Zombie Prank in Miami

Oct 9, 2005
Somebody is going to get got playing around like this

word to Bill Murray in Zombie Land
Surprised that dude didn't get shot. But now you messed me up, because if I see a real zombie I might not run because I'll think of this video. Then I'll get bit. SMH
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Somebody is going to get got playing around like this

word to Bill Murray in Zombie Land

   i was thinkin the same thing
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

this dude's pranks are the best, i'm surprised he's still alive
^ yea if any of the dudes in the video decide to pull out a gun with the shoot first ask questions later attitude.

@ the last one. they were gonna +*!@!%@ kill him
^ more like
the dude thinks he was gonna take on the zombie bare hands. if it was a real zombie, he would have been dead in 5 seconds with his face been chewed off. what an idiot.
Originally Posted by icqboy51

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

this dude's pranks are the best, i'm surprised he's still alive
^ yea if any of the dudes in the video decide to pull out a gun with the shoot first ask questions later attitude.

@ the last one. they were gonna +*!@!%@ kill him
^ more like
the dude thinks he was gonna take on the zombie bare hands. if it was a real zombie, he would have been dead in 5 seconds with his face been chewed off. what an idiot.

Strong avy to post ratio
LMFAO at the end, that's what happens when you troll around in the wrong part of the neighborhood, had a white dude scaring these folks in the 'jects
. I would've shot him with no remorse or hesitation, not taking any risks; prank or not.
Originally Posted by icqboy51

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

this dude's pranks are the best, i'm surprised he's still alive
^ yea if any of the dudes in the video decide to pull out a gun with the shoot first ask questions later attitude.

@ the last one. they were gonna +*!@!%@ kill him
^ more like
the dude thinks he was gonna take on the zombie bare hands. if it was a real zombie, he would have been dead in 5 seconds with his face been chewed off. what an idiot.

real life...
looks like hes tryna flash da hammer doe.... maybe he about that life... looks like they were playing dice
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