Your Friends or Your Girlfriend?

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

My man is very upset up there.
Ain't nobody talkin' about cooch in here.Maybe you should calm down and read the original post again so you can better understand what it is that's being discussed.
This guy.

Now... READ my post again, my post isn't directed at OP. So since OP asked a 'yes' or 'no' question. EVERY response should be yes or no right?

My post was directed at some of the dudes on here, that claim that it should be always guys over girls. I don't know, maybe you guys do have dudes that do everything together and have a nice little bond with them. But I for one, don't have many guy friends... Why?... because in my world, everyone will drop anyone to get laid. That's it. Point blank.

at you thinking i'm upset. Not that serious of a topic to get a heart attack homie.

Understand where you're coming from. But this isn't a simple A or B question, I can guarantee you there is an ulterior motive behind this question. Its all game homie, and you say you'd answer "(())" anytime, answering with "her" may get you the short-term "(())", but the respect will be gone in the long run. The point behind what everyone is saying is avoid the question all together, what is the purpose of the question in the first place?

The purpose of this question... on her part, is just security, that's it! Nothing more, nothing less. Y'all should already know, girls are insecure, they are insecure about every damn thing in their life.

Okay let me make it easier for you guys. Let's say your girl just gave birth to your child. She gained some weight ofcourse... now she's been looking at pictures of how she was in High School, now she's feeling very insecure about herself.

She turns to you and asks "Do you still think i'm beautiful now?" Okay, the reason why I bold the word "still" is because it's a comparison of how she looks now to how she looked in High School... now with this example, are you really going to tell the truth and tell her she isn't as beautiful as she once was? The answer is no, you wouldn't. You probably make up some lie and say she's more beautiful now than she ever did right?

The point i'm trying to make is... you with your girl, she asks you if you would take her over your buddies. It's not big of a deal to say "You" and just keep it moving. Don't ya think?

this is the kind of dude who will stab his own best friend in the back for a handjob in the bathroom at Denny's

Okay buddy. You go ahead and think that!
Great assumption by the way... I especially like the choice of setting, Denny's. Classic
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

My man is very upset up there.
Ain't nobody talkin' about cooch in here.Maybe you should calm down and read the original post again so you can better understand what it is that's being discussed.
This guy.

Now... READ my post again, my post isn't directed at OP. So since OP asked a 'yes' or 'no' question. EVERY response should be yes or no right?

My post was directed at some of the dudes on here, that claim that it should be always guys over girls. I don't know, maybe you guys do have dudes that do everything together and have a nice little bond with them. But I for one, don't have many guy friends... Why?... because in my world, everyone will drop anyone to get laid. That's it. Point blank.

at you thinking i'm upset. Not that serious of a topic to get a heart attack homie.

Understand where you're coming from. But this isn't a simple A or B question, I can guarantee you there is an ulterior motive behind this question. Its all game homie, and you say you'd answer "(())" anytime, answering with "her" may get you the short-term "(())", but the respect will be gone in the long run. The point behind what everyone is saying is avoid the question all together, what is the purpose of the question in the first place?

The purpose of this question... on her part, is just security, that's it! Nothing more, nothing less. Y'all should already know, girls are insecure, they are insecure about every damn thing in their life.

Okay let me make it easier for you guys. Let's say your girl just gave birth to your child. She gained some weight ofcourse... now she's been looking at pictures of how she was in High School, now she's feeling very insecure about herself.

She turns to you and asks "Do you still think i'm beautiful now?" Okay, the reason why I bold the word "still" is because it's a comparison of how she looks now to how she looked in High School... now with this example, are you really going to tell the truth and tell her she isn't as beautiful as she once was? The answer is no, you wouldn't. You probably make up some lie and say she's more beautiful now than she ever did right?

The point i'm trying to make is... you with your girl, she asks you if you would take her over your buddies. It's not big of a deal to say "You" and just keep it moving. Don't ya think?

this is the kind of dude who will stab his own best friend in the back for a handjob in the bathroom at Denny's

Okay buddy. You go ahead and think that!
Great assumption by the way... I especially like the choice of setting, Denny's. Classic
I think the How do I look now vs. How I looked in HS question from a woman is not the same as Me or your friends. One is a legit concern that I wouldn't mind dispelling. Yes I will say I still think you are as beautiful as before, even though I would be lying through my teeth.

The me vs. friends question is just a trap. It is a trouble starter. I mean me vs. friends in terms of WHAT. It is a dumb question. I will NOT even entertain that nonsense man. It is just a dumb question that serves no purpose. So I won't answer it.
I think the How do I look now vs. How I looked in HS question from a woman is not the same as Me or your friends. One is a legit concern that I wouldn't mind dispelling. Yes I will say I still think you are as beautiful as before, even though I would be lying through my teeth.

The me vs. friends question is just a trap. It is a trouble starter. I mean me vs. friends in terms of WHAT. It is a dumb question. I will NOT even entertain that nonsense man. It is just a dumb question that serves no purpose. So I won't answer it.
women think differently, end of story.

We might think she shouldn't some women might think she should ask.
women think differently, end of story.

We might think she shouldn't some women might think she should ask.
Not answering a question like that no matter how they are built. It is a dumb question, I am liable to ask her why she would even come at me that way. Then I will let her know I would never even chose between the two. Not giving her what she wants to hear in that situation. If she cries, so the hell what. Dumb question. Pure trap.
Not answering a question like that no matter how they are built. It is a dumb question, I am liable to ask her why she would even come at me that way. Then I will let her know I would never even chose between the two. Not giving her what she wants to hear in that situation. If she cries, so the hell what. Dumb question. Pure trap.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I think the How do I look now vs. How I looked in HS question from a woman is not the same as Me or your friends. One is a legit concern that I wouldn't mind dispelling. Yes I will say I still think you are as beautiful as before, even though I would be lying through my teeth.

