Zoom Kobe “Prelude” Pack" NO EL/BOT talk. **POLL ADDED ON PAGE 1**

Favorite from the prelude pack.

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    Votes: 2 28.6%
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    Votes: 4 57.1%
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  • 8

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And to the guy who said get a job I actually do have a job im in the Army.....Actually just came back from Afghanistan protecting your freedom...Here's the story ok. I was on my way to AllStar weekend thursday night i stopped at Baton Rouge HOH at 8:58 they close at 9 though. Kobe preludes 2-8 were on displayed I jokingly asked if they had them. The associate replied "How many you need and what size" I replied "bring everything you got in a size 11, or 12" She out with 10 boxes. I bought 4 that night came back the next morning when the all star pack out and bought the other 6. NOW THERE ISN'T ONE PERSON IN THIS FORUM OR NIKETALK PERIOD WHO WOULDN'T TAKE THAT. Yeah i resold a few, kept the 2s, and a pair of 6s for me, and got the 8s for a couple friends who are still in Afghanistan

still no problem with you buying to resell for profit or to friends.

But now you got me chuckling when you said your job is the army and that you are protecting my freedom.
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And to the guy who said get a job I actually do have a job im in the Army.....Actually just came back from Afghanistan protecting your freedom...Here's the story ok. I was on my way to AllStar weekend thursday night i stopped at Baton Rouge HOH at 8:58 they close at 9 though. Kobe preludes 2-8 were on displayed I jokingly asked if they had them. The associate replied "How many you need and what size" I replied "bring everything you got in a size 11, or 12" She out with 10 boxes. I bought 4 that night came back the next morning when the all star pack out and bought the other 6. NOW THERE ISN'T ONE PERSON IN THIS FORUM OR NIKETALK PERIOD WHO WOULDN'T TAKE THAT. Yeah i resold a few, kept the 2s, and a pair of 6s for me, and got the 8s for a couple friends who are still in Afghanistan
i hate when people join the army and brag that they're serving and rub it in peoples face about protecting their freedom. If you joined to protect and serve, no need to say about it. We appreciate the service but i rather a guy out there doing it without a second thought than somebody whose think that they can using their service to guilt someone of ignorance to be grateful.

And for the second part. NO, i would not have done the same thing.  Just like the other guy saying that we'd be lying if we didn't buy the entire stock of the restock to resell. Well i would not be lying if said i wouldn't buy the entire stock. Some of us have real life situations outside of sneakers. I have a family to care for, rent to pay, bills to pay. I'm not about to drop $2000 on shoes thats either not my size or not the pair i want hoping it will gain a profit.
@SeeColes I would've done the same thing no doubt about it. Congrats

I'm never owning a 5 unless I get a magical restock they ain't worth 400 to me that's absurd
I'm not rubbing it in anyones face at all but  most people paint the picture of a reseller as someone who doesn't have job, who lives fri-saturday releases. I just happened to have the extra cash, and they just happened to sale all them to me.  
I'm not rubbing it in anyones face at all but  most people paint the picture of a reseller as someone who doesn't have job, who lives fri-saturday releases. I just happened to have the extra cash, and they just happened to sale all them to me.  
that picture is painted is because most resellers live off of profit from buying FSR and reselling for a profit. People who have MONEY like that, don't need to care about flipping for a extra buck or two, they get the shoe they want and move on.
I'm not rubbing it in anyones face at all but  most people paint the picture of a reseller as someone who doesn't have job, who lives fri-saturday releases. I just happened to have the extra cash, and they just happened to sale all them to me.  

No hate at all fam nice come up
I think some are missing the point of buying 10 pairs for 2k. It is a temporary hold of funds. It don't matter if you got other priority such as family or bills. You can do a quick resell for less profit or do a return. Even easier if you have a credit card.

So quit using "I have other cost because I have a life" excuse.
I think some are missing the point of buying 10 pairs for 2k. It is a temporary hold of funds. It don't matter if you got other priority such as family or bills. You can do a quick resell for less profit or do a return. Even easier if you have a credit card.

