Yo NT, what's the deal with...

My mom's old job used to allow smoke breaks. They wouldn't make the smokers clock out and it didn't use their normal break time. It actually affected her work because she worked customer service so a lot of the times the lines would be backed up while the smokers took a smoke break. Finally my mom and some coworkers brought the issue up to their supervisor and her supervisor just gave her the old 

At my previous office job, most of the employees were smokers. A coworker and I (non-smokers) decided to bring in our baseball gloves and a football and start having a catch in the parking lot on slow afternoons. We logged the amount of time the smokers would be out on their numerous smoke breaks throughout the day just in case our boss (also a smoker) ever brought it up. We did this for two years without any issues. IMO its not fair but we eventually took the "if you cant beat them, join them" stance and it was all good.
I think it's stupid.  They shouldn't be allowed smoke breaks at work.  Smoke before or after work.  I used to be a smoker and didn't feel the need to have a cigarette every few hours.
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