XXI Pics - Brought to you by GetHigh420

I would have posted earlier but i reached my post limit early in the day

They look like the IIs mixed with the new age pump
AIM: iNT4three

You can try n snatch my chain if you think you a stuntman,
I'll put u on hardbottoms like you workin' for 'Jumpman'//
not really feeling them they kinda look like the xvii a little bitt but they look :x
from those pics hope they change something
I definitley have a better first reaction to the XXI than I did for the XX. It looks like a good shoe, and I cant wait to see pics with more detail. It looks like there is a "shark tooth" on the inside of the shoe, and the top looks like the 17's for some reason. They definitley look good so far though.

Thanks for the pics gethigh420 and teamwhiteboy
Some of you guys REALLY are funny people. You have all sorts of negative thoughts from pics that are now confirmed not to be final pics and a bit blurred.

Many thanks to Team Billy White Dirk.. my man 100 Grand. This shoe will mark the REgeneration of the Jordan line with the actual LOOK of a Classic Basketball Shoe.

You guys are sooo used to a Jordan Shoe Not looking like other shoe's and being so far to the left or right.. you see a shoe that has classic line's and looks.. you give it a :x

Ok.. when this releases in it's SE, Low and Variation Color Schemes.. Non Fake of Course.. You will see the change in your minds eye.

Appreciate what your seeing now and just await the final Product when those Pics release as well. Also, just know when THOSE pics release.. there will be turmoil abound.

Also look out for the story behind the shoe....You always have the Marketing Story.. but then.. there is always a real one...

Marketing and Product Placement You Need Me.​
......Not Just A Sig.​
I would also like to know, now that we have seen a glimpse of the XXI, when are we going to see the XX S.E. because according to Alpha and Manposite, they do exist...
Anybody else thinking what I am think?



But I am still undecided.

Size 13 shoes for Sale: ALL DS - SIZE 13: Red II Low's, Blue II Low's, Pearl IX Low's, Black/Red XI I.E. Low, Grey Toe XIII's, Black/Red LBJ 2's, Knick Penny I's, White/Navy/Red H2K4's. Hit me up at [email protected] for pics!
Those pics were taken with a camera phone, I know who took them. That's an early sample, like was mentioned earlier. Everyone's screaming "Reebok knock-off" but since first glance, I never saw an "RBK ATR" look with this shoe. A better pic would kill off that impression with the quickness. The placement of materials tech used, blows everything out the water. As Meth said, it's only going uphill from here.
"I think if any man has to put on a front or lie about his stance, his position in life, to others over the internet, he's not being true to himself. He's not a man, and never was one." - CEO InSane
I remember that when the first pics of the XXs came out most of the people was saying "those look too futuristic, look awful, space boots, blah blah blah". And now I see a lot of complains because the XXI are too simple. |I

One thing is for sure, we need better pics. :D
really like the fact that this looks like a SHOE and not like some weird, futuristic design cramped into a shoe.

My thoughts exactly. No floating straps, no lace coverings that resemvle chain linked femces. This IMO maybe the best Jordan released in the series since the 16's.
Sac natives doing big things...uhh..outside of Sac. :lol:
Nice though. I appreciate the pics and the shoes look promising. Maybe I might wait for a coupon on these instead of the usual outlet fodder. :lol:

damn i guess my collection is going to go from one through twenty................i got all the new jays 15 through 20 and these right here have caused me to just retire them joints look like lugz........thankx jb im done now
Hospital days reflectin where my mans laid up
i see reeboks n basketball shoes that don't go wit jeans na that probably is reebok 21's or jordan needs haterfeild guy back
u know i think jb should give that to rbk and should have made the dubs the 21's cause that look like some iversons n g-units look at
itu can't wear those wit jeans there ball kicks but playing ball messes up ur kicks damn >:
NT yall must be madeif i was him i would apolgize
ehhhh....iono they do look like and-one's but later they probably will grow on me
"i walked in the crib...got two kids and my baby mama leave(uh oh, uh oh, uh oh)... so i had to did... what i had to did..cuz i had to get(duh ough,duh ough,duh ough)... im up all night... gettin my money right... until the blue and whites (po po,po po,po po)... now the money comin slow, but at least a ***** knows slow motion better than (no oh, no oh,no oh,no oh)"
-Common featuring Kanye West-The Food COME ON OVER TO MYSPACE
Alls I'ms a Saying is that not the Shoe I saw.
* Joerdan23 * vicentvega8523 * td n tn * AirJordan18 * CitrusGirl * JRock6820

I finally can post (cannot login at work). Anyway THNX alot for pix. I didn't think we could see them that early. I cannot really judge them , since pics are so small. They have some RBK and AND1 feel in them, however I really doubt JB would go that low with Air Jordan. I believe the details are what shoe is about.

From initial pix I liked AJXX (and love them, now) much more, but pics were much clearer. I hated and still hate XIX. XXI however - I give alot of potential. I want Jordans, that I can actually play basket ball in and not being worried about patent leather bieng scratched, straps to be torn etc.

I'm really 50/50 on these and I'm sure I'll be 100, when good pix will surface.

i want tinker back he made all the best air-jordans that everyone seem to love

just like mike jones

who D'Wayne Edwards?
''practice does make perfect''
those look sexy
You Got any of these size 9 thru 10: blk/red & flint XIXx, Neon AM 95, Jedi Dunk, XVII any color

you got any Jordans and I mean any Jordans sz 9-10.5 for under $100 I want em
AIM- youngmontana816
[email protected]
wow they really do look like ATR.
lots of people keep saying they will be different on realease but i've never seen a early sample look THAT different from a release.

as far as im concerned the LBJ3 early sample looks exactly like the release version so that XXI pic is probably pretty close
Thank you for the pics. Dude probably stuck his neck out just to show us these pics... so thank you.

The shoe looks good so far, shows a lot of promise. Can't wait to see more detailed pics so we can get a better sense of materials used and the character of the shoe.

Personally i like the XXs better but I hold the XXs in high regard (and i have since the first few pics surfaced).

In time NT will sweat these just like the XXs. Remember all the intial hate? Soon they will be on the bandwagon.
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