The me vs. friends question is just a trap. It is a trouble starter. I mean me vs. friends in terms of WHAT. It is a dumb question. I will NOT even entertain that nonsense man. It is just a dumb question that serves no purpose. So I won't answer it.

Okay fine. Maybe you're right, maybe that example is irrelevant.

"It is a trouble starter" that's exactly the point i'm trying to make though, you'd be digging your own grave if you didn't even answer or if you said your boys. That's why I said, just say yes and keep it moving.

Here's another example, maybe this one might be relevant? Oh well here it is... We all know we still look at other girls even if we have one, whether you're faithful or not, you still check out other girls right? Now let's say your girl ask you "Do you still check out other girls while with me?"... knowing damn well the truth is yes. Are you really gonna tell her that you still check out other girls while you're with her?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I think the How do I look now vs. How I looked in HS question from a woman is not the same as Me or your friends. One is a legit concern that I wouldn't mind dispelling. Yes I will say I still think you are as beautiful as before, even though I would be lying through my teeth.

The me vs. friends question is just a trap. It is a trouble starter. I mean me vs. friends in terms of WHAT. It is a dumb question. I will NOT even entertain that nonsense man. It is just a dumb question that serves no purpose. So I won't answer it.

Okay fine. Maybe you're right, maybe that example is irrelevant.

"It is a trouble starter" that's exactly the point i'm trying to make though, you'd be digging your own grave if you didn't even answer or if you said your boys. That's why I said, just say yes and keep it moving.

Here's another example, maybe this one might be relevant? Oh well here it is... We all know we still look at other girls even if we have one, whether you're faithful or not, you still check out other girls right? Now let's say your girl ask you "Do you still check out other girls while with me?"... knowing damn well the truth is yes. Are you really gonna tell her that you still check out other girls while you're with her?
If that question is going to get me in trouble, well I will just be in trouble dude. I tell girls from the jump that I don't answer any stupid hypothetical questions that serve no purpose other than to stroke an ego. So what if I get in trouble for that, I have a way with words that can usually make them feel like a jerk for even asking me a question like that.

I don't care about trouble man. If that is why I will get in trouble with then so what. Trouble happens no matter what.

Here's another example, maybe this one might be relevant? Oh well here it is... We all know we still look at other girls even if we have one, whether you're faithful or not, you still check out other girls right? Now let's say your girl ask you "Do you still check out other girls while with me?"... knowing damn well the truth is yes. Are you really gonna tell her that you still check out other girls while you're with her?
Probable answers
1. "Do you see me looking."
2. "Sure do, I look at each and every one. Even the ones that weight 300 lbs."
3. "Of course not, I only have eyes for you." Something sarcastic most likely.

I would not SERIOUSLY answer that bait question. I don't participate in those dumb games man. I let it be known from the jump man. I don't HAVE to play those games to prove anything. And neither do any of you. Put your foot down and they won't even come at you like that.

Maybe because the girls I deal with have common sense, they don't ask dumb questions like that. And they have taken notes in the past to never ask me hypotheticals.
If that question is going to get me in trouble, well I will just be in trouble dude. I tell girls from the jump that I don't answer any stupid hypothetical questions that serve no purpose other than to stroke an ego. So what if I get in trouble for that, I have a way with words that can usually make them feel like a jerk for even asking me a question like that.

I don't care about trouble man. If that is why I will get in trouble with then so what. Trouble happens no matter what.

Here's another example, maybe this one might be relevant? Oh well here it is... We all know we still look at other girls even if we have one, whether you're faithful or not, you still check out other girls right? Now let's say your girl ask you "Do you still check out other girls while with me?"... knowing damn well the truth is yes. Are you really gonna tell her that you still check out other girls while you're with her?
Probable answers
1. "Do you see me looking."
2. "Sure do, I look at each and every one. Even the ones that weight 300 lbs."
3. "Of course not, I only have eyes for you." Something sarcastic most likely.

I would not SERIOUSLY answer that bait question. I don't participate in those dumb games man. I let it be known from the jump man. I don't HAVE to play those games to prove anything. And neither do any of you. Put your foot down and they won't even come at you like that.

Maybe because the girls I deal with have common sense, they don't ask dumb questions like that. And they have taken notes in the past to never ask me hypotheticals.
Yal know females will not be happy unless they believe your world completely revolves around them and everyone/everything besides her is dispensable.
Yal know females will not be happy unless they believe your world completely revolves around them and everyone/everything besides her is dispensable.
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

Yal know females will not be happy unless they believe your world completely revolves around them and everyone/everything besides her is dispensable.
Stop messing with dumb a%% girls that subscribe to those childish ideas. People with sense don't believe that nonsense.
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

Yal know females will not be happy unless they believe your world completely revolves around them and everyone/everything besides her is dispensable.
Stop messing with dumb a%% girls that subscribe to those childish ideas. People with sense don't believe that nonsense.
Going with Dr. Seuss on this situation.
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
Going with Dr. Seuss on this situation.
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
To be honest, I would have lied to her, and said she was my one and only/favorite. 
To be honest, I would have lied to her, and said she was my one and only/favorite. 
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