Yeah, the story of the game is buns and the way they delivered it doesn't help. It's just boring at times
I felt that they had the tools to make a good story, but the writing was pretty bad.
The actors, music, setting, set pieces, etc were good to me.
Three scenes that stuck out to me were when Micheal(black guy) was trying to save those chinese people. That made me cringe, but it had so much potential to be a great scene.
There's this elevator "cut" scene where the white guy that is not from the disney channel said something like "are you going to call so-and-so's wife to tell her the news" to the black guy. I'm thinking "y'all might not make it out of this fire fight but y'all planning out your weeks and ....
da fuq?
Then the bonding scene with the asian chick, the black guy, and white guy from disney channel.
So much wasted potential.
Can anyone explain to me if the kinect is worth buying when I get the Xbox One. I am planing on buying one soon.
From the info that I've received from this thread and other sites. The kinect 2 CURRENTLY is good for voice commands that make navigating the xb1 OS just a LITTLE bit easier. With all these OS updates that make the OS easier to use, the controller will most likely become just as fast to use to navigate the OS just like the kinect.
IMO there's nothing that entices me yet about the kinect 2.
If you want the kinect to enhance your games, kinect is not worth it yet.
All the kinect games that have come out look horrible.
Hopefully some games that actually make an effort to put the kinect to good use come out. If those types of games come out, I think the kinect would be worth it.
The 360 kinect was worthless. Right now kinect 2.0 is just showing more of the same laziness on the games side.
On the navigating-the-OS side, mainly good things are said about it.
Here's an informative video about your question.