So quit using "I have other cost because I have a life" excuse.
when you grow up and realize that priorities such as kids and food on the table are more important than buying 10 pairs of shoes and trying to resell. 
when you grow up and realize that priorities such as kids and food on the table are more important than buying 10 pairs of shoes and trying to resell. 

LOL! So you acting tough on the internet by saying I ain't grown up?

You seem to have a reading comprehension issue.
Buying 10 pairs doesn't effect your kids nor the food on the table. I would think people would sell their purchase before it becomes that dire. But you can sit at your high bourse and throw down judgement and belittling retorts.
SeeColes where r u stationed at? I'm in the army as well stationed at Fort Knox and I just left Fort Sam Houston, where I could get some releases but not here in KY! Good 4 u.
LOL! So you acting tough on the internet by saying I ain't grown up?

You seem to have a reading comprehension issue.
Buying 10 pairs doesn't effect your kids nor the food on the table. I would think people would sell their purchase before it becomes that dire. But you can sit at your high bourse and throw down judgement and belittling retorts.
 lol at you thinking i'm acting tough because i called you out on having shoes as priority over family. YOU MADDDDDD
Idk if I can invest a small amount of 2 grand and nearly double it legit and following the laws I think your a smart man with his priorities straight.

I see where your coming from but obviously he had the bank to do that and he was turning a quick profit.

I'm not trying to derail the thread so I'm out on the topic.
Both need to let it be.It pointless what the next person does with their money or kicks.Simple as that.
Both need to let it be.It pointless what the next person does with their money or kicks.Simple as that.


Just hoping these restock on the quarterly not coming up, want the 6s too but the 5s are the cream of the crop
Forgot how ignorant people are on the internet. Choosing to call people out instead of having a logical discussion. Don't know much simpler I can state money allocation. But I guess the educational system ain't the same everywhere. I can type with smaller words? Or does someone else want to try?
exactly, i don't care what you do with your money. You can buy as many pairs as you want thinking you can profit from them.

i personally STATED that I would not buy an entire stock when someone before posted that "you'd be lying if you didn't do the same thing and buy as many as you could"

I personally said i wouldn't because i have other priorities such as family and rent and bills. I don't know about some of you guys but spending $2000 on a pair of shoes in 1 day is a little insane for me and cuts into my budget of spending for unnecessary things such as shoes. Then phllos saying theres nothing wrong with using money that you have budgeted for priorities such as family and food and rent.

Sure you can flip the preludes, but why go through all that trouble for a few extra bucks. Thats just me. I rather have my kids happy than spending that money.
how does one catch a niketown restock?  I missed out on every prelude in this pack and if DC restocks,  I don't want to miss it.
Online restock is just luck of the draw, as for in store I have no idea because I have no legit stores that get heat like that in my radius
I think some are missing the point of buying 10 pairs for 2k. It is a temporary hold of funds. It don't matter if you got other priority such as family or bills. You can do a quick resell for less profit or do a return. Even easier if you have a credit card.

So quit using "I have other cost because I have a life" excuse.
It does matter when your landlord needs the rent on the 1st of the month, you got bills to pay and your kids are hungry. conEdison is not gonna keep the lights or the heat on for you because you need 3-5 business days for the RETURN credit to go back to your account. I never swipe my credit card if i don't have the funds right then and there to pay it off right away. 
Never said family, kids, bills < shoes.

I'm saying you can spend both without effecting each other.
You should never sit on shoes when you got bigger bills and family that need the attention. You can easily sell before that even happens. If you can't sell, you can return to store. Therefore family and bills are nev er hurt from buying the shoes.

