Your theory on how the Pyramids were built?





Originally Posted by SpottieOttie305

Yea Daytona's got a piont. African civilizations were
considered primitive compared to the European wranglers
. With that
being said, a lot of
the technology and concepts were lost over time. Hell in the African
deserts, the current surface covers the surfaces of say 100,000 yrs ago
due to sand
storms, dunes, and the likes
This statement is the reason most people think the pyramids were built by Aliens. They they think Africans were heathens running around like chickens w/ their head cut off before European interaction. When in fact Africa was and is the center of civilization. Europeans came and took bits and pieces of the African culture and w/ their limited filter and lack of true understanding created the Western culture we now know today.

This is correct!!
Yo those hieroglyphs shoe some people with crazy domes...

thing is some people today got domes like that
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

We had a long !@% thread about this a few months ago, just search it...

Anyways, the most plausible theory IMO...

-Pharoahs at the time were considered Gods on earth
-They needed a final resting spot when they died
-Egyptian people thought they were serving God (the Pharoahs) by picking out lime stones, transporting the stones, carving them, etc.
-Over time the Egyptians became well rehearsed in math and science so the technical specifications of the pyramids of Giza were on point
-Pyramids were built by Egyptians by using pulleys, levers, ramps, etc.

-The Aliens theory is ******ed and anyone who believes this theory is ******ed as well. It unfairly discredits what humans are capable of accomplishing when they are working towards a common goal.

-The Jewish slaves theory has been refuted time and time again by many reputable scholars world wide. The pyramids of Giza were built well before the introduction of Judaism to the world.

I disagree.

I agree. People are too quick to discredit humans and give the credit to aliens just because they cant figure out how it was done.

Same with this story.


This proves aliens do exist

Or this proves that humans were here long before we orignally thought they were.
In no way does it prove that. It doesn't even suggest it. Neither do our fossil records, religious texts, or any other reasonable ORunreasonable records. Stop it
LarryIndiana219 wrote:
ATLien Seeko wrote:
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by StonedFace

ATLien Seeko wrote:
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

We had a long !@% thread about this a few months ago, just search it...

Anyways, the most plausible theory IMO...

-Pharoahs at the time were considered Gods on earth
-They needed a final resting spot when they died
-Egyptian people thought they were serving God (the Pharoahs) by picking out lime stones, transporting the stones, carving them, etc.
-Over time the Egyptians became well rehearsed in math and science so the technical specifications of the pyramids of Giza were on point
-Pyramids were built by Egyptians by using pulleys, levers, ramps, etc.

-The Aliens theory is ******ed and anyone who believes this theory is ******ed as well. It unfairly discredits what humans are capable of accomplishing when they are working towards a common goal.

-The Jewish slaves theory has been refuted time and time again by many reputable scholars world wide. The pyramids of Giza were built well before the introduction of Judaism to the world.

I disagree.

I agree. People are too quick to discredit humans and give the credit to aliens just because they cant figure out how it was done.

Same with this story.


This proves aliens do exist

Or this proves that humans were here long before we orignally thought they were.
In no way does it prove that. It doesn't even suggest it. Neither do our fossil records, religious texts, or any other reasonable OR unreasonable records. Stop it

So you're saying that manufactured spheroids found in Africa dont even SUGGEST that people were here before we originally thought so? Do you believehistory to be 100% accurate weather it's scientific or biblical? Imagine if everyone thought streamlined like that...

Again, you have to think back to the time when the world was flat....
Why do you think so much of ourselves as a species but jump at the bit to discredit our achievements by shoving them off on God or "aliens"?

Aliens, seriously?
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I think they might have used a device/technique we have yet to discover, but who really knows.
Yea some think they had some kind of understanding of anti-gravity. Its some crazy stuff, but interesting to think about.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by sickickz23

I for one would like to know how did the fall of the Mayans happen exactly?


also known as the greatest synonym for "THE WHITE MAN"
I honestly was going to post that....but didn't know how NT would take it.

And don't stone face. This dude speaks the truth. Asia, Africa Americas....the story is the same. Let me quit while I'm ahead though. We all havehistory books.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by sickickz23

I for one would like to know how did the fall of the Mayans happen exactly?


also known as the greatest synonym for "THE WHITE MAN"
I honestly was going to post that....but didn't know how NT would take it.

And don't stone face. This dude speaks the truth. Asia, Africa Americas....the story is the same. Let me quit while I'm ahead though. We all have history books.
Let's not forget the most recent

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