..

    Yeah but he made his bed and he's laying in it. You can't say that this experience didn't effect him because clearly it did if it had him crying. What he needs is people reaching out to him and being a positive role model. Sometimes its not as simple as "he chose to do X,Y,Z and I chose not to"...
  5. liban906

    Chief Keef 60 days and crying..

    Then you of all people should know how vicious of a cycle that lifestyle is. Listen, I'm not making any excuses for this kid's actions and they are disgusting. To be real, I never even knew about any of this until I read this thread. Still, to advocate that he gets popped because of his stupid...
  6. liban906

    Chief Keef 60 days and crying..

    To all the dudes saying defending someone you don't know is lame: I don't listen to chief keef and I'm not familiar with his work but I won't front like I've never heard of his "rep". Like so many other people have mentioned, this is not a grown man we're speaking of this is a child. I don't...
  7. liban906

    Bengal Vs. Grizzly

    :{ :{ Nobody's creating ideal situations for the tiger. Let's be real. You grizzly dudes are trying to establish scenarios where a tiger and bear are going head to head in some sort of underground Thai criminal exotic animal fighting syndicate. I simply assumed the two animals are doing battle...
  8. liban906

    Bengal Vs. Grizzly

    OP said no such thing homes. This is the jungle baby there ain't no such thing as fair just life and death! Look at the majesty of these beautiful creatures. It inspires awe, admiration and sheer terror all at once. How could anything be a match to this awesome beast :hat :hat
  9. liban906

    these korean plastic surgeons really are something

    :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
  10. liban906

    these korean plastic surgeons really are something

    :eek :eek :eek Wasn't there a case like that? Where a man divorced his wife or something after the baby turned out ugly and he realized his wife had plastic surgery :lol :{ Edit: found it...
  11. liban906

    Bengal Vs. Grizzly

    Also, look at this punk bear that thought he was doing it :{ Probably went back to his cousin the grizzly like "man I punked some Bengal today :hat" knowing damn well he took off running when it was just the bengal's baby mamma taking the kids out for a walk. :{ :{ Tigers 1, Bears 0
  12. liban906

    Bengal Vs. Grizzly

    I accept your argument about the bear's intelligence and I apologize for suggesting that bears are not smart. However, I will stand by my point that tiger's are more efficient and cunning hunters. Grizzlies are known to hunt large prey every once in a while but the majority of a grizzly's diet...
  13. liban906

    Got My iPhone Stolen today SMH, what are my options?

    :{ Sorry OP that's hard. But yeah I never bring my phone with me when I'm at the gym or playing ball. I'll just leave it in my car. I never check/hear it while I'm playing and working out anyway so its not too much of a hassle.
  14. liban906

    Bengal Vs. Grizzly

    The problem is you guys are analyzing this from the wrong perspective. There are many other factors at play that would sway the outcome of this battle. Many of you are choosing the bear because of the assumption that the bear and tiger are doing head to head combat in a ring where brute...
  15. liban906

    a "WatchESPN" and NBAGametime subscribers question....

    Wow :eek I can't believe I haven't heard about this earlier. My parents pay for cable so I met as well take advantage of this :hat
  16. liban906

    Fast and Furious 6 - May 24th $317 Million Worldwide Opening WOWZERS

    I don't care if this hurts my legitimacy but Tokyo Drift was my favorite movie of the series :lol :hat The cast wasn't the best but the story and action was great imo. With that said, I can't wait for this. F&F is the only movie series not named Star Wars with over 4 sequels that I can rock...
  17. liban906

    a "WatchESPN" and NBAGametime subscribers question....

    Sorry to thread jack but can someone explain what watchESPN is? I didn't know ESPN had a stand alone streaming service. Is it like netflix where you pay monthly?
  18. liban906


    I just got a Nexus 7 tablet and its :hat Any must have apps for tablet? I have an iPhone so I haven't been on the Android market for a while and there's so many incompatible apps :\
  19. liban906

    Ann Coulter says the US doesn't have a gun problem but has a problem with Blacks and Muslims using g

    Cliffs: - Right wing nut Ann Coulter appears on Fox News and suggests that if you look at the White population, gun violence isn't an issue - Claims that there is no gun problem but there is a problem among minority communities :{ I honestly don't know how someone like this could even have...
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