You suspect one of your parents cheating - What would you do?

OP wheres your pics
nerd.gif careful what you stumble pops was being shady around my senior year of HS...started smoking weed etc...i blew it off it being my dad...year later pops tries to kill himself a few hours after i saw him....divorce and all that follows...just a %*+%#$ up situation man...
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton careful what you stumble pops was being shady around my senior year of HS...started smoking weed etc...i blew it off it being my dad...year later pops tries to kill himself a few hours after i saw him....divorce and all that follows...just a %*+%#$ up situation man...

Something like this has really crossed my mind. Im sorry about your experience. My dad has a history of drug use in his twenties, about 10 years or so before he met my mother and started a family - but you never know can or will happen 
Originally Posted by gorjess

Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by gorjess

I know it will. It already has. I have always had some form of trust issues for some reason, but this has made me realize that you really can NEVER trust someone’s intentions fully- even after 27 years. It sucks. Its one thing to make a mistake, we have all been there but in this situation she forgave the mistake and he went right back to it when he had every chance to leave the marriage, that was even discussed.
^ This is what happens when you internalize things that don't pertain to you. So because of this situation you think ALL men are like this huh? I'm sorry but that is poor reasoning. Not to say be naive, no not at all. But for a man to be damned and suspected of cheating on you from the jump, your actions will make it a self fulfilling prophecy. You have to learn how to separate that thought. I still don't get why your mom is asking you for advice, she's the parent, but to each family their own. I hope you learn this isn't your fault and I hope you can cope and learn to trust someone, if not you'll drive more people away from you.

Well, im not saying all men are like anything. This situation has just made me see how someone you thought you knew and whom you thought would never do such a thing, is capable of it. I know every human is capable of anything - but it just makes you rethink letting your guards down. 

I just feel awful, stuck in the middle. We have a family trip coming up next week to CO so I know im not going to do or say anything until we get back, it just sucks to hold in and know my mom is trying to forgive him, watch them fight about it, hear him swear up and down that he will never do it again but in my heart I know he still has other BS going on. 

Don't feel like you're wrong for not trusting people. There's a difference between not trusting someone and suspecting that person of acting against you.

Not everyone deserves to be trusted, and there's no reason why you shouldn't be wary. Let people win your trust over time, not earn your distrust over time. Not everyone is perfect and not everyone is on your side.

Again, I'm not saying live life thinking people are plotting against you. But at the same time, don't expect them to be on your side. Just imagine them like a stranger and let your opinion of them move from there.
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