Yo NT, I said no but she took advantage of me

So i was chillin with this bad light Dominican/Cuban chick and she asked me if I had any weed...I went
and was like nah...So she was like "damn, Ikinda feel like gettin leaned right now"
...Fast forward 30 seconds... I sit an think for a while and remember that there was a half bottle of bacardiwhite bacardi rum down stairs...I run out of my room to get it and do a barrel roll down about the last 5 steps...I got up and brushed my self off to get thebottle, 2 cups, and a bottle of pepsi to chase
...i go upstairs and this broad pours herself a tall glass of bacardi almost as if shes pouring a glassof water and barely leaves any for me...20 mins later i roll onto my stomach and tell her to give me a back rub...this chick says "maybe you should rollonto your back so i can give you a %+%! rub sweetie"...in my mind im like "chea chea chea son" cause i say random hood loser #!*@ like that tomyself....i turn over and this chick gets my pants off faster than you can say Candlejack...she grabbed my midparts and started to succumb to thehorrible smell coming from my private area as I had not washed it for many weeks. Upon this discovery & combined with her intoxication, she vommiteduncontrallably. I took a big L.
Originally Posted by Lrrr

So i was chillin with this bad light Dominican/Cuban chick and she asked me if I had any weed...I went
and was like nah...So she was like "damn, I kinda feel like gettin leaned right now"
...Fast forward 30 seconds... I sit an think for a while and remember that there was a half bottle of bacardi white bacardi rum down stairs...I run out of my room to get it and do a barrel roll down about the last 5 steps...I got up and brushed my self off to get the bottle, 2 cups, and a bottle of pepsi to chase
...i go upstairs and this broad pours herself a tall glass of bacardi almost as if shes pouring a glass of water and barely leaves any for me...20 mins later i roll onto my stomach and tell her to give me a back rub...this chick says "maybe you should roll onto your back so i can give you a !+!+ rub sweetie"...in my mind im like "chea chea chea son" cause i say random hood loser !#+@ like that to myself....i turn over and this chick gets my pants off faster than you can say Candlejack...she grabbed my midparts and started to su
you're not supposed to say candlejack you id
Originally Posted by blaxoid

she grabbed my midparts and started to succumb to the horrible smell coming from my private area as I had not washed it for many weeks. Upon this discovery & combined with her intoxication, she vommited uncontrallably. I took a big L.

lrn2dictionary http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/succumb

you better not let candlejack catch you typing like an idi
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