It is even more the case when credit card is involved.
You just said it doesn't matter if you have priorities of family or bills, so basically what i'm getting out of what you're saying is "Screw those lights, let your kids starve. Spend $2000 right now in 1 day for 10 pairs of shoes that will generate SOME profit in an unknown future". I agree with what you're saying to never buy shoes and sit on it for resell when you got bills and family that need attention. Some of these preludes don't even fetch for that much over retail. Some preludes can be had for around $300-$400 if you're persistent (i was able to score every one of my preludes on $350). So after tax and shipping fees and paypal fees, you get a rough estimate of $100-$150 profit that you do not see right away. You have to put it up for sale, wait till someone bites. Pays you and it clears and gets transferred to your checking account, it takes a while for that $100ish profit. I do not have the time to be doing that when other priorities of MINE require more of my attention

I'm not saying nobody should be on their hustle, I'm saying i wouldn't because i have priorities. And yes it does affect both at the same time when i spend $2000 on 1 day. I don't know about you guys 
LOL! So you acting tough on the internet by saying I ain't grown up?

You seem to have a reading comprehension issue.
Buying 10 pairs doesn't effect your kids nor the food on the table. I would think people would sell their purchase before it becomes that dire. But you can sit at your high bourse and throw down judgement and belittling retorts.
I didn't mean YOU as in saying you're a little child. I mean YOU in general when you start maturing as an adult and responsibilities and priorities is your problem. Most adults would agree that spending $2k on shoes in 1 day is a little out of hand. Especially when there are other financial priorities that require your attention more. Yes you can resell or return it but for me, thats a lot more of a hassle than just NOT buying 10 pairs at once. 

We can agree to disagree, but my initial argument is that not all of us got it like that to buy 10 pairs of shoes in 1 day without it affecting other financial priorities. I hope no offense is taken.
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No offense taken. And I respect that you consolidated all my post and responded each once more. Means you took the time to reread.

I don't think I can repeat what I said again differently and I assume ypou actually understood what I am trying to get at and still disagree.

My goal isn't really to convince you but to clarify my own statement so others and maybe you van see and understand what I am trying to say.

I still stand by the fact that money can still be spent on both without hindering family/bills and shoes depending on your financial background. Also your ability to quickly unload purchased shoes.

If you are living on cash at hand situations then yes, you will havta pick one other the other.

For me, I use credit cards and cash on hand and cash in bank. Therefore if I so chose to go insane and buy 2k worth of shoe with almost guaranteed profit of at least 50%, I can still have cash to pay immediate cost while the credit can pay for the investment of shoes.

Ah I ended up typing another explanation...

But yes, I agreed that everyone is different.
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i totally understand. I responded to you in the first place because you said people need to quit using the excuse of "i got a life". Which is true and not an excuse, for me an excuse is "oh i didn't want them, thats why i didn't get a whole bunch of pairs" vs. a real financial situation of "i can't buy 10 pairs because my car payment is due tomorrow"

I have money in the bank that i save and don't tap into. I have cash in hand for leisure expenses such as material things. And then i have money set aside from my bi-weekly paychecks for food, bills, and family expenses. I would as well as you, buy 1 or 2 pair of sneakers if it generated 50% profit. but i would be thinking irrational if i bought 10 pairs right now. If you can do it, i applaud you. I'm just saying it is not an excuse when some of us actually need money for other things first no matter the profit of an investment. I can't invest in something that will generate SOME money back in a unknown distance of future when i need to eat tonight.
i totally understand. I responded to you in the first place because you said people need to quit using the excuse of "i got a life". Which is true and not an excuse, for me an excuse is "oh i didn't want them, thats why i didn't get a whole bunch of pairs" vs. a real financial situation of "i can't buy 10 pairs because my car payment is due tomorrow"

I have money in the bank that i save and don't tap into. I have cash in hand for leisure expenses such as material things. And then i have money set aside from my bi-weekly paychecks for food, bills, and family expenses. I would as well as you, buy 1 or 2 pair of sneakers if it generated 50% profit. but i would be thinking irrational if i bought 10 pairs right now. If you can do it, i applaud you. I'm just saying it is not an excuse when some of us actually need money for other things first no matter the profit of an investment. I can't invest in something that will generate SOME money back in a unknown distance of future when i need to eat tonight.

DUDE! I was nodding my head to what you were saying til the last sentence.
But it all good. End it there with a high five.

I got the only two pairs I wanted, 2s and 7s. Even tho I paid 370 and 364 respectively.

Only still here hoping to recoup my cost.
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