Yo, my brother is facing atleast 4 years in Jail...

sorry to hear that...i got some cousins in the same situation...but i dont feel sorry for them though...its the life they chose.
sucks, but its his fault, but thats what you get for messing up and not learning from your mistakes. dont feel sorry for him at all
at least you're noticing that you may be headed it their direction. You can always stop turn around

Im sorry that your brother will be locked up though
Committing crimes when you have young kids = extremely selfish and dirtbag move.

Like other guy said, make sure you take care of those young'uns.
Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

If you ever feel down look above you..

In other words keep ya head up..

although your brother is in jail... he can still be free...

believe young soldier... and you will win the battle ahead...
It is extremely hard to take that statement serious
withthat avy of his .

But op u and your brother both need to keep your heads up and I think that if u can step up and be like a father figure to his kids cuz you're all theypossibly have for a male fatherly figure.
Tell him the first day in jail to beat the %$$$ out of the biggest dude in there like in the movies.
it always works.
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