Yo Nt, when do you plan on loggin off of Niketalk for good.

Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Probably after college. But now, it kills time.
i've been on NT a LOT more now that i'm done with college.

working the routine M-F 8 to 4 FTL. i have nothing to look forward to after work but NT

lol yep! in college i didnt have time for NT...now.....HEY EVERYBODY
i think once my life gets a lot more hectic im talking about kids wife house dog whips, but on the real whenever i have free time general forum will always bearound

for thoose good ol laughs, just cant wait till some young buck calls me a geezer and i go ape and school him on stuff that dropped 2003 hahaha
I was going to hang it up after 2000 posts, but it came up on me pretty quick

you can bet itll be a kamakazi post when I do....and im taking Kaimel Rule down with me

...you people who spend your time on here rather than taking care of your business have deeper issues than posting on a forum.
I can honestly say I have no clue. I have taken a hiatus in the past, but came back again.
Eventually I'll probably stop posting, but I'll lurk for a long, long time.
Originally Posted by JCH3

Eventually I'll probably stop posting, but I'll lurk for a long, long time.

What's the point in lurking? You might as well throw yourself in the conversation if your there.
Probably when I go to grad school in a couple years. I will never have some cheesy e-retirement, I just won't have much time to post because I'llprobably be in class, the law library and writing for my school's law review. Even in summers my time will be scarce because I will likely be working as asummer associate.

I hope I can make a little time here and there to contribute but I will probably only be making cameo appearances.
Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

Prob when I stop caring for sneakers.
I stopped caring For sneakers a long time ago... a couple releases i do look out for but nothin serious.....


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