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  1. angelpopstar7

    Just turned 21 Vol... I dont drink, well not yet anyway.

    No we're not blogging about Janet Jackson. It was originally the Just Justin Board (Justin as in Justin Timberlake) but the majority of the memberscould care less about NSYNC, or Justin for that matter.
  2. angelpopstar7

    Just turned 21 Vol... I dont drink, well not yet anyway.

    It's the female equivalent of NT. While your board is about 90% male, JJB is about 90% female.
  3. angelpopstar7

    Ok Ok Facebook > Myspace

    I don't really like facebook. I like how I can customize what my myspace looks like and I can't do that on facebook. If facebook would add the optionto where I could change the html, then it might have some competition with myspace.
  4. angelpopstar7

    Just turned 21 Vol... I dont drink, well not yet anyway.

    Cranberry/Vodka, Bacardi Raz or Bacardi O/Silver (I've heard it called both ways), Smirnoff Ice If you want a shot, try baja rosa, red headed +##+, fruity pebble, or a purple haze. Don't do a jager bomb if you've never drank before. Even if they try to get you to drink one, don't do it.
  5. angelpopstar7

    NT how do you guys deal with physical pain?

    Try not to move it. That will just make the pain worse. You probably have a 24 hour pharmacy somewhere near you. Either google online or get the phone book outand start calling the pharmacies in the area. If none of them are open yet, take some ibuprofen to hold you over until they open. Good...
  6. angelpopstar7

    What's your favorite fast food spot? and order #

    Wendy's-#6 plain with a Pibb
  7. angelpopstar7

    What's the biggest turn off???

    Ignorance Cockiness Not respecting women Does drugs or smokes (I might be able to over look smoking but not drugs) Doesn't want kids No goals for his life Messed up teeth Liars No personality
  8. angelpopstar7

    Beer > Liquor... U disagree then ur an alcohalic... :p

    I must be an alcoholic then because I hate beer but love liquor. And it is possible just to drink liquor and sit back and chill. That's what I do with myfriends every weekend. We'll go have a couple drinks and chill for a little bit and then we go out dancing.
  9. angelpopstar7

    you still love your ex....

    Best friend. What kind of "best friend" would date your ex, especially if you still loved the person?
  10. angelpopstar7

    So what are you doing 4 Halloween

    Probably going to a Halloween party at the bar.
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