Zoom Kobe 8 system NikeID thread ***NO SET DATE (yet) WHEN THESE WILL BE TAKEN DOWN***

those are fire, but i think he may have filtered the pic to make it look like the 5 rings. doesn't look like court purple at all, to me at least.
My ID courtesy of Nike is finally being made and should be on its soon after. Based on:


It was free so maybe that's why I kept getting dicked over.
I made the same ID but didn't place the order lol
I put a clear sole to make it more like the 5 rings
I'm gonna guess the ID options update right before the Pit Vipers release on the 21st

Also predict Pit Viper pattern as update, no solid uppers (that would be what the people want, too easy)
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Needed a second opinion on which laces look better? Feeling the blue ones but love the pop with the volt ones too.

Found this
Those would actually look nice without those ugly *** socks.  Those socks kinda look like the tampon foamposites that are coming out soon.

I do remember seeing this color combo of pink/yellow available on ID.  I was thinking of making a pair myself, but damn Nike took the options down. 
^Really diggin those as well.  Happy with the simple pair I made with the plat upper but wouldn't mind havin these too...
Hey i think sumthin is about to change with the Kobe 8 "Id"s?????.....cause the Nike site says..."sorry unavailable at this time".....it wont letya get to the page to make a "id" pair??......so...cross yur fingers kids!..lol hopefully we get a solid upper?..."Amnesties" here i come!!!....hopefully?...lol
Well I hope for solid but if they dont please dont rake away that blue corral. That whitte upper is closest we will get to solids
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