Yo! I just figured out some crazy ****!!!

"What does a fish know of the water in which he swims? "

That's actually a really good question. Like, we don't think anything of the air that surrounds us daily. Do fish feel the same? What if they feel like they are flying? :wow:
yo...if you really think about how small earth is in comparison with other planets and and stars..we really are microscopic, what if there is an tiny earth with people just like us...in every cell in our body?

enjoy a visual..

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I'm on day 11 of qutting burning, essentially to clear my head and get "smarter" for school and whatnot....but apparently I'm doing the complete opposite??

I don't believe burning is a daily thing for the mind. I'm a strong believer in moderation in all that you indulge. I'm also a strong beliver in atleast trying any naturaly produced anything. Atleast once...In my journey...shrooms i felt brought the most enlightening moment of heavy mentals my concious mind has ever crossed.
Lol drugs are bad when abused. However the world we live requires one to take a step out of it to be correctly veiwed.

I think so anyway.
Oh.... one of these threads... ok Ill play :D

Fans man.... fans....
Im telling you.... Fans....

Ever think about fans ? ....Fans are something else...

Fans like... make things cool.... they take the air that emits from an AC unit and move it throughout and about.... making things cool.

I mean like.... Fans like.... make things cool.... they take the eccentric styles of musicians actors and celebrity's and move it throughout and about.... making things cool

stay cool NT :nthat:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:rollin

I don't regret that my first time smoking was probably 6 months before graduating college. I wish it got legalized. I only do it once in a blue moon but man is it great.
yo...if you really think about how small earth is in comparison with other planets and and stars..we really are microscopic, what if there is an tiny earth with people just like us...in every cell in our body?

enjoy a visual..


well facebook and google already sell your info to advertisers..... so what your saying isnt that far-fetched 

And it's 4:20 mins long exactly

:wow: That scene at 2:00 is literally an exact scene from my life. Everything down to the stuff he was saying, us being in the car and him not paying attention to the road and philosophizing while eating chips, etc.. eerie :lol:

That dude makes hilarious videos.. this is another one that is :rofl:

For those who have dealt with dealers, you would get this ^ 100% lol
On the real tho ATL, you're usually on some remedial **** with these type of posts but you are dead on tonight my man. Don't let the trolls throw you off your course. Super real ****.

As to the OP, you forgot about cell phones? They pretty much got you even without all that social media. Who goes anywhere or anything without looking it up on a phone most of the time?

And it's 4:20 mins long exactly

:wow: That scene at 2:00 is literally an exact scene from my life. Everything down to the stuff he was saying, us being in the car and him not paying attention to the road and philosophizing while eating chips, etc.. eerie :lol:

That dude makes hilarious videos.. this is another one that is :rofl:

For those who have dealt with dealers, you would get this ^ 100% lol

Ya white boy is comedy for sure


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Seeko dropped the knowledge and all y'all got is red-eye jokes. Man, they did it all so perfectly...push all this stuff in our faces and convince everyone that anybody who doesn't step in time is crazy or high beyond comprehension. Tell people that thinking for yourself is worthy of ridicule, and God forbid you augment your brain's natural thinking processes and open your perspective a bit. Bulletproof.

I'll def be watching this thread. Good show, serious participants.

I'm on day 11 of qutting burning, essentially to clear my head and get "smarter" for school and whatnot....but apparently I'm doing the complete opposite??
I quit for like a year...back in 08 after finishing undergrad. 

But for what I have no idea...
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ive thought about quitting, maybe a break really to get that tolerance on the low, but what's the point. the cost adds up tho.
What else would they be doing with the every increasing processing power of the phone.

Cameras on both sides.

Gyroscopes, GPS, and other Location Data

The fact that we still call these devices "phones" is art of the issue. They are much more than that in form and function.

We have become feedback devices via the "smartphone".

That data can be interpolated anyway. We are just used to seeing data in a 2d from of charts, graphs, pie charts etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a premium 3d version of the maps that the public use( google maps i.e.).

The hard part is out the way since don't have to worry about making something from scratch like a game developer would..

People never turn their phones off.
^ great post...even with the new consoles coming out...just look at the additional features included. 
Microsoft's aim from the begenning of the XBOX campaign was to "take over your living room" aka house. They blatently say this in conferences and interviews.

Just search it on Google.
"Always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler." I don't know how Orwell did it.
Microsoft's aim from the begenning of the XBOX campaign was to "take over your living room" aka house. They blatently say this in conferences and interviews.

Just search it on Google.

"This is your brain on the box.... This is my brain on the box...


-The Riddler

start @ 3:33

sub11m1na1s b3 runn1ng d33p
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I assume they've already done this or some other entity with the means has hacked all those sites and more to do that.
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